2016-07-30 14:25:37 +00:00
2016-07-30 14:25:37 +00:00
2016-07-30 14:25:37 +00:00

$OpenBSD: README,v 1.45 2016/07/30 14:25:37 ajacoutot Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

ownCloud is installed under

Official documentation is available at:

Post-installation instructions

*** It is highly recommended to use SSL on the webserver (HTTPS).

ownCloud attempts to use the UTF-8 locale, which does not work by
default inside the /var/www chroot. This causes warning messages in
ownCloud's admin configuration page and logs. To prevent this problem,
run the following as root:
    # mkdir -p /var/www/usr/share/locale/UTF-8/
    # cp /usr/share/locale/UTF-8/LC_CTYPE \

OpenBSD HTTP daemon


Apache HTTPD
Apache configuration for ownCloud is stored under:

It needs to be enabled by running the following command after the apache-httpd
package is installed:
# ln -s ../modules.sample/httpd-owncloud.conf /var/www/conf/modules
# rcctl restart apache2

Default PHP values for Apache are set under:

OpenBSD HTTP daemon users can match these .htaccess file values by editing
${SYSCONFDIR}/php-${MODPHP_VERSION}.ini or ${SYSCONFDIR}/php-fpm.conf.

nginx users can match these .htaccess file values by configuring fastcgi_param
with a PHP_VALUE in ${SYSCONFDIR}/nginx/nginx.conf.

For enhanced performance, a PHP opcode cache can be used, either use "opcache"
(built-in to PHP 5.5+, enable "opcache.ini" to use it)
or install xcache.

Database configuration
See the following URL for setting up a database for ownCloud:

ownCloud can work with a PostgreSQL, MariaDB or SQLite3 database.
Support for SQLite3 is included with the main php package; to use
another database, the corresponding package needs to be installed
*before* setting up ownCloud:
    php-pdo_pgsql or php-pdo_mysql

Configuration file
Configuration is done under:
and the default "datadirectory" is set to:
When running chrooted, /var/www must be stripped from the paths.

Cron job
ownCloud needs to run background jobs on a regular basis. By default, it
will execute one task with each page loaded ("AJAX" option in the admin
interface). The prefered way is to use a cron(8) job instead.
(see https://<hostname>/owncloud/index.php/settings/admin#backgroundjobs)
*/15	*	*	*	*	/usr/bin/ftp -Vo - https://<hostname>/owncloud/cron.php >/dev/null

Memory caching
ownCloud server performance can be significantly improved with memory caching,
where frequently-requested objects are stored in memory for faster retrieval.
Distributed caching and Transactional File Locking is provided by Redis, an
in-memory data structure store.
More information and configuration example are available at:

You need a redis server running (available in the redis package) then adapt and
append the following to:

  'memcache.local' => '\OC\Memcache\Redis',
  'redis' => array(
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => 6379,
    'timeout' => 0.0,

Authentication backends
When using a non-default user authentication backend (LDAP, IMAP, ...),
extra packages may be needed (e.g. php-ldap, php-imap).

Finishing and validating the installation
Make sure the web server can resolve its hostname (e.g. if chrooted, by
creating /var/www/etc/hosts and/or /var/www/etc/resolv.conf).

Accessing https://<hostname>/owncloud with a Web browser will finish the
installation and create a new admin user.

Before updating to a new release, read:

When using a PostgreSQL or MariaDB, the corresponding MDB2 php package
must be installed to properly upgrade the database:
    php-pgsql or php-mysql

WebDAV access
The personal WebDAV share can be accessed using the following URL (e.g.
with Nautilus, Thunar or Doplhin) and the corresponding user and
password for the share:

The "owncloudclient" package (net/owncloudclient) is a graphical (QT)
application to synchronize with an ownCloud server.

Apps and dependencies
To keep dependencies to a minimum, not all dependencies for all
installed apps are enforced. It is the job of the administrator to
manually install required packages according to the non-default apps he
wants to enable.