# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.56 2013/03/21 08:45:13 ajacoutot Exp $ COMMENT= Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation DISTNAME= sox-14.4.1 SHARED_LIBS += sox 3.0 # .2.1 CATEGORIES= audio HOMEPAGE= http://sox.sourceforge.net/ MAINTAINER= Jan Stary # code is GPLv2+, however as opencore is under Apache License we must use # sox under the terms of GPLv3 to avoid license conflict. PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes MODULES= converters/libiconv WANTLIB += c m z sndio WANTLIB += ogg vorbis vorbisenc vorbisfile FLAC WANTLIB += opencore-amrnb opencore-amrwb WANTLIB += mad id3tag mp3lame twolame WANTLIB += wavpack gsm sndfile WANTLIB += magic png MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=sox/} # see CONFIGURE_ARGS below LIB_DEPENDS= \ devel/libmagic \ graphics/png \ audio/libmad \ audio/libid3tag \ audio/lame \ audio/twolame \ audio/libvorbis \ audio/flac \ audio/wavpack \ audio/libsndfile \ audio/opencore-amr \ audio/gsm USE_GROFF= Yes CONFIGURE_STYLE=gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS= ${CONFIGURE_SHARED} \ --datarootdir=${LOCALBASE} \ --disable-silent-libtool # Don't use modules CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--without-libltdl # Sound drivers CONFIGURE_ARGS+= \ --without-ao \ --without-oss \ --without-alsa \ --without-coreaudio \ --without-pulseaudio \ --without-waveaudio \ --without-sunaudio \ --with-sndio # Additional file formats CONFIGURE_ARGS+= \ --with-magic \ --with-png \ --without-ladspa \ --with-mad \ --with-id3tag \ --with-lame \ --with-twolame \ --with-oggvorbis \ --with-flac \ --with-amrwb \ --with-amrnb \ --with-wavpack \ --with-sndfile \ --without-ffmpeg \ --with-mp3 \ --with-gsm CONFIGURE_ENV= \ CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib" do-test: @cd ${WRKSRC}/src && ./tests.sh && ./testall.sh .include