#-*- mode: Makefile; tab-width: 4; -*- # ex:ts=4 sw=4 filetype=make: # $OpenBSD: bsd.port.mk,v 1.1080 2011/05/16 23:40:24 espie Exp $ # $FreeBSD: bsd.port.mk,v 1.264 1996/12/25 02:27:44 imp Exp $ # $NetBSD: bsd.port.mk,v 1.62 1998/04/09 12:47:02 hubertf Exp $ # # bsd.port.mk - 940820 Jordan K. Hubbard. # This file is in the public domain. # Each port has a MAINTAINER, which is the email address(es) of the person(s) # to contact if you have questions/suggestions about that specific port. # To obtain that address, just type # make show=MAINTAINER # in the specific port's directory. # # The ports@openbsd.org address is the `default' MAINTAINER (the generic # OpenBSD ports mailing-list). # Enquiries as to the bsd.port.mk framework should usually be directed # to ports@openbsd.org. .if ${.MAKEFLAGS:MFLAVOR=*} ERRORS += "Fatal: Use 'env FLAVOR=${FLAVOR} ${MAKE}' instead." .endif .if ${.MAKEFLAGS:MSUBPACKAGE=*} ERRORS += "Fatal: Use 'env SUBPACKAGE=${SUBPACKAGE} ${MAKE}' instead." .endif .for v in PKGREPOSITORY PKGREPOSITORYBASE CDROM_PACKAGES FTP_PACKAGES SED_PLIST . if defined($v) ERRORS += "Fatal: Variable $v is obsolete, use PACKAGE_REPOSITORY instead." . endif .endfor .for t in do-fetch . if target(do-fetch) ERRORS += "Fatal: you're not allowed to override $t" . endif .endfor # The definitive source of documentation to this file's user-visible parts # is bsd.port.mk(5). # # Any variable or target starting with an underscore (e.g., _DEPEND_ECHO) # is internal to bsd.port.mk, not part of the user's API, and liable to # change without notice. # # # Variables to change if you want a special behavior: # # DEPENDS_TARGET - The target to execute when a port is calling a # dependency (default: "install"). # # Default sequence for "all" is: fetch checksum extract patch configure build # # Please read the comments in the targets section below, you # should be able to use the pre-* or post-* targets (which # are available for every stage except checksum) or provide # an overriding do-* target to do pretty much anything you # want. # # For historical reasons, the distpatch target is a subtarget of patch. # If you provide a do-patch, you MUST call distpatch explicitly. # The sequence of hooks actually run is: # # pre-patch `real distpatch' post-distpatch `real patch' post-patch # # User settings TRUST_PACKAGES ?= No FETCH_PACKAGES ?= No CLEANDEPENDS ?= No USE_SYSTRACE ?= No BULK ?= No RECURSIVE_FETCH_LIST ?= No WRKDIR_LINKNAME ?= _FETCH_MAKEFILE ?= /dev/stdout .if ${USE_SYSTRACE:L} == "yes" WRKOBJDIR ?!= readlink -fn ${PORTSDIR}/pobj .else WRKOBJDIR ?= ${PORTSDIR}/pobj .endif FAKEOBJDIR ?= BULK_TARGETS ?= BULK_DO ?= CHECK_LIB_DEPENDS ?= No FORCE_UPDATE ?= No DPB ?= All Fetch _SHSCRIPT = sh ${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/bin _PERLSCRIPT = perl ${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/bin # All variables relevant to the port's description _ALL_VARIABLES = BUILD_DEPENDS IS_INTERACTIVE \ SUBPACKAGE MULTI_PACKAGES # and stuff needing to be MULTI_PACKAGE'd _ALL_VARIABLES_INDEXED = FULLPKGNAME RUN_DEPENDS LIB_DEPENDS \ PKG_ARCH IGNORE _ALL_VARIABLES_PER_ARCH = .if ${DPB:L:Mfetch} _ALL_VARIABLES += DISTFILES PATCHFILES SUPDISTFILES DIST_SUBDIR MASTER_SITES \ MASTER_SITES0 MASTER_SITES1 MASTER_SITES2 MASTER_SITES3 MASTER_SITES4 \ MASTER_SITES5 MASTER_SITES6 MASTER_SITES7 MASTER_SITES8 MASTER_SITES9 \ CHECKSUM_FILE FETCH_MANUALLY .endif .if ${DPB:L:Mall} _ALL_VARIABLES += HOMEPAGE DISTNAME \ BROKEN COMES_WITH \ REGRESS_DEPENDS USE_GMAKE USE_GROFF MODULES FLAVORS \ NO_BUILD NO_REGRESS SHARED_ONLY PSEUDO_FLAVORS \ REGRESS_IS_INTERACTIVE \ PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP \ CONFIGURE_STYLE USE_LIBTOOL SEPARATE_BUILD \ SHARED_LIBS TARGETS \ MAINTAINER AUTOCONF_VERSION AUTOMAKE_VERSION CONFIGURE_ARGS _ALL_VARIABLES_PER_ARCH += BROKEN # and stuff needing to be MULTI_PACKAGE'd _ALL_VARIABLES_INDEXED += COMMENT PKGNAME \ ONLY_FOR_ARCHS NOT_FOR_ARCHS PKGSPEC \ PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM WANTLIB CATEGORIES DESCR \ EPOCH REVISION .endif # special purpose user settings PATCH_CHECK_ONLY ?= No REFETCH ?= false # Constants used by the ports tree ARCH ?!= uname -m ALL_ARCHS = alpha amd64 arm armish arm hppa hppa64 i386 landisk \ loongson luna88k m68k m88k mac68k macppc mips64 mips64el \ mvme68k mvme88k mvmeppc palm sgi socppc sparc sparc64 vax zaurus # not all powerpc have apm(4), hence the use of macppc APM_ARCHS = amd64 arm i386 loongson macppc sparc sparc64 LP64_ARCHS = alpha amd64 hppa64 sparc64 mips64 mips64el NO_SHARED_ARCHS = m88k vax GCC4_ARCHS = amd64 i386 hppa loongson macppc mips64 mips64el mvmeppc powerpc \ sgi socppc sparc64 GCC3_ARCHS = alpha arm armish beagle gumstix hppa64 \ landisk palm sh zaurus GCC2_ARCHS = aviion luna88k m68k m88k mac68k mvme68k mvme88k sparc vax # Set NO_SHARED_LIBS for those machines that don't support shared libraries. .for _m in ${MACHINE_ARCH} . if !empty(NO_SHARED_ARCHS:M${_m}) NO_SHARED_LIBS ?= Yes . endif .endfor NO_SHARED_LIBS ?= No # Global path locations. PORTSDIR ?= /usr/ports LOCALBASE ?= /usr/local X11BASE ?= /usr/X11R6 DISTDIR ?= ${PORTSDIR}/distfiles BULK_COOKIES_DIR ?= ${PORTSDIR}/bulk/${MACHINE_ARCH} UPDATE_COOKIES_DIR ?= ${PORTSDIR}/update/${MACHINE_ARCH} TEMPLATES ?= ${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/templates PLIST_DB ?= ${PORTSDIR}/plist/${MACHINE_ARCH} PACKAGE_REPOSITORY ?= ${PORTSDIR}/packages # local path locations .include "${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/mk/pkgpath.mk" WRKOBJDIR_${PKGPATH} ?= ${WRKOBJDIR} FAKEOBJDIR_${PKGPATH} ?= ${FAKEOBJDIR} BULK_${PKGPATH} ?= ${BULK} BULK_TARGETS_${PKGPATH} ?= ${BULK_TARGETS} BULK_DO_${PKGPATH} ?= ${BULK_DO} CLEANDEPENDS_${PKGPATH} ?= ${CLEANDEPENDS} # Commands and command settings. PKG_DBDIR ?= /var/db/pkg FTP_KEEPALIVE ?= 0 PROGRESS_METER ?= Yes .if ${PROGRESS_METER:L} == "yes" _PROGRESS = -m .else _PROGRESS = .endif FETCH_CMD ?= /usr/bin/ftp -V ${_PROGRESS} -k ${FTP_KEEPALIVE} PKG_TMPDIR ?= /var/tmp PKGDB_LOCK ?= PKG_ADD ?= /usr/sbin/pkg_add PKG_INFO ?= /usr/sbin/pkg_info PKG_CREATE ?= /usr/sbin/pkg_create PKG_DELETE ?= /usr/sbin/pkg_delete _PKG_ADD = ${PKG_ADD} ${_PROGRESS} _PKG_CREATE = ${PKG_CREATE} ${_PROGRESS} _PKG_DELETE = ${PKG_DELETE} ${_PROGRESS} _PKG_QUERY = ${PKG_INFO} ${PKGDB_LOCK} -e _PKG_ADD += ${PKG_DBLOCK} _PKG_CREATE += ${PKGDB_LOCK} _PKG_DELETE += ${PKGDB_LOCK} # remount those mount points ro before fake. # XXX tends to panic the OS PROTECT_MOUNT_POINTS ?= .if exists(${.CURDIR}/../Makefile.inc) .include "${.CURDIR}/../Makefile.inc" .endif .if !defined(PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM) || !defined(PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP) || \ !defined(PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM) || !defined(PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP) ERRORS += "The licensing info for ${FULLPKGNAME} is incomplete." ERRORS += "Please notify the OpenBSD port maintainer:" ERRORS += " ${MAINTAINER}" _BAD_LICENSING = Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = No PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM = No PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP = No PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP = No .endif .if defined(verbose-show) .MAIN: verbose-show .elif defined(show) .MAIN: show .elif defined(clean) .MAIN: clean .elif defined(_internal-clean) clean = ${_internal-clean} .MAIN: _internal-clean .else .MAIN: all .endif # need to go through an extra var because clean is set in stone, # on the cmdline. _clean = ${clean} .if empty(_clean) || ${_clean:L} == "depends" _clean += work .endif .if ${_clean:L:Mall} _clean += work build packages plist .endif .if ${CLEANDEPENDS_${PKGPATH}:L} == "yes" _clean += depends .endif .if ${_clean:L:Mwork} || ${_clean:L:Mbuild} _clean += fake .endif .if ${_clean:L:Mforce} _clean += -f .endif # check that clean is clean _okay_words = depends work fake -f flavors dist install sub packages package \ readmes bulk force plist build all .for _w in ${_clean:L} . if !${_okay_words:M${_w}} ERRORS += "Fatal: unknown clean command: ${_w}\n(not in ${_okay_words})" . endif .endfor NOMANCOMPRESS ?= Yes DEF_UMASK ?= 022 .if exists(${.CURDIR}/Makefile.${ARCH}) .include "${.CURDIR}/Makefile.${ARCH}" .elif exists(${.CURDIR}/Makefile.${MACHINE_ARCH}) .include "${.CURDIR}/Makefile.${MACHINE_ARCH}" .endif # MODULES support # reserved name spaces: for module=NAME, modname*, _modname* variables and # targets. # These variables must be defined before modules CONFIGURE_STYLE ?= NO_DEPENDS ?= No NO_BUILD ?= No NO_REGRESS ?= No INSTALL_TARGET ?= install .if ${CONFIGURE_STYLE:L:Mautomake} || ${CONFIGURE_STYLE:L:Mautoconf} || \ ${CONFIGURE_STYLE:L:Mautoupdate} . if !${CONFIGURE_STYLE:L:Mgnu} CONFIGURE_STYLE += gnu . endif .endif .for _i in perl gnu imake . if ${CONFIGURE_STYLE:L:M${_i}} MODULES += ${_i} . endif .endfor .if defined(MODULES) _MODULES_DONE = . include "${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/mk/modules.port.mk" .endif ### ### Variable setup that can happen after modules ### # some introspection TARGETS = .for _t in extract patch distpatch configure build fake install . for _s in pre do post . if target(${_s}-${_t}) TARGETS += ${_s}-${_t} . endif . endfor .endfor .for _t in post-patch pre-configure configure pre-fake pre-install . for _m in ${MODULES:T:U} . if defined(MOD${_m}_${_t}) TARGETS += MOD${_m}_${_t} . endif . endfor .endfor .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} != ${ARCH} PKG_ARCH ?= ${MACHINE_ARCH},${ARCH} .else PKG_ARCH ?= ${MACHINE_ARCH} .endif SHARED_ONLY ?= No SEPARATE_BUILD ?= No DIST_SUBDIR ?= .if !empty(DIST_SUBDIR) FULLDISTDIR ?= ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR} .else FULLDISTDIR ?= ${DISTDIR} .endif .if exists(${.CURDIR}/patches.${ARCH}) PATCHDIR ?= ${.CURDIR}/patches.${ARCH} .elif exists(${.CURDIR}/patches.${MACHINE_ARCH}) PATCHDIR ?= ${.CURDIR}/patches.${MACHINE_ARCH} .else PATCHDIR ?= ${.CURDIR}/patches .endif PATCH_LIST ?= patch-* .if exists(${.CURDIR}/files.${ARCH}) FILESDIR ?= ${.CURDIR}/files.${ARCH} .elif exists(${.CURDIR}/files.${MACHINE_ARCH}) FILESDIR ?= ${.CURDIR}/files.${MACHINE_ARCH} .else FILESDIR ?= ${.CURDIR}/files .endif .if exists(${.CURDIR}/pkg.${ARCH}) PKGDIR ?= ${.CURDIR}/pkg.${ARCH} .elif exists(${.CURDIR}/pkg.${MACHINE_ARCH}) PKGDIR ?= ${.CURDIR}/pkg.${MACHINE_ARCH} .else PKGDIR ?= ${.CURDIR}/pkg .endif PREFIX ?= ${LOCALBASE} TRUEPREFIX ?= ${PREFIX} DESTDIRNAME ?= DESTDIR DESTDIR ?= ${WRKINST} MAKE_FLAGS ?= FAKE_FLAGS ?= LIBTOOL_FLAGS ?= # where configuration files should go SYSCONFDIR ?= /etc RCDIR ?= /etc/rc.d USE_GMAKE ?= No .if ${USE_GMAKE:L} == "yes" BUILD_DEPENDS += devel/gmake MAKE_PROGRAM = ${GMAKE} CONFIGURE_ENV += MAKE=${MAKE_PROGRAM} .else MAKE_PROGRAM = ${MAKE} .endif USE_LIBTOOL ?= No _lt_libs = .if ${USE_LIBTOOL:L} != "no" . if ${USE_LIBTOOL:L} == "gnu" LIBTOOL ?= ${DEPBASE}/bin/libtool BUILD_DEPENDS += devel/libtool . else LIBTOOL ?= ${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/bin/libtool MAKE_ENV += PORTSDIR="${PORTSDIR}" . endif CONFIGURE_ENV += LIBTOOL="${LIBTOOL} ${LIBTOOL_FLAGS}" ${_lt_libs} MAKE_ENV += LIBTOOL="${LIBTOOL} ${LIBTOOL_FLAGS}" ${_lt_libs} MAKE_FLAGS += LIBTOOL="${LIBTOOL} ${LIBTOOL_FLAGS}" ${_lt_libs} .endif MAKE_FLAGS += SHARED_LIBS_LOG=${WRKBUILD}/shared_libs.log ALL_FAKE_FLAGS= ${MAKE_FLAGS} ${DESTDIRNAME}=${WRKINST} ${FAKE_FLAGS} PARALLEL_BUILD ?= Yes PARALLEL_INSTALL ?= ${PARALLEL_BUILD} MAKE_JOBS ?= 1 .if ${MAKE_JOBS} != 1 . if ${PARALLEL_BUILD:L} == "yes" MAKE_FLAGS += -j${MAKE_JOBS} . endif . if ${PARALLEL_INSTALL:L} == "yes" ALL_FAKE_FLAGS += -j${MAKE_JOBS} . endif .endif .if !defined(MULTI_PACKAGES) || empty(MULTI_PACKAGES) # XXX let's cheat so we always have MULTI_PACKAGES MULTI_PACKAGES = - SUBPACKAGE ?= - .else SUBPACKAGE ?= -main .endif _MULTI_PACKAGES = REVISION ?= EPOCH ?= .for _s in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} REVISION${_s} ?= ${REVISION} EPOCH${_s} ?= ${EPOCH} # ONLY_FOR_ARCHS/NOT_FOR_ARCHS are special . if defined(ONLY_FOR_ARCHS) ONLY_FOR_ARCHS${_s} ?= ${ONLY_FOR_ARCHS} . endif . if defined(NOT_FOR_ARCHS) NOT_FOR_ARCHS${_s} ?= ${NOT_FOR_ARCHS} . endif IGNORE${_s} ?= IGNORE${_s} += ${IGNORE} # compute _ARCH_OK for ignore . if defined(ONLY_FOR_ARCHS${_s}) _ARCH_OK = 0 . for __ARCH in ${MACHINE_ARCH} ${ARCH} . if !empty(ONLY_FOR_ARCHS${_s}:M${__ARCH}) _ARCH_OK = 1 . endif . endfor . if ${_ARCH_OK} == 0 . if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "${ARCH}" IGNORE${_s} += "is only for ${ONLY_FOR_ARCHS${_s}}, not ${MACHINE_ARCH}" . else IGNORE${_s} += "is only for ${ONLY_FOR_ARCHS${_s}}, not ${MACHINE_ARCH} \(${ARCH}\)" . endif . endif . endif . if defined(NOT_FOR_ARCHS${_s}) . for __ARCH in ${MACHINE_ARCH} ${ARCH} . if !empty(NOT_FOR_ARCHS${_s}:M${__ARCH}) IGNORE${_s} += "is not for ${NOT_FOR_ARCHS${_s}}" . endif . endfor . endif # allow subpackages to vanish on architectures that don't # support them . if empty(IGNORE${_s}) _MULTI_PACKAGES += ${_s} . endif .endfor FLAVOR ?= FLAVORS ?= PSEUDO_FLAVORS ?= FLAVORS += ${PSEUDO_FLAVORS} .if !empty(FLAVORS:L:Mregress) && empty(FLAVOR:L:Mregress) NO_REGRESS = Yes .endif .if empty(SUBPACKAGE) ERRORS += "Fatal: empty SUBPACKAGE is invalid." .else . for _i in ${SUBPACKAGE} . if empty(MULTI_PACKAGES:M${_i}) ERRORS += "Fatal: Subpackage ${SUBPACKAGE} does not exist." . endif . endfor .endif .if !empty(MULTI_PACKAGES:N-*) ERRORS += "Fatal: SUBPACKAGES should always begin with -: ${MULTI_PACKAGES:N-*}." .endif # Build FLAVOR_EXT, checking that no flavors are misspelled FLAVOR_EXT := BASE_PKGPATH := ${PKGPATH} # _FLAVOR_EXT2 is used internally for working directories. # It encodes flavors and pseudo-flavors. _FLAVOR_EXT2 := BUILD_PKGPATH := ${PKGPATH} _PKG_ARGS = _README_DIR = ${LOCALBASE}/share/doc/pkg-readmes # (applies only to PLIST for now) .if !empty(FLAVORS) . for _i in ${FLAVORS:L} . if empty(FLAVOR:L:M${_i}) _PKG_ARGS += -D${_i}=0 . else _FLAVOR_EXT2 := ${_FLAVOR_EXT2}-${_i} BUILD_PKGPATH := ${BUILD_PKGPATH},${_i} . if empty(PSEUDO_FLAVORS:L:M${_i}) FLAVOR_EXT := ${FLAVOR_EXT}-${_i} BASE_PKGPATH := ${BASE_PKGPATH},${_i} . endif _PKG_ARGS += -D${_i}=1 . endif . endfor .endif .if ${NO_SHARED_LIBS:L} == "yes" _PKG_ARGS += -DSHARED_LIBS=0 .else _PKG_ARGS += -DSHARED_LIBS=1 .endif .if !empty(FLAVORS:M[0-9]*) ERRORS += "Fatal: flavor should never start with a digit" .endif .if !empty(FLAVOR) . if !empty(FLAVORS) . for _i in ${FLAVOR:L} . if empty(FLAVORS:L:M${_i}) ERRORS += "Fatal: Unknown flavor: ${_i}" ERRORS += " (Possible flavors are: ${FLAVORS})." . endif . endfor . else ERRORS += "Fatal: no flavors for this port." . endif .endif USE_GROFF ?= No .if ${USE_GROFF:L} == "yes" BUILD_DEPENDS += textproc/groff>=1.21 _PKG_ARGS += -DUSE_GROFF=1 .endif PKG_SUFX ?= .tgz PKGNAME ?= ${DISTNAME} FULLPKGNAME ?= ${PKGNAME}${FLAVOR_EXT} _MASTER ?= _SOLVING_DEP ?= No _READMES = .if ${MULTI_PACKAGES} == "-" # XXX "parse" FULLPKGNAME: is there a flavor after the version number . if ${FULLPKGNAME:M*-[0-9]*-*} . if !empty(REVISION) # XXX simplest way is to alter FULLPKGNAME in place, even though := is evil... FULLPKGNAME := ${FULLPKGNAME:C/-([0-9][^-]*)-/-\1p${REVISION}-/} . endif . if !empty(EPOCH) FULLPKGNAME := ${FULLPKGNAME:C/-([0-9][^-]*)-/-\1v${EPOCH}-/} . endif . else . if !empty(REVISION) FULLPKGNAME := ${FULLPKGNAME}p${REVISION} . endif . if !empty(EPOCH) FULLPKGNAME := ${FULLPKGNAME}v${EPOCH} . endif . endif PKGSPEC ?= ${FULLPKGNAME:C/-[0-9].*/-*/} PKGSPEC- = ${PKGSPEC} FULLPKGNAME- = ${FULLPKGNAME} _READMES += ${READMES_TOP}/${PKGPATH}/${FULLPKGNAME}.html .else . for _s in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} . if defined(FULLPKGNAME${_s}) . if !defined(FULLPKGPATH${_s}) && "${FLAVORS}" != " ${PSEUDO_FLAVORS}" ERRORS += "Warning: FULLPKGNAME${_s} defined but no FULLPKGPATH${_s}" . endif . else . if defined(PKGNAME${_s}) FULLPKGNAME${_s} = ${PKGNAME${_s}}${FLAVOR_EXT} . else FULLPKGNAME${_s} = ${PKGNAME}${_s}${FLAVOR_EXT} . endif . endif # XXX see comments above for !MULTI_PACKAGES case . if ${FULLPKGNAME${_s}:M*-[0-9]*-*} . if !empty(REVISION${_s}) FULLPKGNAME${_s} := ${FULLPKGNAME${_s}:C/-([0-9][^-]*)-/-\1p${REVISION${_s}}-/} . endif . if !empty(EPOCH${_s}) FULLPKGNAME${_s} := ${FULLPKGNAME${_s}:C/-([0-9][^-]*)-/-\1v${EPOCH${_s}}-/} . endif . else . if !empty(REVISION${_s}) FULLPKGNAME${_s} := ${FULLPKGNAME${_s}}p${REVISION${_s}} . endif . if !empty(EPOCH${_s}) FULLPKGNAME${_s} := ${FULLPKGNAME${_s}}v${EPOCH${_s}} . endif . endif PKGSPEC${_s} ?= ${FULLPKGNAME${_s}:C/-[0-9].*/-*/} _READMES += ${READMES_TOP}/${PKGPATH}/${FULLPKGNAME${_s}}.html . endfor .endif _SYSTRACE_COOKIE = ${WRKDIR}/systrace.policy _WRKDIR_COOKIE = ${WRKDIR}/.extract_started _EXTRACT_COOKIE = ${WRKDIR}/.extract_done _PATCH_COOKIE = ${WRKDIR}/.patch_done _DISTPATCH_COOKIE = ${WRKDIR}/.distpatch_done _PREPATCH_COOKIE = ${WRKDIR}/.prepatch_done _BULK_COOKIE = ${BULK_COOKIES_DIR}/${FULLPKGNAME} _FAKE_COOKIE = ${WRKINST}/.fake_done _INSTALL_PRE_COOKIE = ${WRKINST}/.install_started _UPDATE_COOKIES = _FUPDATE_COOKIES = _INSTALL_COOKIES = .for _S in ${_MULTI_PACKAGES} . if !empty(UPDATE_COOKIES_DIR) _UPDATE_COOKIE${_S} = ${UPDATE_COOKIES_DIR}/${FULLPKGNAME${_S}} _FUPDATE_COOKIE${_S} = ${UPDATE_COOKIES_DIR}/F${FULLPKGNAME${_S}} . else _UPDATE_COOKIE${_S} = ${WRKDIR}/.update_${FULLPKGNAME${_S}} _FUPDATE_COOKIE${_S} = ${WRKDIR}/.fupdate_${FULLPKGNAME${_S}} . endif _INSTALL_COOKIE${_S} = ${PKG_DBDIR}/${FULLPKGNAME${_S}}/+CONTENTS _UPDATE_COOKIES += ${_UPDATE_COOKIE${_S}} _FUPDATE_COOKIES += ${_FUPDATE_COOKIE${_S}} _INSTALL_COOKIES += ${_INSTALL_COOKIE${_S}} .endfor .if ${SEPARATE_BUILD:L} != "no" _CONFIGURE_COOKIE = ${WRKBUILD}/.configure_done _BUILD_COOKIE = ${WRKBUILD}/.build_done _REGRESS_COOKIE = ${WRKBUILD}/.regress_done .else _CONFIGURE_COOKIE = ${WRKDIR}/.configure_done _BUILD_COOKIE = ${WRKDIR}/.build_done _REGRESS_COOKIE = ${WRKDIR}/.regress_done .endif _ALL_COOKIES = ${_EXTRACT_COOKIE} ${_PATCH_COOKIE} ${_CONFIGURE_COOKIE} \ ${_INSTALL_PRE_COOKIE} ${_BUILD_COOKIE} ${_REGRESS_COOKIE} \ ${_SYSTRACE_COOKIE} ${_PACKAGE_COOKIES} \ ${_DISTPATCH_COOKIE} ${_PREPATCH_COOKIE} ${_FAKE_COOKIE} \ ${_WRKDIR_COOKIE} ${_DEPBUILD_COOKIES} \ ${_DEPRUN_COOKIES} ${_DEPREGRESS_COOKIES} ${_UPDATE_COOKIES} \ ${_DEPBUILDLIB_COOKIES} ${_DEPRUNLIB_COOKIES} \ ${_DEPBUILDWANTLIB_COOKIE} ${_DEPRUNWANTLIB_COOKIE} ${_DEPLIBSPECS_COOKIES} _MAKE_COOKIE = touch # Miscellaneous overridable commands: GMAKE ?= gmake CHECKSUM_FILE ?= ${.CURDIR}/distinfo # Don't touch !!! Used for generating checksums. _CIPHERS = sha256 sha1 rmd160 md5 # This is the one you can override PREFERRED_CIPHERS ?= ${_CIPHERS} PORTPATH ?= ${WRKDIR}/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:${DEPBASE}/bin:${LOCALBASE}/bin:${X11BASE}/bin # Add any COPTS to CFLAGS. Note: programs that use imake do not # use CFLAGS! Also, many (most?) ports hard code CFLAGS, ignoring # what we pass in. .if defined(COPTS) CFLAGS += ${COPTS} .endif .if defined(CXXOPTS) CXXFLAGS += ${CXXOPTS} .endif .if defined(WARNINGS) && ${WARNINGS:L} == "yes" . if defined(CDIAGFLAGS) CFLAGS += ${CDIAGFLAGS} . endif . if defined(CXXDIAGFLAGS) CXXFLAGS += ${CXXDIAGFLAGS} . endif .endif MAKE_FILE ?= Makefile PORTHOME ?= /${PKGNAME}_writes_to_HOME MAKE_ENV += PATH='${PORTPATH}' PREFIX='${PREFIX}' \ LOCALBASE='${LOCALBASE}' DEPBASE='${DEPBASE}' X11BASE='${X11BASE}' \ CFLAGS='${CFLAGS:C/ *$//}' \ TRUEPREFIX='${PREFIX}' ${DESTDIRNAME}='' \ HOME='${PORTHOME}' DISTORIG ?= .bak.orig PATCH ?= /usr/bin/patch PATCHORIG ?= .orig PATCH_STRIP ?= -p0 PATCH_DIST_STRIP ?= -p0 PATCH_DEBUG ?= No .if ${PATCH_DEBUG:L} != "no" PATCH_ARGS ?= -d ${WRKDIST} -z ${PATCHORIG} -E ${PATCH_STRIP} PATCH_DIST_ARGS ?= -z ${DISTORIG} -d ${WRKDIST} -E ${PATCH_DIST_STRIP} .else PATCH_ARGS ?= -d ${WRKDIST} -z ${PATCHORIG} --forward --quiet -E ${PATCH_STRIP} PATCH_DIST_ARGS ?= -z ${DISTORIG} -d ${WRKDIST} --forward --quiet -E \ ${PATCH_DIST_STRIP} .endif .if ${PATCH_CHECK_ONLY:L} == "yes" PATCH_ARGS += -C PATCH_DIST_ARGS += -C .endif TAR ?= /bin/tar UNZIP ?= unzip BZIP2 ?= bzip2 # copy selected info from bsd.own.mk MAKE_ENV += ELF_TOOLCHAIN=${ELF_TOOLCHAIN} COMPILER_VERSION=${COMPILER_VERSION} \ PICFLAG=${PICFLAG} ASPICFLAG=${ASPICFLAG} \ BINGRP=bin BINOWN=root BINMODE=555 NONBINMODE=444 DIRMODE=755 \ INSTALL_COPY=-c INSTALL_STRIP=${INSTALL_STRIP} \ MANGRP=bin MANOWN=root MANMODE=444 .if defined(NOPIC) MAKE_ENV += NOPIC=${NOPIC} .endif .if !empty(FAKEOBJDIR_${PKGPATH}) WRKINST ?= ${FAKEOBJDIR_${PKGPATH}}/${PKGNAME}${_FLAVOR_EXT2} .else WRKINST ?= ${WRKDIR}/fake-${ARCH}${_FLAVOR_EXT2} .endif .if !empty(WRKOBJDIR_${PKGPATH}) . if ${SEPARATE_BUILD:L:Mflavored} WRKDIR ?= ${WRKOBJDIR_${PKGPATH}}/${PKGNAME} . else WRKDIR ?= ${WRKOBJDIR_${PKGPATH}}/${PKGNAME}${_FLAVOR_EXT2} . endif .else . if ${SEPARATE_BUILD:L:Mflavored} WRKDIR ?= ${.CURDIR}/w-${PKGNAME} . else WRKDIR ?= ${.CURDIR}/w-${PKGNAME}${_FLAVOR_EXT2} . endif .endif WRKDIST ?= ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME} WRKSRC ?= ${WRKDIST} .if ${SEPARATE_BUILD:L} != "no" WRKBUILD ?= ${WRKDIR}/build-${MACHINE_ARCH}${_FLAVOR_EXT2} .else WRKBUILD ?= ${WRKSRC} .endif WRKCONF ?= ${WRKBUILD} ALL_TARGET ?= all FAKE_TARGET ?= ${INSTALL_TARGET} REGRESS_TARGET ?= regress REGRESS_FLAGS ?= ALL_REGRESS_FLAGS = ${MAKE_FLAGS} ${REGRESS_FLAGS} REGRESS_LOGFILE ?= ${WRKDIR}/regress.log REGRESS_LOG ?= | tee ${REGRESS_LOGFILE} REGRESS_STATUS_IGNORE ?= .if defined(REGRESS_IS_INTERACTIVE) && ${REGRESS_IS_INTERACTIVE:L} == "x11" REGRESS_FLAGS += DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} XAUTHORITY=${XAUTHORITY} XAUTHORITY ?= ${HOME}/.Xauthority .endif _PACKAGE_COOKIE_DEPS=${_FAKE_COOKIE} .for _s in ${_MULTI_PACKAGES} PKGNAMES += ${FULLPKGNAME${_s}} .endfor .for _s in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} . for _v in PKG_ARCH PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM \ RUN_DEPENDS WANTLIB LIB_DEPENDS PREFIX CATEGORIES ${_v}${_s} ?= ${${_v}} . endfor .endfor .for _s in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} . for _v in MESSAGE UNMESSAGE DESCR PLIST . if defined(${_v}) ${_v}${_s} ?= ${${_v}} . endif . endfor .endfor _PACKAGE_LINKS = NO_ARCH ?= no-arch _PKG_REPO = ${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${MACHINE_ARCH}/all/ _TMP_REPO = ${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${MACHINE_ARCH}/tmp/ _CACHE_REPO = ${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${MACHINE_ARCH}/cache/ PKGFILE = ${_PKG_REPO}${_PKGFILE${SUBPACKAGE}} .for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} _PKGFILE${_S} = ${FULLPKGNAME${_S}}${PKG_SUFX} . if ${PKG_ARCH${_S}} == "*" && ${NO_ARCH} != ${MACHINE_ARCH}/all _PACKAGE_COOKIE${_S} = ${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${NO_ARCH}/${_PKGFILE${_S}} . else _PACKAGE_COOKIE${_S} = ${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${MACHINE_ARCH}/all/${_PKGFILE${_S}} . endif .endfor .for _S in ${_MULTI_PACKAGES} . if ${PKG_ARCH${_S}} == "*" && ${NO_ARCH} != ${MACHINE_ARCH}/all _PACKAGE_LINKS += ${MACHINE_ARCH}/all/${_PKGFILE${_S}} ${NO_ARCH}/${_PKGFILE${_S}} _PACKAGE_COOKIES${_S} += ${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${MACHINE_ARCH}/all/${_PKGFILE${_S}} . endif _PACKAGE_COOKIES${_S} += ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${_S}} . if ${PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP${_S}:L} == "yes" _PACKAGE_COOKIES${_S} += ${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${MACHINE_ARCH}/ftp/${_PKGFILE${_S}} _PACKAGE_LINKS += ${MACHINE_ARCH}/ftp/${_PKGFILE${_S}} ${MACHINE_ARCH}/all/${_PKGFILE${_S}} . endif . if ${PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM${_S}:L} == "yes" _PACKAGE_COOKIES${_S} += ${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${MACHINE_ARCH}/cdrom/${_PKGFILE${_S}} _PACKAGE_LINKS += ${MACHINE_ARCH}/cdrom/${_PKGFILE${_S}} ${MACHINE_ARCH}/all/${_PKGFILE${_S}} . endif _PACKAGE_COOKIES += ${_PACKAGE_COOKIES${_S}} _PACKAGE_COOKIE += ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${_S}} PKGFILE${_S} = ${_PKG_REPO}${_PKGFILE${_S}} .endfor .if empty(SUBPACKAGE) || ${SUBPACKAGE} == "-" FULLPKGPATH ?= ${PKGPATH}${FLAVOR_EXT:S/-/,/g} FULLPKGPATH- = ${FULLPKGPATH} _ALLPKGPATHS = ${FULLPKGPATH} .else _ALLPKGPATHS = ${PKGPATH}${FLAVOR_EXT:S/-/,/g} . for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} FULLPKGPATH${_S} ?= ${PKGPATH},${_S}${FLAVOR_EXT:S/-/,/g} _ALLPKGPATHS += ${FULLPKGPATH${_S}} . endfor FULLPKGPATH = ${FULLPKGPATH${SUBPACKAGE}} .endif # A few aliases for *-install targets INSTALL_PROGRAM = \ ${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_COPY} ${INSTALL_STRIP} -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m ${BINMODE} INSTALL_SCRIPT = \ ${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_COPY} -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m ${BINMODE} INSTALL_DATA = \ ${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_COPY} -o ${SHAREOWN} -g ${SHAREGRP} -m ${SHAREMODE} INSTALL_MAN = \ ${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_COPY} -o ${MANOWN} -g ${MANGRP} -m ${MANMODE} INSTALL_PROGRAM_DIR = \ ${INSTALL} -d -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m ${DIRMODE} INSTALL_SCRIPT_DIR = \ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM_DIR} INSTALL_DATA_DIR = \ ${INSTALL} -d -o ${SHAREOWN} -g ${SHAREGRP} -m ${DIRMODE} INSTALL_MAN_DIR = \ ${INSTALL} -d -o ${MANOWN} -g ${MANGRP} -m ${DIRMODE} _INSTALL_MACROS = BSD_INSTALL_PROGRAM="${INSTALL_PROGRAM}" \ BSD_INSTALL_SCRIPT="${INSTALL_SCRIPT}" \ BSD_INSTALL_DATA="${INSTALL_DATA}" \ BSD_INSTALL_MAN="${INSTALL_MAN}" \ BSD_INSTALL_PROGRAM_DIR="${INSTALL_PROGRAM_DIR}" \ BSD_INSTALL_SCRIPT_DIR="${INSTALL_SCRIPT_DIR}" \ BSD_INSTALL_DATA_DIR="${INSTALL_DATA_DIR}" \ BSD_INSTALL_MAN_DIR="${INSTALL_MAN_DIR}" MAKE_ENV += ${_INSTALL_MACROS} # setup systrace variables NO_SYSTRACE ?= No .if ${USE_SYSTRACE:L} == "yes" && ${NO_SYSTRACE:L} == "no" _SYSTRACE_CMD ?= /bin/systrace -e -i -a -f ${_SYSTRACE_COOKIE} .else _SYSTRACE_CMD = .endif SYSTRACE_FILTER ?= ${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/db/systrace.filter _SYSTRACE_POLICIES += /bin/sh /usr/bin/env /usr/bin/make \ /usr/bin/patch ${DEPBASE}/bin/gmake SYSTRACE_SUBST_VARS += DISTDIR PKG_TMPDIR PORTSDIR TMPDIR WRKDIR .for _v in ${SYSTRACE_SUBST_VARS} _SYSTRACE_SED_SUBST += -e 's,$${${_v}},${${_v}},g' .endfor SHARED_LIBS ?= .for _n _v in ${SHARED_LIBS} LIB${_n}_VERSION = ${_v} SUBST_VARS += LIB${_n}_VERSION _lt_libs += LIB${_n}_LTVERSION='-version-info ${_v:S/./:/}:0' _lt_libs += lib${_n:S/+/_/g:S/-/_/g:S/./_/g}_ltversion=${_v} .endfor # Create the generic variable substitution list, from subst vars SUBST_VARS += MACHINE_ARCH ARCH HOMEPAGE ^PREFIX ^SYSCONFDIR FLAVOR_EXT \ FULLPKGNAME MAINTAINER ^BASE_PKGPATH ^LOCALBASE ^X11BASE ^TRUEPREFIX \ ^RCDIR _tmpvars = _PKG_ADD_AUTO ?= .if ${_SOLVING_DEP:L} == "yes" _PKG_ADD_AUTO += -a .endif _TERM_ENV = PKG_TMPDIR=${PKG_TMPDIR} .for _v in TERM TERMCAP ftp_proxy http_proxy . if defined(${_v}) _TERM_ENV += ${_v}=${${_v}:Q} . endif .endfor _PKG_ARGS += -DFLAVORS=${FLAVOR_EXT:Q} _tmpvars += FLAVORS=${FLAVOR_EXT:Q} _PKG_ARGS += -B ${WRKINST} .if ${LOCALBASE} != "/usr/local" _PKG_ARGS += -L${LOCALBASE} .endif .for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} PKG_ARGS${_S} ?= ${PKG_ARGS} PKG_ARGS${_S} += ${_PKG_ARGS} . for _v in ${SUBST_VARS} . if defined(${_v:S/^^//}${_S}) PKG_ARGS${_S} += -D${_v}=${${_v:S/^^//}${_S}:Q} _tmpvars += ${_v}${_S}=${${_v:S/^^//}${_S}:Q} . else PKG_ARGS${_S} += -D${_v}=${${_v:S/^^//}:Q} _tmpvars += ${_v}=${${_v:S/^^//}:Q} . endif . endfor PKG_ARGS${_S} += -DFULLPKGPATH=${FULLPKGPATH${_S}} PKG_ARGS${_S} += -DPERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM=${PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM${_S}:Q} PKG_ARGS${_S} += -DPERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP=${PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP${_S}:Q} . if !empty(REVISION${_S}) PKG_ARGS${_S} += -DREVISION=${REVISION${_S}} . endif . if !empty(EPOCH${_S}) PKG_ARGS${_S} += -DEPOCH=${EPOCH${_S}} . endif .endfor SUBST_CMD = ${_PERLSCRIPT}/pkg_subst .for _v in ${SUBST_VARS} SUBST_CMD += -D${_v}=${${_v:S/^^//}:Q} .endfor # XXX .if ${MULTI_PACKAGES} == "-" PLIST ?= ${PKGDIR}/PLIST . if defined(COMMENT${FLAVOR_EXT}) _COMMENT = ${COMMENT${FLAVOR_EXT}} . elif defined(COMMENT) _COMMENT = ${COMMENT} . endif . if exists(${PKGDIR}/MESSAGE) MESSAGE ?= ${PKGDIR}/MESSAGE . endif . if exists(${PKGDIR}/UNMESSAGE) UNMESSAGE ?= ${PKGDIR}/UNMESSAGE . endif . if exists(${PKGDIR}/INSTALL) ERRORS += "Fatal: INSTALL script support is obsolete" . endif . if exists(${PKGDIR}/DEINSTALL) ERRORS += "Fatal: DEINSTALL script support is obsolete" . endif . if exists(${PKGDIR}/REQ) ERRORS += "Fatal: REQ script support is obsolete" . endif DESCR ?= ${PKGDIR}/DESCR . for _v in PLIST _COMMENT MESSAGE UNMESSAGE DESCR . if defined(${_v}) ${_v}- = ${${_v}} . endif . endfor .else . for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} PLIST${_S} ?= ${PKGDIR}/PLIST${_S} . if defined(COMMENT${_S}${FLAVOR_EXT}) _COMMENT${_S} = ${COMMENT${_S}${FLAVOR_EXT}} . elif defined(COMMENT${_S}) _COMMENT${_S} = ${COMMENT${_S}} . endif . if exists(${PKGDIR}/MESSAGE${_S}) MESSAGE${_S} ?= ${PKGDIR}/MESSAGE${_S} . endif . if exists(${PKGDIR}/UNMESSAGE${_S}) UNMESSAGE${_S} ?= ${PKGDIR}/UNMESSAGE${_S} . endif DESCR${_S} ?= ${PKGDIR}/DESCR${_S} . if exists(${PKGDIR}/INSTALL${_S}) ERRORS += "Fatal: INSTALL script support is obsolete" . endif . if exists(${PKGDIR}/DEINSTALL${_S}) ERRORS += "Fatal: DEINSTALL script support is obsolete" . endif . if exists(${PKGDIR}/REQ${_S}) ERRORS += "Fatal: REQ script support is obsolete" . endif . endfor .endif MTREE_FILE ?= MTREE_FILE += ${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/db/fake.mtree .for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} # Fill out package command, and package dependencies PKG_ARGS${_S} += -DCOMMENT=${_COMMENT${_S}:Q} -d ${DESCR${_S}} PKG_ARGS${_S} += -f ${PLIST${_S}} -p ${PREFIX${_S}} . if defined(MESSAGE${_S}) PKG_ARGS${_S} += -M ${MESSAGE${_S}} . endif . if defined(UNMESSAGE${_S}) PKG_ARGS${_S} += -U ${UNMESSAGE${_S}} . endif PKG_ARGS${_S} += -A'${PKG_ARCH${_S}}' . if !defined(_COMMENT${_S}) ERRORS += "Fatal: Missing comment for ${_S:S/^-$/main package/}." . endif .endfor CHMOD ?= /bin/chmod CHOWN ?= /usr/sbin/chown GUNZIP_CMD ?= /usr/bin/gunzip -f GZCAT ?= /usr/bin/gzcat GZIP ?= -9 GZIP_CMD ?= /usr/bin/gzip -nf ${GZIP} M4 ?= /usr/bin/m4 STRIP ?= /usr/bin/strip # Autoconf scripts MAY tend to use bison by default otherwise YACC ?= yacc # XXX ${SETENV} is needed in front of var=value lists whenever the next # command is expanded from a variable, as this could be a shell construct SETENV ?= /usr/bin/env -i SH ?= /bin/sh # Used to print all the '===>' style prompts - override this to turn them off. ECHO_MSG ?= echo # basic master sites configuration .if exists(${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/db/network.conf) .include "${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/db/network.conf" .else .include "${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/templates/network.conf.template" .endif # XXX temporary, until people have correct network.conf MASTER_SITE_OPENBSD ?= \ ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/distfiles/ \ ftp://ftp.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/distfiles/ # Empty declarations to avoid "variable XXX is recursive" errors MASTER_SITES ?= # I guess we're in the master distribution business! :) As we gain mirror # sites for distfiles, add them to this list. .if !defined(MASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE) MASTER_SITES := ${MASTER_SITES} ${MASTER_SITE_BACKUP} .else MASTER_SITES := ${MASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE} ${MASTER_SITES} .endif # _SITE_SELECTOR chooses the value of sites based on select. _SITE_SELECTOR = case $$select in .for _I in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . if defined(MASTER_SITES${_I}) . if !defined(MASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE) MASTER_SITES${_I} := ${MASTER_SITES${_I}} ${MASTER_SITE_BACKUP} . else MASTER_SITES${_I} := ${MASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE} ${MASTER_SITES${_I}} . endif _SITE_SELECTOR += *:${_I}) sites="${MASTER_SITES${_I}}";; . else _SITE_SELECTOR += *:${_I}) echo >&2 "Error: MASTER_SITES${_I} not defined";; . endif .endfor _SITE_SELECTOR += *) sites="${MASTER_SITES}";; esac # OpenBSD code to handle ports distfiles on a CDROM. # #CDROM_SITE ?= /cdrom/distfiles/${DIST_SUBDIR} CDROM_SITE ?= .if !empty(CDROM_SITE) . if defined(FETCH_SYMLINK_DISTFILES) _CDROM_OVERRIDE = if ln -s ${CDROM_SITE}/$$f .; then exit 0; fi . else _CDROM_OVERRIDE = if cp -f ${CDROM_SITE}/$$f .; then exit 0; fi . endif .else _CDROM_OVERRIDE =: .endif EXTRACT_SUFX ?= .tar.gz DISTFILES ?= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} _EVERYTHING = ${DISTFILES} _DISTFILES = ${DISTFILES:C/:[0-9]$//} .if defined(PATCHFILES) _PATCHFILES = ${PATCHFILES:C/:[0-9]$//} _EVERYTHING += ${PATCHFILES} .endif .if defined(SUPDISTFILES) _EVERYTHING += ${SUPDISTFILES} .endif __CKSUMFILES = # First, remove duplicates .for _file in ${_DISTFILES} ${_PATCHFILES} . if empty(__CKSUMFILES:M${_file}) __CKSUMFILES += ${_file} . endif .endfor # List of all files, with ${DIST_SUBDIR} in front. Used for checksum. .if !empty(DIST_SUBDIR) CHECKSUMFILES = ${__CKSUMFILES:S/^/${DIST_SUBDIR}\//} .else CHECKSUMFILES = ${__CKSUMFILES} .endif __MKSUMFILES = ${__CKSUMFILES} .if defined(SUPDISTFILES) # First, remove duplicates . for _file in ${SUPDISTFILES:C/:[0-9]$//} . if empty(__MKSUMFILES:M${_file}) __MKSUMFILES += ${_file} . endif . endfor .endif # List of all files, with ${DIST_SUBDIR} in front. Used for makesum. .if !empty(DIST_SUBDIR) MAKESUMFILES = ${__MKSUMFILES:S/^/${DIST_SUBDIR}\//} .else MAKESUMFILES = ${__MKSUMFILES} .endif .if defined(IGNOREFILES) ERRORS += "Fatal: don't use IGNOREFILES" .endif # This is what is actually going to be extracted, and is overridable # by user. EXTRACT_ONLY ?= ${_DISTFILES} # okay, time for some guess work .if !empty(EXTRACT_ONLY:M*.zip) _USE_ZIP ?= Yes .endif .if !empty(EXTRACT_ONLY:M*.tar.bz2) || !empty(EXTRACT_ONLY:M*.tbz2) || \ (defined(PATCHFILES) && !empty(_PATCHFILES:M*.bz2)) _USE_BZIP2 ?= Yes .endif _USE_ZIP ?= No _USE_BZIP2 ?= No EXTRACT_CASES ?= _PERL_FIX_SHAR ?= perl -ne 'print if $$s || ($$s = m:^\#(\!\s*/bin/sh\s*| This is a shell archive):)' # XXX note that we DON'T set EXTRACT_SUFX. .if ${_USE_ZIP:L} != "no" BUILD_DEPENDS += archivers/unzip EXTRACT_CASES += *.zip) \ ${UNZIP} -oq ${FULLDISTDIR}/$$archive -d ${WRKDIR};; .endif .if ${_USE_BZIP2:L} != "no" BUILD_DEPENDS += archivers/bzip2 EXTRACT_CASES += *.tar.bz2|*.tbz2) \ ${BZIP2} -dc ${FULLDISTDIR}/$$archive | ${TAR} xf -;; .endif EXTRACT_CASES += *.tar) \ ${TAR} xf ${FULLDISTDIR}/$$archive;; EXTRACT_CASES += *.shar.gz|*.shar.Z|*.sh.gz|*.sh.Z) \ ${GZIP_CMD} -dc ${FULLDISTDIR}/$$archive | ${_PERL_FIX_SHAR} | /bin/sh;; EXTRACT_CASES += *.shar | *.sh) \ ${_PERL_FIX_SHAR} ${FULLDISTDIR}/$$archive | /bin/sh;; EXTRACT_CASES += *.tar.gz) \ ${GZIP_CMD} -dc ${FULLDISTDIR}/$$archive | ${TAR} xf -;; EXTRACT_CASES += *.gz) \ ${GZIP_CMD} -dc ${FULLDISTDIR}/$$archive >`basename $$archive .gz`;; EXTRACT_CASES += *) \ ${GZIP_CMD} -dc ${FULLDISTDIR}/$$archive | ${TAR} xf -;; PATCH_CASES ?= .if ${_USE_BZIP2:L} != "no" PATCH_CASES += *.bz2) \ ${BZIP2} -dc $$patchfile | ${PATCH} ${PATCH_DIST_ARGS};; .endif PATCH_CASES += *.Z|*.gz) \ ${GZCAT} $$patchfile | ${PATCH} ${PATCH_DIST_ARGS};; PATCH_CASES += *) \ ${PATCH} ${PATCH_DIST_ARGS} < $$patchfile;; # Documentation MAINTAINER ?= The OpenBSD ports mailing-list .if !defined(CATEGORIES) ERRORS += "Fatal: CATEGORIES is mandatory." .else _badcat = Yes . for _i in ${CATEGORIES} . if ${_badcat} == "Yes" . if ${PKGPATH:M${_i}/*} _badcat = No . endif . endif . endfor . if ${_badcat} == "Yes" ERRORS += "Fatal: one category in ${CATEGORIES} should match PKGPATH=${PKGPATH}" . if ${PKGPATH:N*/*} ERRORS += "Fatal: bogus PKGPATH=${PKGPATH} (no subdirectory)" . endif . endif .endif CONFIGURE_SCRIPT ?= configure .if ${CONFIGURE_SCRIPT:M/*} _CONFIGURE_SCRIPT = ${CONFIGURE_SCRIPT} .else . if ${SEPARATE_BUILD:L} != "no" _CONFIGURE_SCRIPT = ${WRKSRC}/${CONFIGURE_SCRIPT} . else _CONFIGURE_SCRIPT = ./${CONFIGURE_SCRIPT} . endif .endif CONFIGURE_ENV += PATH=${PORTPATH} .if ${NO_SHARED_LIBS:L} == "yes" CONFIGURE_SHARED ?= --disable-shared .else CONFIGURE_SHARED ?= --enable-shared .endif FETCH_MANUALLY ?= No .if ${FETCH_MANUALLY:L} != "no" _MISSING_FILES = . for _F in ${CHECKSUMFILES} . if !exists(${DISTDIR}/${_F}) _MISSING_FILES += ${_F} . endif . endfor . if !empty(_MISSING_FILES) IS_INTERACTIVE = Yes . endif .endif ################################################################ # Many ways to disable a port. # # If we're in BATCH mode and the port is interactive, or we're # in interactive mode and the port is non-interactive, skip all # the important targets. The reason we have two modes is that # one might want to leave a build in BATCH mode running # overnight, then come back in the morning and do _only_ the # interactive ones that required your intervention. # # Ignore ports that can't be resold if building for a CDROM. # # Don't build a port if it's broken. # # Don't build a port if it comes with the base system. ################################################################ TRY_BROKEN ?= No _IGNORE_REGRESS ?= .if defined(REGRESS_IS_INTERACTIVE) && defined(BATCH) _IGNORE_REGRESS += "has interactive tests" .elif !defined(REGRESS_IS_INTERACTIVE) && defined(INTERACTIVE) _IGNORE_REGRESS += "does not have interactive tests" .endif .if defined(IS_INTERACTIVE) && defined(BATCH) IGNORE += "is an interactive port" .elif !defined(IS_INTERACTIVE) && defined(INTERACTIVE) IGNORE += "is not an interactive port" .endif .if !exists(${X11BASE}) IGNORE += "building ports requires X11 but ${X11BASE} not found" .endif .if ${SHARED_ONLY:L} == "yes" && ${NO_SHARED_LIBS:L} == "yes" IGNORE += "requires shared libraries" .endif .if ${TRY_BROKEN:L} != "yes" . if defined(BROKEN-${ARCH}) IGNORE += "is marked as broken for ${ARCH}: ${BROKEN-${ARCH}:Q}" . endif . if ${MACHINE_ARCH} != ${ARCH} && defined(BROKEN-${MACHINE_ARCH}) IGNORE += "is marked as broken for ${MACHINE_ARCH}: ${BROKEN-${MACHINE_ARCH}:Q}" . endif . if defined(BROKEN) IGNORE += "is marked as broken: ${BROKEN:Q}" . endif .endif .if defined(COMES_WITH) IGNORE += "-- ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}:C/-[0-9].*//g} comes with OpenBSD as of release ${COMES_WITH}" .endif IGNORE_IS_FATAL ?= "No" .if !empty(IGNORE${SUBPACKAGE}) && ${IGNORE_IS_FATAL:L} == "yes" ERRORS += "Fatal: can't build" ERRORS += ${IGNORE${SUBPACKAGE}} .endif .if !defined(DEPENDS_TARGET) . if make(reinstall) DEPENDS_TARGET = reinstall . else DEPENDS_TARGET = install . endif .endif ################################################################ # Dependency checking ################################################################ # Various dependency styles .if ${NO_SHARED_LIBS:L} == "yes" _noshared = -noshared .else _noshared = .endif _libresolve_fragment = \ check=`for _lib in $$libs; do echo $$_lib; done | \ LOCALBASE=${LOCALBASE} X11BASE=${X11BASE} \ ${_PERLSCRIPT}/resolve-lib \ ${_noshared} $$d` \ || check=Failed PORT_LD_LIBRARY_PATH = ${LOCALBASE}/lib:${X11BASE}/lib:/usr _set_ld_library_path = : DEPBASE = ${LOCALBASE} DEPDIR = .if ${FORCE_UPDATE:L} == "yes" || ${FORCE_UPDATE:L} == "hard" _force_update_fragment = { \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Verifying update for $$what in $$dir"; \ if ( eval $$toset exec ${MAKE} subupdate ); then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Returning to build of ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}${_MASTER}"; \ else \ ${REPORT_PROBLEM}; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ } _PKG_ADD_FORCE = -D update -D updatedepends . if ${FORCE_UPDATE:L} == "hard" _PKG_ADD_FORCE += -D installed . endif .else _force_update_fragment = : _PKG_ADD_FORCE = .endif _FULL_PACKAGE_NAME ?= No # XXX save result pre-normalization, just for checking _CHECK_DEPENDS = .for _v in BUILD LIB RUN REGRESS _CHECK_DEPENDS +:= ${${_v}_DEPENDS} .endfor .for _s in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} . for _v in RUN LIB _CHECK_DEPENDS +:= ${${_v}_DEPENDS${_s}} . endfor .endfor .if ${_CHECK_DEPENDS:M\:*} ERRORS += "Fatal: old style depends ${_CHECK_DEPENDS:M\:*}" .endif # normalization of depends to remove extra : # also, the C,...., part basically does this: # if the depends contains only pkgpath>=something # then we rebuild it as STEM->=something:pkgpath .for _v in BUILD LIB RUN REGRESS ${_v}_DEPENDS := ${${_v}_DEPENDS:S/^://:S/^://:C,^([^:]+/[^:<=>]+)([<=>][^:]+)$,STEM-\2:\1,} .endfor .for _v in BUILD REGRESS ${_v}_DEPENDS := ${${_v}_DEPENDS:C,^([^:]+/[^:<=>]+)([<=>][^:]+)(:patch|:configure|:build)$,STEM-\2:\1\3,} .endfor .for _s in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} . for _v in RUN LIB ${_v}_DEPENDS${_s} := ${${_v}_DEPENDS${_s}:S/^://:S/^://:C,^([^:]+/[^:<=>]+)([<=>][^:]+)$,STEM-\2:\1,} . endfor .endfor _BUILDLIB_DEPENDS = ${LIB_DEPENDS} _BUILDWANTLIB = ${WANTLIB} # strip inter-multi-packages dependencies during building .for _path in ${PKGPATH:S,^mystuff/,,} . for _s in ${_MULTI_PACKAGES} _BUILDLIB_DEPENDS += ${LIB_DEPENDS${_s}:N*\:${_path}:N*\:${_path},*:N${_path}:N${_path},*} _BUILDWANTLIB += ${WANTLIB${_s}} _LIB4${_s} = ${LIB_DEPENDS${_s}:M*\:${_path}} ${LIB_DEPENDS${_s}:M*\:${_path},*} ${LIB_DEPENDS${_s}:M${_path}} ${LIB_DEPENDS${_s}:M${_path},*} _LIB4 += ${_LIB4${_s}} . endfor .endfor .if ${NO_DEPENDS:L} == "no" _BUILD_DEPLIST = ${BUILD_DEPENDS} _RUN_DEPLIST = ${RUN_DEPENDS${SUBPACKAGE}} _REGRESS_DEPLIST = ${REGRESS_DEPENDS} _BUILDLIB_DEPLIST = ${_BUILDLIB_DEPENDS} _RUNLIB_DEPLIST = ${LIB_DEPENDS${SUBPACKAGE}} .endif _DEPLIST = ${_BUILD_DEPLIST} ${_RUN_DEPLIST} ${_REGRESS_DEPLIST} \ ${_BUILDLIB_DEPLIST} ${_RUNLIB_DEPLIST} # compute DEPBUILD_COOKIES and friends .for _DEP in BUILD RUN BUILDLIB RUNLIB REGRESS _DEP${_DEP}_COOKIES = . for _i in ${_${_DEP}_DEPLIST} _DEP${_DEP}_COOKIES += ${WRKDIR}/.dep-${_i:C,>=,ge-,g:C,<=,le-,g:C,<,lt-,g:C,>,gt-,g:C,\*,ANY,g:C,[|:/=],-,g} . endfor .endfor # Normal user-mode targets are PHONY targets, e.g., don't create the # corresponding file. However, there is nothing phony about the cookie. MODSIMPLE_configure = \ cd ${WRKCONF} && ${_SYSTRACE_CMD} ${SETENV} \ CC="${CC}" ac_cv_path_CC="${CC}" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS:C/ *$//}" \ CXX="${CXX}" ac_cv_path_CXX="${CXX}" CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS:C/ *$//}" \ INSTALL="/usr/bin/install -c -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP}" \ ac_given_INSTALL="/usr/bin/install -c -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP}" \ INSTALL_PROGRAM="${INSTALL_PROGRAM}" INSTALL_MAN="${INSTALL_MAN}" \ INSTALL_SCRIPT="${INSTALL_SCRIPT}" INSTALL_DATA="${INSTALL_DATA}" \ YACC="${YACC}" \ ${CONFIGURE_ENV} ${_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT} ${CONFIGURE_ARGS} VMEM_WARNING ?= No _FAKE_SETUP = TRUEPREFIX=${PREFIX} PREFIX=${WRKINST}${PREFIX} \ ${DESTDIRNAME}=${WRKINST} _CLEANDEPENDS ?= Yes .for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} _FETCH_MAKEFILE_NAMES += ${PKGPATH}/${FULLPKGNAME${_S}} .endfor # Internal variables, used by dependencies targets # Only keep pkg:dir spec, strip extra target .for _mod in C/:(patch|configure|build)$$// _BUILD_DEP2 = ${BUILD_DEPENDS:${_mod}} _BUILD_DEP3 = ${BUILD_DEPENDS:${_mod}} _RUN_DEP2 = ${RUN_DEPENDS${SUBPACKAGE}:${_mod}} _RUN_DEP3 = ${RUN_DEPENDS${SUBPACKAGE}:${_mod}} _REGRESS_DEP2 = ${REGRESS_DEPENDS:${_mod}} . if ${NO_SHARED_LIBS:L} != "yes" _RUN_DEP2 += ${LIB_DEPENDS${SUBPACKAGE}:${_mod}} _LIB_DEP3 = ${LIB_DEPENDS${SUBPACKAGE}} . else _LIB_DEP3 = . endif _BUILD_DEP2 += ${_BUILDLIB_DEPENDS:${_mod}} . for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} _BUILD_DEP3${_S} = ${_BUILD_DEP3} _RUN_DEP3${_S} = ${RUN_DEPENDS${_S}:${_mod}} . if ${NO_SHARED_LIBS:L} != "yes" _LIB_DEP3${_S} = ${LIB_DEPENDS${_S}} . else _LIB_DEP3${_S} = . endif . endfor .endfor _DEPBUILDLIBS = ${_BUILDWANTLIB} _DEPRUNLIBS = ${WANTLIB${SUBPACKAGE}} # the _DEP*LIBSPECS_COOKIES are only there to force reevaluation of # _DEPBUILDWANTLIB_COOKIE and _DEPRUNWANTLIB_COOKIE when the dependencies # change (the list will change, and so the cookie will be regenerated) .if ${NO_DEPENDS:L} == "no" . for i in ${_DEPBUILDLIBS:C,>=,-ge-,g:C,=,-gt-,g:C,/,-,g} _DEPBUILDLIBSPECS_COOKIES += ${WRKDIR}/.spec-$i . endfor _DEPBUILDWANTLIB_COOKIE = ${WRKDIR}/.buildwantlibs . for i in ${_DEPRUNLIBS:C,>=,-ge-,g:C,=,-gt-,g:C,/,-,g} _DEPRUNLIBSPECS_COOKIES += ${WRKDIR}/.spec-$i . endfor _DEPRUNWANTLIB_COOKIE = ${WRKDIR}/.runwantlibs${SUBPACKAGE} .else _DEPBUILDWANTLIB_COOKIE = _DEPRUNWANTLIB_COOKIE = .endif _DEPLIBSPECS_COOKIES = ${_DEPBUILDLIBSPECS_COOKIES} ${_DEPRUNLIBSPECS_COOKIES} # strip optional pkgspec, only keep the path _BUILD_DEP = ${_BUILD_DEP2:C,^[^:/]*:,,} _RUN_DEP = ${_RUN_DEP2:C,^[^:/]*:,,} _REGRESS_DEP = ${_REGRESS_DEP2:C,^[^:/]*:,,} README_NAME ?= ${TEMPLATES}/README.port REORDER_DEPENDENCIES ?= ECHO_REORDER ?= : # Lock infrastructure: # to remove locks handling, define LOCKDIR to an empty value LOCK_CMD ?= ${_PERLSCRIPT}/dolock UNLOCK_CMD ?= rm -f _LOCKS_HELD ?= LOCK_VERBOSE ?= No .if !empty(LOCKDIR) . if ${LOCK_VERBOSE:L} == "yes" _LOCK = echo "Locking $$lock (${BUILD_PKGPATH}) from $@"; ${LOCK_CMD} ${LOCKDIR}/$$lock.lock ${BUILD_PKGPATH} _UNLOCK = echo "Unlocking $$lock from $@"; ${UNLOCK_CMD} ${LOCKDIR}/$$lock.lock . else _LOCK = ${LOCK_CMD} ${LOCKDIR}/$$lock.lock ${BUILD_PKGPATH} _UNLOCK = ${UNLOCK_CMD} ${LOCKDIR}/$$lock.lock . endif . if ${SEPARATE_BUILD:L:Mflavored} _LOCKNAME = ${PKGNAME} . else _LOCKNAME = ${FULLPKGNAME} . endif . for _i in ${_LOCKNAME} . if empty(_LOCKS_HELD:M${_i}) _DO_LOCK = \ lock=${_LOCKNAME}; \ _LOCKS_HELD="${_LOCKS_HELD} ${_LOCKNAME}"; export _LOCKS_HELD; \ ${_SIMPLE_LOCK} . endif . endfor _SIMPLE_LOCK = \ ${_LOCK}; locked=true; trap 'if $$locked; then ${_UNLOCK}; locked=false; fi' 0 1 2 3 13 15 .endif _SIMPLE_LOCK ?= : _DO_LOCK ?= : _size_fragment = wc -c $$file 2>/dev/null| \ awk '{print "SIZE (" $$2 ") = " $$1}' # commands used all the time _lines2list = tr '\012' '\040' | sed -e 's, $$,,' _zap_last_line = sed -e '$$d' _sort_dependencies = tsort -r|${_zap_last_line} _version2stem = sed -e 's,-[0-9].*,,' _grab_libs_from_plist = sed -n -e '/^@lib /{ s///; p; }' \ -e '/^@file .*\/lib\/lib.*\.a$$/{ s/^@file //; p; }' _parse_spec = \ IFS=:; read pkg subdir target; \ extra_msg="(DEPENDS was $$pkg $$subdir $$target) in ${FULLPKGPATH}"; \ case "X$$pkg" in \ */*) target="$$subdir"; subdir="$$pkg"; pkg=;; \ esac; unset IFS; ${_flavor_fragment} _compute_default = \ if ! default=`eval $$toset ${MAKE} _print-packagename`; then \ echo 1>&2 "Problem with dependency ${_i}"; \ exit 1; \ fi _set_pkg2default= pkg=`eval $$toset ${MAKE} _print-pkgspec` _set_stem2default=stem=`echo $$default|${_version2stem}`; \ pkg="$$stem$${pkg\#STEM}" _complete_pkgspec = \ ${_compute_default}; \ case "X$$pkg" in \ X) ${_set_pkg2default};; \ XSTEM*) ${_set_stem2default};; \ esac ### ### end of variable setup. Only targets now ### check-register: .if empty(PLIST_DB) @exit 1 .else @if cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} print-plist-with-depends | ${_PERLSCRIPT}/register-plist -p ${PLIST_DB}; then \ echo "${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}} okay"; \ else \ echo "${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}} BAD"; \ fi .endif check-register-all: .for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} @cd ${.CURDIR} && SUBPACKAGE=${_S} ${MAKE} check-register .endfor .for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} ${_CACHE_REPO}/${_PKGFILE${_S}}: @mkdir -p ${@D} @${ECHO_MSG} -n "===> Looking for ${_PKGFILE${_S}} in \$$PKG_PATH - " @if ${SETENV} ${_TERM_ENV} PKG_CACHE=${_CACHE_REPO} PKG_PATH=${_CACHE_REPO}:${_PKG_REPO}:${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${NO_ARCH}/:${PKG_PATH} ${_PKG_ADD} -n -q ${_PKG_ADD_FORCE} -D installed -D downgrade ${_PKGFILE${_S}} >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "found"; \ exit 0; \ else \ ${ECHO_MSG} "not found"; \ exit 1; \ fi # The real package ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${_S}}: @mkdir -p ${@D} ${_TMP_REPO} . if ${FETCH_PACKAGES:L} == "yes" && !defined(_TRIED_FETCHING_${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${_S}}) @f=${_CACHE_REPO}/${_PKGFILE${_S}}; \ cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} $$f && \ { ln $$f $@ 2>/dev/null || cp -p $$f $@ ; } || \ cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} _TRIED_FETCHING_${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${_S}}=Yes _internal-package-only . else @${_MAKE} ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE_DEPS} . if target(pre-package) @${_MAKE} pre-package . endif . if target(do-package) @${_MAKE} do-package . else # What PACKAGE normally does: @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Building package for ${FULLPKGNAME${_S}}" @${ECHO_MSG} "Create ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${_S}}" @cd ${.CURDIR} && \ tmp=${_TMP_REPO}${_PKGFILE${_S}} && \ if deps=`SUBPACKAGE=${_S} ${MAKE} _print-package-args` && \ ${SUDO} ${_PKG_CREATE} -DPORTSDIR="${PORTSDIR}" \ $$deps ${PKG_ARGS${_S}} $$tmp && \ ${_check_lib_depends} $$tmp && \ ${_register_plist} $$tmp && \ mv $$tmp ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${_S}} && \ mode=`id -u`:`id -g` && \ ${SUDO} ${CHOWN} $${mode} ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${_S}}; then \ exit 0; \ else \ ${SUDO} rm -f $$tmp; \ exit 1; \ fi # End of PACKAGE. . endif . if target(post-package) @${_MAKE} post-package . endif @rm -f ${_BULK_COOKIE} ${_UPDATE_COOKIE${_S}} ${_FUPDATE_COOKIE${_S}} . endif # The real install ${_INSTALL_COOKIE${_S}}: . if ${FETCH_PACKAGES:L} == "yes" @cd ${.CURDIR} && SUBPACKAGE=${_S} exec ${MAKE} subpackage . else @${_MAKE} package . endif @cd ${.CURDIR} && SUBPACKAGE=${_S} DEPENDS_TARGET=install \ exec ${MAKE} _internal-run-depends _internal-runlib-depends \ _internal-runwantlib-depends @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Installing ${FULLPKGNAME${_S}} from ${_PKG_REPO}" . for _m in ${MODULES:T:U} . if defined(MOD${_m}_pre-install) @${MOD${_m}_pre-install} . elif defined(MOD${_m}_pre_install) @${MOD${_m}_pre_install} . endif . endfor . if ${TRUST_PACKAGES:L} == "yes" @if ${_PKG_QUERY} ${FULLPKGNAME${_S}}; then \ echo "Package ${FULLPKGNAME${_S}} is already installed"; \ else \ ${SUDO} ${SETENV} ${_TERM_ENV} PKG_PATH=${_PKG_REPO} ${_PKG_ADD} ${_PKG_ADD_AUTO} ${PKGFILE${_S}}; \ fi . else @${SUDO} ${SETENV} ${_TERM_ENV} PKG_PATH=${_PKG_REPO} ${_PKG_ADD} ${_PKG_ADD_AUTO} ${PKGFILE${_S}} . endif @-${SUDO} ${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ ${_UPDATE_COOKIE${_S}}: @${_MAKE} _internal-package . if empty(UPDATE_COOKIES_DIR) @exec ${MAKE} ${WRKDIR} . else @mkdir -p ${UPDATE_COOKIES_DIR} . endif @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Updating for ${FULLPKGNAME${_S}}" @a=`${_PKG_QUERY} ${FULLPKGPATH${_S}} 2>/dev/null || true`; \ case $$a in \ '') ${ECHO_MSG} "Not installed, no update";; \ *) cd ${.CURDIR} && SUBPACKAGE=${_S} DEPENDS_TARGET=package \ ${MAKE} _internal-run-depends _internal-runlib-depends \ _internal-runwantlib-depends; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "Upgrading from $$a"; \ ${SUDO} ${SETENV} PKG_PATH=${_PKG_REPO} PKG_TMPDIR=${PKG_TMPDIR} ${_PKG_ADD} ${_PKG_ADD_AUTO} -r ${_PKG_ADD_FORCE} ${PKGFILE${_S}};; \ esac @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ ${_FUPDATE_COOKIE${_S}}: @${_MAKE} _internal-package @cd ${.CURDIR} && SUBPACKAGE=${_S} DEPENDS_TARGET=package \ exec ${MAKE} _internal-run-depends _internal-runlib-depends \ _internal-runwantlib-depends . if empty(UPDATE_COOKIES_DIR) @exec ${MAKE} ${WRKDIR} . else @mkdir -p ${UPDATE_COOKIES_DIR} . endif @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Updating/installing for ${FULLPKGNAME${_S}}" @${SUDO} ${SETENV} ${_TERM_ENV} PKG_PATH=${_PKG_REPO} ${_PKG_ADD} ${_PKG_ADD_AUTO} -r ${_PKG_ADD_FORCE} ${PKGFILE${_S}} @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ .endfor .PRECIOUS: ${_PACKAGE_COOKIES} ${_INSTALL_COOKIES} ${_SYSTRACE_COOKIE}: ${_WRKDIR_COOKIE} @rm -f $@ .for _i in ${_SYSTRACE_POLICIES} @echo "Policy: ${_i}, Emulation: native" >> $@ @if [ -f ${.CURDIR}/systrace.filter ]; then \ sed ${_SYSTRACE_SED_SUBST} ${.CURDIR}/systrace.filter >> $@; \ fi @sed ${_SYSTRACE_SED_SUBST} ${SYSTRACE_FILTER} >> $@ .endfor @if [ -f ${.CURDIR}/systrace.policy ]; then \ sed ${_SYSTRACE_SED_SUBST} ${.CURDIR}/systrace.policy >> $@; \ fi makesum: fetch-all .if !defined(NO_CHECKSUM) && !empty(MAKESUMFILES) @rm -f ${CHECKSUM_FILE} @cd ${DISTDIR} && cksum -b -a "${_CIPHERS}" ${MAKESUMFILES} >> ${CHECKSUM_FILE} @cd ${DISTDIR} && \ for file in ${MAKESUMFILES}; do \ ${_size_fragment} >> ${CHECKSUM_FILE}; \ done @sort -u -o ${CHECKSUM_FILE} ${CHECKSUM_FILE} .endif addsum: fetch-all .if !defined(NO_CHECKSUM) @touch ${CHECKSUM_FILE} @cd ${DISTDIR} && \ for cipher in ${_CIPHERS}; do \ cksum -b -a $$cipher ${MAKESUMFILES} >> ${CHECKSUM_FILE}; \ done @cd ${DISTDIR} && \ for file in ${MAKESUMFILES}; do \ ${_size_fragment} >> ${CHECKSUM_FILE}; \ done @sort -u -o ${CHECKSUM_FILE} ${CHECKSUM_FILE} @if [ `sed -e 's/\=.*$$//' ${CHECKSUM_FILE} | uniq -d | wc -l` -ne 0 ]; then \ echo "Inconsistent checksum in ${CHECKSUM_FILE}"; \ exit 1; \ else \ ${ECHO_MSG} "${CHECKSUM_FILE} updated okay, don't forget to remove cruft"; \ fi .endif ################################################################ # Dependency checking ################################################################ _internal-depends: _internal-lib-depends _internal-build-depends \ _internal-buildlib-depends \ _internal-run-depends _internal-buildwantlib-depends \ _internal-runwantlib-depends _internal-regress-depends _internal-prepare: _internal-build-depends _internal-buildlib-depends \ _internal-buildwantlib-depends # and the rules for the actual dependencies _print-pkgspec: @echo '${PKGSPEC${SUBPACKAGE}}' _print-packagename: .if ${_FULL_PACKAGE_NAME:L} == "yes" @echo '${PKGPATH}/${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}' .else @echo ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}} .endif .for _i in ${_DEPLIST} . if !target(${WRKDIR}/.dep-${_i:C,>=,ge-,g:C,<=,le-,g:C,<,lt-,g:C,>,gt-,g:C,\*,ANY,g:C,[|:/=],-,g}) ${WRKDIR}/.dep-${_i:C,>=,ge-,g:C,<=,le-,g:C,<,lt-,g:C,>,gt-,g:C,\*,ANY,g:C,[|:/=],-,g}: ${_WRKDIR_COOKIE} @unset DEPENDS_TARGET _MASTER WRKDIR|| true; \ echo '${_i}'|{ \ ${_parse_spec}; \ checkinstall=true; \ _ignore_cookie=${@:S/.dep/.ignored/}; \ toset="$$toset _IGNORE_COOKIE=$${_ignore_cookie}"; \ case "X$$target" in X) target=${DEPENDS_TARGET};; esac; \ case "X$$target" in \ Xinstall|Xreinstall) early_exit=false;; \ Xpackage|Xfake) early_exit=true;; \ Xpatch|Xconfigure|Xlicense-check|Xbuild) \ early_exit=true; mkdir -p ${WRKDIR}/$$dir; \ toset="$$toset _MASTER='[${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}]${_MASTER}' WRKDIR=${WRKDIR}/$$dir"; \ checkinstall=false;; \ Xextract) \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Error: bad dependency ${_i}"; \ ${REPORT_PROBLEM}; \ exit 1;; \ *) \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Error: don't know how to depend on $$target"; \ ${REPORT_PROBLEM}; \ exit 1;; \ esac; \ toset="$$toset _SOLVING_DEP=Yes"; \ case "X$$pkg" in \ X) \ if ! pkg=`eval $$toset ${MAKE} _print-pkgspec`; \ then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Error in evaluating dependency ${_i}"; \ ${REPORT_PROBLEM}; \ exit 1; \ fi;; \ XSTEM*) \ if default=`eval $$toset ${MAKE} _print-packagename`; \ then \ ${_set_stem2default}; \ fi;; \ esac; \ for abort in false false true; do \ if $$abort; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "Dependency check failed"; \ ${REPORT_PROBLEM}; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ found=false; \ what=$$pkg; \ if $$checkinstall; then \ $$early_exit || ${_force_update_fragment}; \ if ${_PKG_QUERY} "$$pkg" -q; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}${_MASTER} depends on: $$what - found"; \ break; \ else \ : $${msg:= not found}; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}${_MASTER} depends on: $$what -$$msg"; \ fi; \ fi; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Verifying $$target for $$what in $$dir"; \ if (eval $$toset exec ${MAKE} $$target) && \ ! test -e $${_ignore_cookie}; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Returning to build of ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}${_MASTER}"; \ else \ ${REPORT_PROBLEM}; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ if $$early_exit; then \ list=`eval $$toset exec ${MAKE} show=PKGNAMES`; \ if ${PKG_INFO} ${PKGDB_LOCK} -q -r "$$pkg" $$list; \ then \ break; \ else \ : $${msg:= not found}; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}${_MASTER} depends on: $$what -$$msg"; \ ${REPORT_PROBLEM}; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ fi; \ done; \ } @mkdir -p ${WRKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/bin @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ . endif .endfor _internal-build-depends: ${_DEPBUILD_COOKIES} _internal-run-depends: ${_DEPRUN_COOKIES} _internal-lib-depends: ${_DEPBUILDLIB_COOKIES} _internal-regress-depends: ${_DEPREGRESS_COOKIES} _internal-buildlib-depends: ${_DEPBUILDLIB_COOKIES} _internal-runlib-depends: ${_DEPRUNLIB_COOKIES} # very quick rule, create this to force reevaluation of next rule when # the dependencies in the Makefile are changed . if !empty(_DEPLIBSPECS_COOKIES) ${_DEPLIBSPECS_COOKIES}: ${_WRKDIR_COOKIE} @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ .endif # similar rules for _DEPBUILDWANTLIB_COOKIE and _DEPRUNWANTLIB_COOKIE .for _m in BUILD RUN . if !empty(_DEP${_m}WANTLIB_COOKIE) ${_DEP${_m}WANTLIB_COOKIE}: ${_DEP${_m}LIBSPECS_COOKIES} \ ${_DEP${_m}LIB_COOKIES} ${_DEPBUILD_COOKIES} ${_WRKDIR_COOKIE} . if !empty(_DEP${_m}LIBS) @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Verifying specs: ${_DEP${_m}LIBS}" @libs=`for i in ${_LIB4:QL}; do echo "$$i"| { \ ${_parse_spec}; \ eval $$toset ${MAKE} print-plist-libs; \ }; \ done;`; \ listlibs="echo $$libs; echo ${LOCALBASE}/lib/lib* /usr/lib/lib* ${X11BASE}/lib/lib*"; \ for d in ${_DEP${_m}LIBS:QL}; do \ case "$$d" in \ /*) listlibs="$$listlibs $${d%/*}/lib*";; \ */*) listlibs="$$listlibs ${DEPBASE}/$${d%/*}/lib*";; \ esac; \ done; \ if found=`eval $$listlibs 2>/dev/null| \ LOCALBASE=${LOCALBASE} X11BASE=${X11BASE} \ ${_PERLSCRIPT}/resolve-lib ${_noshared} ${_DEP${_m}LIBS:QL}`; then \ line="===> found"; \ for k in $$found; do line="$$line $$k"; done; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "$$line"; \ else \ echo 1>&2 "Fatal error"; \ exit 1; \ fi . endif @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ . endif _internal-${_m:L}wantlib-depends: ${_DEP${_m}WANTLIB_COOKIE} .endfor _internal-fetch-all: # See ports/infrastructure/templates/Makefile.template @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Checking files for ${FULLPKGNAME}${_MASTER}" .if target(pre-fetch) @${_MAKE} pre-fetch __FETCH_ALL=Yes .endif # What FETCH-ALL normally does: . if !empty(MAKESUMFILES) @${_MAKE} ${MAKESUMFILES:S@^@${DISTDIR}/@} . endif # End of FETCH .if target(post-fetch) @${_MAKE} post-fetch __FETCH_ALL=Yes .endif .if !empty(IGNORE${SUBPACKAGE}) && !defined(NO_IGNORE) _internal-all _internal-build _internal-checksum _internal-configure \ _internal-deinstall _internal-extract _internal-fake _internal-fetch \ _internal-install _internal-install-all _internal-manpages-check \ _internal-package _internal-patch _internal-plist _internal-regress \ _internal-subpackage _internal-subupdate _internal-uninstall \ _internal-update _internal-update-or-install \ _internal-update-or-install-all _internal-update-plist \ port-lib-depends-check update-patches: . if !defined(IGNORE_SILENT) @${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}${_MASTER} ${IGNORE${SUBPACKAGE}}." . endif . if defined(_IGNORE_COOKIE) @echo "${IGNORE${SUBPACKAGE}}" >${_IGNORE_COOKIE} . endif .else _CHECK_LIB_DEPENDS = PORTSDIR=${PORTSDIR} ${_PERLSCRIPT}/check-lib-depends _CHECK_LIB_DEPENDS += -d ${_PKG_REPO} -B ${WRKINST} . if ${ELF_TOOLCHAIN:L} == "no" _CHECK_LIB_DEPENDS += -o . endif lib-depends-check: @${_MAKE} package @${_CHECK_LIB_DEPENDS} ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE} ${WRKINST}/.saved_libs: ${_FAKE_COOKIE} @${SUDO} ${_CHECK_LIB_DEPENDS} -O $@ port-lib-depends-check: ${WRKINST}/.saved_libs . for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} @-SUBPACKAGE=${_S} ${MAKE} _print-plist-with-extra-depends | \ ${_CHECK_LIB_DEPENDS} -s ${WRKINST}/.saved_libs . endfor _internal-manpages-check: ${_FAKE_COOKIE} @cd ${WRKINST}${TRUEPREFIX}/man && \ ${SUDO} /usr/libexec/makewhatis -p . && \ cat whatis.db # Most standard port targets create a cookie to avoid being re-run. # # fetch is an exception, as it uses the files it fetches as `cookies', # and it's run by checksum, so in essence it's a sub-goal of extract, # in normal use. # # Besides, fetch can't create cookies, as it does not have WRKDIR available # in the first place. # # IMPORTANT: pre-fetch/do-fetch/post-fetch MUST be designed so that they # can be run several times in a row. _internal-fetch: # See ports/infrastructure/templates/Makefile.template @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Checking files for ${FULLPKGNAME}${_MASTER}" . if target(pre-fetch) @${_MAKE} pre-fetch . endif . if target(do-fetch) @${_MAKE} do-fetch . else # What FETCH normally does: . if !empty(CHECKSUMFILES) @${_MAKE} ${CHECKSUMFILES:S@^@${DISTDIR}/@} . endif # End of FETCH . endif . if target(post-fetch) @${_MAKE} post-fetch . endif _internal-checksum: _internal-fetch . if ! defined(NO_CHECKSUM) @if [ -z "${DISTFILES}" ]; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} ">> No distfiles."; \ elif [ ! -f ${CHECKSUM_FILE} ]; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} ">> No checksum file."; \ exit 1; \ else \ cd ${DISTDIR}; OK=true; list=''; \ for file in ${CHECKSUMFILES}; do \ for cipher in ${PREFERRED_CIPHERS}; do \ set -- `grep -i "^$$cipher ($$file)" ${CHECKSUM_FILE}` && break || \ ${ECHO_MSG} ">> No $$cipher checksum recorded for $$file."; \ done; \ case "$$4" in \ "") \ ${ECHO_MSG} ">> No checksum recorded for $$file."; \ OK=false;; \ "IGNORE") \ echo ">> Error: checksum for $$file is set to IGNORE in distinfo"; \ OK=false;; \ *) \ echo -n '>> '; \ if ! echo "$$@" | cksum -c; then \ echo ">> Checksum mismatch for $$file. ($$cipher)"; \ list="$$list $$file $$cipher $$4"; \ OK=false; \ fi;; \ esac; \ done; \ set --; \ if ! $$OK; then \ if ${REFETCH}; then \ cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} _refetch _PROBLEMS="$$list"; \ else \ echo "Make sure the Makefile and checksum file (${CHECKSUM_FILE})"; \ echo "are up to date. If you want to fetch a good copy of this"; \ echo "file from the OpenBSD main archive, type"; \ echo "\"make REFETCH=true [other args]\"."; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ fi ; \ fi . endif _refetch: . for file cipher value in ${_PROBLEMS} @rm ${DISTDIR}/${file} @${_MAKE} ${DISTDIR}/${file} \ MASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE="${MASTER_SITE_OPENBSD:=by_cipher/${cipher}/${value:C/(..).*/\1/}/${value}/} ${MASTER_SITE_OPENBSD:=${cipher}/${value}/}" . endfor ${_MAKE} _internal-checksum REFETCH=false # The cookie's recipe hold the real rule for each of those targets. _internal-extract: ${_EXTRACT_COOKIE} _internal-patch: ${_DEPBUILD_COOKIES} ${_DEPBUILDLIB_COOKIES} \ ${_DEPBUILDWANTLIB_COOKIE} ${_PATCH_COOKIE} _internal-distpatch: ${_DEPBUILD_COOKIES} ${_DEPBUILDLIB_COOKIES} \ ${_DEPBUILDWANTLIB_COOKIE} ${_DISTPATCH_COOKIE} _internal-configure: ${_DEPBUILD_COOKIES} ${_DEPBUILDLIB_COOKIES} \ ${_DEPBUILDWANTLIB_COOKIE} ${_CONFIGURE_COOKIE} _internal-build _internal-all: ${_DEPBUILD_COOKIES} ${_DEPBUILDLIB_COOKIES} \ ${_DEPBUILDWANTLIB_COOKIE} ${_BUILD_COOKIE} _internal-install: ${_INSTALL_COOKIE${SUBPACKAGE}} _internal-install-all: ${_INSTALL_COOKIES} _internal-fake: ${_FAKE_COOKIE} _internal-subupdate: ${_UPDATE_COOKIE${SUBPACKAGE}} _internal-update: ${_UPDATE_COOKIES} _internal-update-or-install: ${_FUPDATE_COOKIE${SUBPACKAGE} _internal-update-or-install-all: ${_FUPDATE_COOKIES} . if !empty(_IGNORE_REGRESS) _internal-regress: . if !defined(IGNORE_SILENT) @${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}${_MASTER} ${_IGNORE_REGRESS}." . endif . else _internal-regress: ${_BUILD_COOKIE} ${_DEPREGRESS_COOKIES} ${_REGRESS_COOKIE} . endif # packing list utilities. This generates a packing list from a recently # installed port. Not perfect, but pretty close. The generated file # will have to have some tweaks done by hand. # Note: add @comment PACKAGE(arch=${MACHINE_ARCH}, opsys=OpenBSD, vers=${OSREV}) # when port is installed or package created. # . if ${SHARED_ONLY:L} == "yes" _do_libs_too = . else _do_libs_too = NO_SHARED_LIBS=Yes . endif _extra_info = . for _s in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} _extra_info += PLIST${_s}='${PLIST${_s}}' _extra_info += DEPPATHS${_s}="`${SETENV} FLAVOR=${FLAVOR:Q} SUBPACKAGE=${_s} ${MAKE} run-dir-depends ${_do_libs_too}|${_sort_dependencies}`" . endfor _internal-plist _internal-update-plist: _internal-fake @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Updating plist for ${FULLPKGNAME}${_MASTER}" @mkdir -p ${PKGDIR} @DESTDIR=${WRKINST} \ PREFIX=${TRUEPREFIX} \ INSTALL_PRE_COOKIE=${_INSTALL_PRE_COOKIE} \ MAKE="${MAKE}" \ PORTSDIR=${PORTSDIR} \ FLAVORS='${FLAVORS}' MULTI_PACKAGES='${MULTI_PACKAGES}' \ OKAY_FILES='${_FAKE_COOKIE} ${_INSTALL_PRE_COOKIE} ${WRKINST}/.saved_libs' \ SHARED_ONLY="${SHARED_ONLY}" \ OWNER=`id -u` \ GROUP=`id -g` \ ${SUDO} ${_PERLSCRIPT}/make-plist \ ${_extra_info} ${_tmpvars} update-patches: @toedit=`WRKDIST=${WRKDIST} PATCHDIR=${PATCHDIR} \ PATCH_LIST='${PATCH_LIST}' DIFF_ARGS='${DIFF_ARGS}' \ DISTORIG=${DISTORIG} PATCHORIG=${PATCHORIG} \ ${_SHSCRIPT}/update-patches`; \ case $$toedit in "");; \ *) read i?'edit patches: '; \ cd ${PATCHDIR} && $${VISUAL:-$${EDITOR:-/usr/bin/vi}} $$toedit;; esac .endif # IGNORECMD # Top-level targets redirect to the real _internal-target, along with locking # if locking exists. .for _t in extract patch distpatch configure build all install fake \ subupdate fetch fetch-all checksum regress prepare \ depends lib-depends build-depends run-depends regress-depends \ clean manpages-check plist update-plist \ update update-or-install update-or-install-all package install-all . if defined(_LOCK) ${_t}: @${_DO_LOCK}; cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} _internal-${_t} . else ${_t}: _internal-${_t} . endif .endfor lock: @lock=${_LOCKNAME}; ${_LOCK} export _LOCKS_HELD="${_LOCKS_HELD} ${_LOCKNAME}" unlock: @lock=${_LOCKNAME}; ${_UNLOCK} .for _i in ${_LOCKNAME} export _LOCKS_HELD="${_LOCKS_HELD:N${_i}}" .endfor subpackage: @${_DO_LOCK}; cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} _internal-subpackage _internal-package: @${_MAKE} _internal-package-only .if ${BULK_${PKGPATH}:L} == "yes" @${_MAKE} ${_BULK_COOKIE} .endif ${_BULK_COOKIE}: @${_MAKE} _internal-package-only @mkdir -p ${BULK_COOKIES_DIR} .for _i in ${BULK_TARGETS_${PKGPATH}} @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Running ${_i}" @${_MAKE} ${_i} ${BULK_FLAGS} .endfor .if !empty(BULK_DO_${PKGPATH}) @${BULK_DO_${PKGPATH}} .endif @${_SUDOMAKE} _internal-clean @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ # The real targets. Note that some parts always get run, some parts can be # disabled, and there are hooks to override behavior. ${_WRKDIR_COOKIE}: @rm -rf ${WRKDIR} @mkdir -p ${WRKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/bin ${DEPDIR} # @ln -s ${LOCALBASE}/bin/pkg-config ${WRKDIR}/bin .if !empty(WRKDIR_LINKNAME) @ln -sf ${WRKDIR} ${.CURDIR}/${WRKDIR_LINKNAME} .endif @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ ${_EXTRACT_COOKIE}: ${_WRKDIR_COOKIE} ${_SYSTRACE_COOKIE} @${_MAKE} _internal-checksum _internal-prepare @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Extracting for ${FULLPKGNAME}${_MASTER}" .if target(pre-extract) @${_MAKESYS} pre-extract .endif @${_MAKESYS} do-extract .if target(post-extract) @${_MAKESYS} post-extract .endif @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ .if !target(do-extract) do-extract: # What EXTRACT normally does: @PATH=${PORTPATH}; set -e; cd ${WRKDIR}; \ ${_set_ld_library_path}; \ for archive in ${EXTRACT_ONLY}; do \ case $$archive in \ ${EXTRACT_CASES} \ esac; \ done # End of EXTRACT .endif # Both distpatch and patch invoke pre-patch, if it's defined. # Hence it needs special treatment (a specific cookie). .if target(pre-patch) ${_PREPATCH_COOKIE}: @${_MAKESYS} pre-patch . if ${PATCH_CHECK_ONLY:L} != "yes" @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ . endif .endif # The real distpatch ${_DISTPATCH_COOKIE}: ${_EXTRACT_COOKIE} .if target(pre-patch) @${_MAKE} ${_PREPATCH_COOKIE} .endif @${_MAKESYS} do-distpatch .if target(post-distpatch) @${_MAKESYS} post-distpatch .endif .if ${PATCH_CHECK_ONLY:L} != "yes" @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ .endif .if !target(do-distpatch) do-distpatch: # What DISTPATCH normally does . if defined(_PATCHFILES) @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Applying distribution patches for ${FULLPKGNAME}${_MASTER}" @cd ${FULLDISTDIR}; \ for patchfile in ${_PATCHFILES}; do \ case "${PATCH_DEBUG:L}" in \ no) ;; \ *) ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Applying distribution patch $$patchfile" ;; \ esac; \ case $$patchfile in \ ${PATCH_CASES} \ esac; \ done . endif # End of DISTPATCH. .endif # The real patch ${_PATCH_COOKIE}: ${_EXTRACT_COOKIE} @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Patching for ${FULLPKGNAME}${_MASTER}" .if target(pre-patch) @${_MAKE} ${_PREPATCH_COOKIE} .endif .if target(do-patch) @${_MAKESYS} do-patch .else # What PATCH normally does: # XXX test for efficiency, don't bother with distpatch if it's not needed . if target(do-distpatch) || target(post-distpatch) || defined(PATCHFILES) @${_MAKE} _internal-distpatch . endif @if cd ${PATCHDIR} 2>/dev/null || [ x"${PATCH_LIST:M/*}" != x"" ]; then \ error=false; \ for i in ${PATCH_LIST}; do \ case $$i in \ *.orig|*.rej|*~) \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Ignoring patchfile $$i" ; \ ;; \ *) \ if [ -e $$i ]; then \ case "${PATCH_DEBUG:L}" in \ no) ;; \ *) ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Applying OpenBSD patch $$i" ;; \ esac; \ if [ -s $$i ]; then \ ${_SYSTRACE_CMD} ${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < $$i || \ { echo "***> $$i did not apply cleanly"; \ error=true; }; \ else \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Ignoring empty patchfile $$i"; \ fi; \ else \ if [ $$i != "patch-*" ]; then \ echo "===> Can't find patch matching $$i"; \ error=true; \ fi; \ fi; \ ;; \ esac; \ done;\ if $$error; then exit 1; fi; \ fi # End of PATCH. .endif .if target(post-patch) @${_MAKESYS} post-patch .endif .for _m in ${MODULES:T:U} . if defined(MOD${_m}_post-patch) @${MOD${_m}_post-patch} . endif .endfor .if !empty(REORDER_DEPENDENCIES) @sed -e '/^#/d' ${REORDER_DEPENDENCIES} | \ tsort -r|while read f; do \ cd ${WRKSRC}; \ case $$f in \ /*) \ find . -name $${f#/} -print| while read i; \ do ${ECHO_REORDER} "Touching $$i"; touch $$i; done \ ;; \ *) \ if test -e $$f ; then \ ${ECHO_REORDER} "Touching $$f"; touch $$f; \ fi \ ;; \ esac; done .endif .if ${PATCH_CHECK_ONLY:L} != "yes" @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ .endif # The real configure ${_CONFIGURE_COOKIE}: ${_PATCH_COOKIE} @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Configuring for ${FULLPKGNAME}${_MASTER}" @mkdir -p ${WRKBUILD} .if target(pre-configure) @${_MAKESYS} pre-configure .endif .for _m in ${MODULES:T:U} . if defined(MOD${_m}_pre-configure) @${MOD${_m}_pre-configure} . endif .endfor .if target(do-configure) @${_MAKESYS} do-configure .else # What CONFIGURE normally does . for _c in ${CONFIGURE_STYLE:U} . if defined(MOD${_c}_configure) @${MOD${_c}_configure} . endif . endfor # End of CONFIGURE. .endif .if target(post-configure) @${_MAKESYS} post-configure .endif @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ # The real build ${_BUILD_COOKIE}: ${_CONFIGURE_COOKIE} .if ${NO_BUILD:L} == "no" @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Building for ${FULLPKGNAME}${_MASTER}" . if ${VMEM_WARNING:L} == "yes" @echo ""; \ echo "*** WARNING: you may see an error such as"; \ echo "*** virtual memory exhausted"; \ echo "*** when building this package. If you do you must increase"; \ echo "*** your limits. See the man page for your shell and look"; \ echo "*** for the 'limit' or 'ulimit' command. You may also want to"; \ echo "*** see the login.conf(5) manual page."; \ echo "*** Some examples are: "; \ echo "*** csh(1) and tcsh(1): limit datasize "; \ echo "*** ksh(1), zsh(1) and bash(1): ulimit -d "; \ echo "" . endif . if target(pre-build) @${_MAKESYS} pre-build . endif . if target(do-build) @${_MAKESYS} do-build . else # What BUILD normally does: @cd ${WRKBUILD} && exec ${_SYSTRACE_CMD} ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} \ ${MAKE_PROGRAM} ${MAKE_FLAGS} -f ${MAKE_FILE} ${ALL_TARGET} # End of BUILD . endif . if target(post-build) @${_MAKESYS} post-build . endif .endif @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ ${_REGRESS_COOKIE}: ${_BUILD_COOKIE} .if ${NO_REGRESS:L} == "no" @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Regression check for ${FULLPKGNAME}${_MASTER}" # When interactive tests need X11 . if defined(REGRESS_IS_INTERACTIVE) && ${REGRESS_IS_INTERACTIVE:L} == "x11" . if !defined(DISPLAY) || !exists(${XAUTHORITY}) @echo 1>&2 "The regression tests require a running instance of X." @echo 1>&2 "You will also need to set the environment variable DISPLAY" @echo 1>&2 "to point to an active X11 display and XAUTHORITY to point" @echo 1>&2 "to the appropriate .Xauthority file." @exit 1 . endif . endif . if target(pre-regress) @${_MAKE} pre-regress . endif . if target(do-regress) @${REGRESS_STATUS_IGNORE}cd ${.CURDIR} && exec 3>&1 && exit `exec 4>&1 1>&3; \ (exec; set +e; ${MAKE} do-regress; \ echo $$? >&4) 2>&1 ${REGRESS_LOG}` . else # What REGRESS normally does: @${REGRESS_STATUS_IGNORE}cd ${WRKBUILD} && exec 3>&1 && exit `exec 4>&1 1>&3; \ (exec; set +e; ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${MAKE_PROGRAM} \ ${ALL_REGRESS_FLAGS} -f ${MAKE_FILE} ${REGRESS_TARGET}; \ echo $$? >&4) 2>&1 ${REGRESS_LOG}` # End of REGRESS . endif . if target(post-regress) @${_MAKE} post-regress . endif .else @echo 1>&2 "No regression check for ${FULLPKGNAME}" .endif @${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ ${_FAKE_COOKIE}: ${_BUILD_COOKIE} @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Faking installation for ${FULLPKGNAME}${_MASTER}" @if [ x`${SUDO} /bin/sh -c umask` != x${DEF_UMASK} ]; then \ echo >&2 "Error: your umask is \"`/bin/sh -c umask`"\".; \ exit 1; \ fi @${SUDO} install -d -m 755 -o root -g wheel ${WRKINST} @cat ${MTREE_FILE}| \ ${SUDO} /usr/sbin/mtree -U -e -d -n -p ${WRKINST} >/dev/null .for _p in ${PROTECT_MOUNT_POINTS} @${SUDO} mount -u -r ${_p} .endfor .for _m in ${MODULES:T:U} . if defined(MOD${_m}_pre-fake) @${MOD${_m}_pre-fake} . endif .endfor .if target(pre-fake) @${_SUDOMAKESYS} pre-fake ${_FAKE_SETUP} .endif @${SUDO} ${_MAKE_COOKIE} ${_INSTALL_PRE_COOKIE} .if target(pre-install) @${_SUDOMAKESYS} pre-install ${_FAKE_SETUP} .endif .if target(do-install) @${_SUDOMAKESYS} do-install ${_FAKE_SETUP} .else # What FAKE normally does: @cd ${WRKBUILD} && exec ${SUDO} ${_SYSTRACE_CMD} \ ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${_FAKE_SETUP} \ ${MAKE_PROGRAM} ${ALL_FAKE_FLAGS} -f ${MAKE_FILE} ${FAKE_TARGET} # End of FAKE. .endif .if target(post-install) @${_SUDOMAKESYS} post-install ${_FAKE_SETUP} .endif .for _p in ${PROTECT_MOUNT_POINTS} @${SUDO} mount -u -w ${_p} .endfor .if ${MULTI_PACKAGES} == "-" @if test -e ${PKGDIR}/README; then \ r=${WRKINST}${_README_DIR}/${FULLPKGNAME}; \ echo "Installing ${PKGDIR}/README as $$r"; \ ${SUDO} ${SUBST_CMD} -o ${SHAREOWN} -g ${SHAREGRP} -c ${PKGDIR}/README $$r; \ fi .else . for _s in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} @if test -e ${PKGDIR}/README${_s}; then \ r=${WRKINST}${_README_DIR}/${FULLPKGNAME${_s}}; \ echo "Installing ${PKGDIR}/README${_s} as $$r"; \ ${SUDO} ${SUBST_CMD} -o ${SHAREOWN} -g ${SHAREGRP} -c ${PKGDIR}/README${_s} $$r; \ fi . endfor .endif @cd ${PKGDIR} && for i in *.rc; do \ if test X"$$i" != "X*.rc"; then \ r=${WRKINST}${RCDIR}/$${i%.rc}; \ echo "Installing ${PKGDIR}/$$i as $$r"; \ ${SUDO} ${SUBST_CMD} -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -c $$i $$r; \ ${SUDO} chmod ${BINMODE} $$r; \ fi; \ done @${SUDO} ${_MAKE_COOKIE} $@ .if empty(PLIST_DB) _register_plist =: .else _register_plist = mkdir -p ${PLIST_DB:S/:/ /g} && ${_PERLSCRIPT}/register-plist ${PLIST_DB} .endif .if ${CHECK_LIB_DEPENDS:L} == "yes" _check_lib_depends = ${_CHECK_LIB_DEPENDS} .else _check_lib_depends =: .endif CLEAN_PLIST_OUTPUT?=No .if ${CLEAN_PLIST_OUTPUT:L} == "yes" _plist_header=echo "@+++ new plist" _plist_footer=echo "@--- end plist" .else _plist_header=: _plist_footer=: .endif print-plist: @${_plist_header}; ${_PKG_CREATE} -n -q ${PKG_ARGS${SUBPACKAGE}} ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${SUBPACKAGE}}; ${_plist_footer} print-plist-with-depends: @${_plist_header}; \ if a=`SUBPACKAGE=${SUBPACKAGE} ${MAKE} _print-package-args`; \ then \ ${_PKG_CREATE} -n -q $$a ${PKG_ARGS${SUBPACKAGE}} ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${SUBPACKAGE}}; \ else \ exit 1; \ fi ; \ ${_plist_footer} # XXX this helps for port-lib-depends-check # create "extra" depends lines that correspond to LIB_DEPENDS that would # be stripped because there is no lib depending on them in WANTLIB _print-plist-with-extra-depends: .if ${NO_SHARED_LIBS:L} != "yes" . for _i in ${LIB_DEPENDS${SUBPACKAGE}} @echo '${_i}'|{ \ ${_parse_spec}; \ ${_complete_pkgspec}; \ echo "@depend $$subdir:$$pkg:$$default"; \ } . endfor .endif @${_MAKE} print-plist-with-depends print-plist-all: .for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} @${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${FULLPKGNAME${_S}}" @${_plist_header}; ${_PKG_CREATE} -n -q ${PKG_ARGS${_S}} ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${_S}};${_plist_footer} .endfor print-plist-all-with-depends: .for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} @${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${FULLPKGNAME${_S}}" @${_plist_header}; \ if a=`SUBPACKAGE=${_S} ${MAKE} _print-package-args`; \ then \ ${_PKG_CREATE} -n -q $$a ${PKG_ARGS${_S}} ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${_S}}; \ else \ exit 1; \ fi; \ ${_plist_footer} .endfor print-plist-contents: @${_plist_header}; ${_PKG_CREATE} -n -Q ${PKG_ARGS${SUBPACKAGE}} ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${SUBPACKAGE}};${_plist_footer} print-plist-libs: @${_plist_header}; ${_PKG_CREATE} -n -Q ${PKG_ARGS${SUBPACKAGE}} ${_PACKAGE_COOKIE${SUBPACKAGE}}|${_grab_libs_from_plist};${_plist_footer} _internal-package-only: ${_PACKAGE_COOKIES} _internal-subpackage: ${_PACKAGE_COOKIES${SUBPACKAGE} # Separate target for each file fetch-all will retrieve .for _F in ${MAKESUMFILES:S@^@${DISTDIR}/@} ${_F}: . if ${FETCH_MANUALLY:L} != "no" . if !empty(_MISSING_FILES) @echo "*** You're missing files: ${_MISSING_FILES}" . endif . for _M in ${FETCH_MANUALLY} @echo "*** ${_M}" . endfor @exit 1 . else @lock=${_F:T}.dist; ${_SIMPLE_LOCK}; mkdir -p ${_F:H}; \ cd ${_F:H}; \ test -f ${_F:T} && exit 0; \ select='${_EVERYTHING:M*${_F:S@^${FULLDISTDIR}/@@}\:[0-9]}'; \ f=${_F:S@^${FULLDISTDIR}/@@}; \ ${_CDROM_OVERRIDE}; \ ${_SITE_SELECTOR}; \ for site in $$sites; do \ ${ECHO_MSG} ">> Fetch $${site}$$f"; \ if ${FETCH_CMD} $${site}$$f; then \ file=${_F:S@^${DISTDIR}/@@}; \ ck=`cd ${DISTDIR} && ${_size_fragment}`; \ if [ ! -f ${CHECKSUM_FILE} ]; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} ">> Checksum file does not exist"; \ exit 0; \ elif grep -q "^$$ck\$$" ${CHECKSUM_FILE}; then \ exit 0; \ else \ if grep -q "SIZE ($$file)" ${CHECKSUM_FILE}; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} ">> Size does not match for ${_F}"; \ test `{ wc -c "$$file" 2>/dev/null || echo 0 ; }| awk '{print $$1}'` -lt 30000 && rm -f $$file; \ else \ ${ECHO_MSG} ">> No size recorded for ${_F}"; \ exit 0; \ fi; \ fi; \ fi; \ done; exit 1 . endif .endfor .for _l _o in ${_PACKAGE_LINKS} ${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${_l}: ${PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}/${_o} @echo "Link to $@" @mkdir -p ${@D} @rm -f $@ @ln $? $@ 2>/dev/null || \ cp -p $? $@ .endfor # Cleaning up _internal-clean: .if ${_clean:L:Mdepends} && ${_CLEANDEPENDS:L} == "yes" @${MAKE} all-dir-depends|tsort -r|${_zap_last_line}|while read subdir; do \ ${_flavor_fragment}; \ eval $$toset ${MAKE} _CLEANDEPENDS=No clean; \ done .endif @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Cleaning for ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}" .if ${_clean:L:Mfake} @if cd ${WRKINST} 2>/dev/null; then ${SUDO} rm -rf ${WRKINST}; fi .endif .if ${_clean:L:Mwork} || (${_clean:L:Mbuild} && ${SEPARATE_BUILD:L} == "no") . if ${_clean:L:Mflavors} @for i in ${.CURDIR}/w-*; do \ if [ -L $$i ]; then ${SUDO} rm -rf `readlink $$i`; fi; \ ${SUDO} rm -rf $$i; \ done . endif @if [ -L ${WRKDIR} ]; then rm -rf `readlink ${WRKDIR}`; fi @rm -rf ${WRKDIR} . if !empty(WRKDIR_LINKNAME) @if [ -L ${WRKDIR_LINKNAME} ]; then rm -f ${.CURDIR}/${WRKDIR_LINKNAME}; fi . endif .elif ${_clean:L:Mbuild} && ${SEPARATE_BUILD:L} != "no" @rm -rf ${WRKBUILD} ${_CONFIGURE_COOKIE} ${_BUILD_COOKIE} .endif .if ${_clean:L:Mdist} @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Dist cleaning for ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}" @if cd ${DISTDIR} 2>/dev/null; then \ rm -f ${MAKESUMFILES}; \ fi . if !empty(DIST_SUBDIR) -@rmdir ${FULLDISTDIR} . endif .endif .if ${_clean:L:Minstall} . if ${_clean:L:Msub} -${SUDO} ${_PKG_DELETE} ${PKGNAMES} . else -${SUDO} ${_PKG_DELETE} ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}} . endif .endif .if ${_clean:L:Mpackages} || ${_clean:L:Mpackage} && ${_clean:L:Msub} rm -f ${_PACKAGE_COOKIES} .elif ${_clean:L:Mpackage} rm -f ${_PACKAGE_COOKIES${SUBPACKAGE}} .endif .if ${_clean:L:Mreadmes} rm -f ${_READMES} .endif .if ${_clean:L:Mbulk} rm -f ${_BULK_COOKIE} .endif .if ${_clean:L:Mplist} . for _d in ${PLIST_DB:S/:/ /} . for _p in ${PKGNAMES} rm -f ${_d}/${_p} . endfor . endfor .endif # mirroring utilities fetch-makefile: @mk=`mktemp ${TMPDIR}/mk.XXXXXXX`; \ trap "rm -f $$mk" 0 1 2 3 13 15; \ if ${MAKE} _fetch-makefile >$$mk; then \ cat $$mk >>${_FETCH_MAKEFILE}; \ else \ echo >&2 "Problem in ${PKGPATH}"; \ fi mirror-maker-fetch: @mk=`mktemp ${TMPDIR}/mk.XXXXXXXX`; ${MAKE} fetch-makefile >$$mk; \ echo "Check and remove $$mk"; \ cd ${DISTDIR} && \ ${MAKE} -f $$mk all FETCH=${_SHSCRIPT}/fetch-all _fetch-makefile: .if !defined(COMES_WITH) @echo -n "all" . if ${PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP:L} == "yes" @echo -n " ftp" . endif . if ${PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM:L} == "yes" @echo -n " cdrom" . endif @echo ": ${_FETCH_MAKEFILE_NAMES}" # write generic package dependencies @echo ".PHONY: ${_FETCH_MAKEFILE_NAMES}" . if ${RECURSIVE_FETCH_LIST:L} == "yes" @echo "${_FETCH_MAKEFILE_NAMES}: ${MAKESUMFILES} "`_FULL_PACKAGE_NAME=Yes ${MAKE} full-all-depends|fgrep -v ${PKGPATH}/` . else @echo "${_FETCH_MAKEFILE_NAMES}: ${MAKESUMFILES}" . endif .endif .if !empty(MAKESUMFILES) . for _F in ${MAKESUMFILES} @: $${_DONE_FILES:=/dev/null}; if ! fgrep -q "|${_F}|" $${_DONE_FILES}; then \ echo "|${_F}|" >>$${_DONE_FILES}; \ ${MAKE} _fetch-onefile _file=${_F}; \ fi . endfor .endif @echo _fetch-onefile: # XXX loop so that M${_F} will work .for _F in ${_file} @echo '${_F}: $$F' @echo '\t@lock=$${@F}; $${SIMPLE_LOCK}; \\' @echo -n '\t MAINTAINER="${MAINTAINER}" ' . if !empty(DIST_SUBDIR) @echo -n 'DIST_SUBDIR="${DIST_SUBDIR}" ' . endif @echo '\\' @select='${_EVERYTHING:M*${_F:S@^${DIST_SUBDIR}/@@}\:[0-9]}'; \ ${_SITE_SELECTOR}; \ echo "\t SITES=\"$$sites\" \\" . if ${FETCH_MANUALLY:L} != "no" @echo '\t FETCH_MANUALLY="Yes" \\' . endif . if !defined(NO_CHECKSUM) && !empty(MAKESUMFILES:M${_F}) @if [ ! -f ${CHECKSUM_FILE} ]; then \ echo >&2 "Missing checksum file: ${CHECKSUM_FILE}"; \ echo '\t ERROR="no checksum file" \\'; \ else \ for c in ${PREFERRED_CIPHERS}; do \ if set -- `grep -i "^$$c (${_F})" ${CHECKSUM_FILE}`; then break; fi; \ done; \ case "$$4" in \ "") \ echo >&2 "No checksum recorded for ${_F}."; \ echo '\t ERROR="no checksum" \\';; \ "IGNORE") \ echo >&2 "Checksum for ${_F} is IGNORE in ${CHECKSUM_FILE}"; \ echo >&2 'but file is not in $${IGNORE_FILES}'; \ echo '\t ERROR="IGNORE inconsistent" \\';; \ *) \ echo "\t CIPHER=\"$$c\" CKSUM=\"$$4\" CHECK=\""$$@"\" \\";; \ esac; \ fi . endif @echo '\t $${EXEC} $${FETCH} "$$@"' .endfor # This target generates an index entry suitable for aggregation into # a large index. Format is: # # distribution-name|port-path|installation-prefix|comment| \ # description-file|maintainer|categories|lib-deps|build-deps|run-deps| \ # for-arch|package-cdrom|package-ftp|distfiles-cdrom|distfiles-ftp # describe: .for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} @echo -n "${FULLPKGNAME${_S}}|${FULLPKGPATH${_S}}|" . if ${PREFIX${_S}} == ${LOCALBASE} @echo -n "|" . else @echo -n "${PREFIX${_S}}|" . endif @echo -n ${_COMMENT${_S}:S/^"//:S/"$//:S/^'//:S/'$//:Q}"|"; \ if [ -f ${DESCR${_S}} ]; then \ echo -n "${DESCR${_S}:S,^${PORTSDIR}/,,}|"; \ else \ echo -n "/dev/null|"; \ fi; \ echo -n "${MAINTAINER}|${CATEGORIES${_S}}|" . for _d in LIB BUILD RUN @echo -n '${_${_d}_DEP3${_S}:C/ +/ /g}'| tr '\040' '\012'|sort -u|tr '\012' '\040' | sed -e 's, $$,,' @echo -n '|' . endfor . if defined(ONLY_FOR_ARCHS${_S}) @echo -n "${ONLY_FOR_ARCHS${_S}}|" . elif defined(NOT_FOR_ARCHS${_S}) @echo -n "!${NOT_FOR_ARCHS${_S}}|" . else @echo -n "any|" . endif . if defined(_BAD_LICENSING) @echo "?|?|?|?" . else . if ${PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM${_S}:L} == "yes" @echo -n "y|" . else @echo -n "n|" . endif . if ${PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP${_S}:L} == "yes" @echo -n "y|" . else @echo -n "n|" . endif . if ${PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM:L} == "yes" @echo -n "y|" . else @echo -n "n|" . endif . if ${PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP:L} == "yes" @echo "y" . else @echo "n" . endif . endif .endfor readme: @tmpdir=`mktemp -d ${TMPDIR}/readme.XXXXXX`; \ trap 'rm -r $$tmpdir' 0 1 2 3 13 15; \ cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} TMPDIR=$$tmpdir README_NAME=${README_NAME} \ ${READMES_TOP}/${PKGPATH}/${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}.html readmes: @tmpdir=`mktemp -d ${TMPDIR}/readme.XXXXXX`; \ trap 'rm -r $$tmpdir' 0 1 2 3 13 15; \ cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} TMPDIR=$$tmpdir README_NAME=${README_NAME} \ ${_READMES} .for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} ${READMES_TOP}/${PKGPATH}/${FULLPKGNAME${_S}}.html: @mkdir -p ${@D} @echo ${_COMMENT${_S}:Q} | ${HTMLIFY} >${TMPDIR}/comment${_S} @echo ${FULLPKGNAME${_S}} | ${HTMLIFY} > ${TMPDIR}/pkgname${_S} . if defined(HOMEPAGE) @echo 'See ${HOMEPAGE} for details.' >${TMPDIR}/home${_S} . else @echo "" >${TMPDIR}/home${_S} . endif . if ${MULTI_PACKAGES} != "-" @echo "

Part of a Multi-Package set

" >${TMPDIR}/subpackages${_S} @echo "
    " >>${TMPDIR}/subpackages${_S} . for _T in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} @echo "
  • ${FULLPKGNAME${_T}}" >>${TMPDIR}/subpackages${_S} . endfor @echo "
" >>${TMPDIR}/subpackages${_S} . else @>${TMPDIR}/subpackages${_S} . endif . for _I in build run . if !empty(_${_I:U}_DEP) @cd ${.CURDIR} && SUBPACKAGE=${_S} ${MAKE} full-${_I}-depends _FULL_PACKAGE_NAME=Yes| \ while read n; do \ j=`dirname $$n|${HTMLIFY}`; k=`basename $$n|${HTMLIFY}`; \ echo "
  • $$k"; \ done >${TMPDIR}/${_I}${_S} . else @echo "
  • none" >${TMPDIR}/${_I}${_S} . endif . endfor @sed -e 's|%%PORT%%|'"`echo ${FULLPKGPATH${_S}} | ${HTMLIFY}`"'|g' \ -e '/%%PKG%%/r${TMPDIR}/pkgname${_S}' -e '//d' \ -e '/%%COMMENT%%/r${TMPDIR}/comment${_S}' -e '//d' \ -e '/%%DESCR%%/r${DESCR${_S}}' -e '//d' \ -e '/%%HOMEPAGE%%/r${TMPDIR}/home${_S}' -e '//d' \ -e '/%%BUILD_DEPENDS%%/r${TMPDIR}/build${_S}' -e '//d' \ -e '/%%RUN_DEPENDS%%/r${TMPDIR}/run${_S}' -e '//d' \ -e '/%%SUBPACKAGES%%/r${TMPDIR}/subpackages${_S}' -e '//d' \ ${README_NAME} > $@ @rm -f ${TMPDIR}/*${_S} .endfor print-build-depends: .if !empty(_BUILD_DEP) @echo -n 'This port requires package(s) "' @${MAKE} full-build-depends| ${_lines2list} @echo '" to build.' .endif print-run-depends: .if !empty(_RUN_DEP) @echo -n 'This port requires package(s) "' @${MAKE} full-run-depends| ${_lines2list} @echo '" to run.' .endif # full-build-depends, full-all-depends, full-run-depends full-regress-depends .for _i in build all run regress full-${_i}-depends: @${MAKE} ${_i}-dir-depends|${_sort_dependencies}|while read subdir; do \ ${_flavor_fragment}; \ eval $$toset ${MAKE} _print-packagename ; \ done .endfor license-check: .for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} . if ${PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM${_S}:L} == "yes" || \ ${PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP${_S}:L} == "yes" @SUBPACKAGE=${_S} ${MAKE} all-dir-depends|${_sort_dependencies}|while read subdir; do \ ${_flavor_fragment}; \ _MASTER_PERMIT_CDROM=${PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM${_S}:Q}; \ _MASTER_PERMIT_FTP=${PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP${_S}:Q}; \ export _MASTER_PERMIT_CDROM _MASTER_PERMIT_FTP; \ eval $$toset ${MAKE} _license-check; \ done . endif .endfor _license-check: .for _i in FTP CDROM . if defined(_MASTER_PERMIT_${_i}) && ${_MASTER_PERMIT_${_i}:L} == "yes" && \ ${PERMIT_PACKAGE_${_i}:L} != "yes" @echo >&2 "Warning: dependency ${PKGPATH} is not allowed for ${_i}" . endif .endfor # run-depends-list, build-depends-list, lib-depends-list .for _i in RUN BUILD LIB ${_i:L}-depends-list: . if !empty(_${_i}_DEP3) @echo -n "This port requires \"" @echo -n '${_${_i}_DEP3:C/ +/ /g}'| tr '\040' '\012'|sort -u|tr '\012' '\040' | sed -e 's, $$,,' @echo "\" for ${_i:L}." . endif .endfor # recursive depend targets print-package-signature: @echo -n ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}} .if !empty(_DEPRUNLIBS) @cd ${.CURDIR} && LIST_LIBS=`${MAKE} _list-port-libs` ${MAKE} _print-package-signature-lib _print-package-signature-run| \ sort -u| \ while read i; do echo -n ",$$i"; done .else @cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} _print-package-signature-run | \ sort -u| \ while read i; do echo -n ",$$i"; done .endif @echo _print-package-args: .for _i in ${RUN_DEPENDS${SUBPACKAGE}} @echo '${_i}' |{ \ ${_parse_spec}; \ ${_complete_pkgspec}; \ echo "-P $$subdir:$$pkg:$$default"; \ } .endfor .if ${NO_SHARED_LIBS:L} != "yes" . for _i in ${LIB_DEPENDS${SUBPACKAGE}} @echo '${_i}'|{ \ ${_parse_spec}; \ ${_complete_pkgspec}; \ libs=`eval $$toset ${MAKE} print-plist-libs`; \ needed=false; \ exec 3>&2; \ for d in ${_DEPRUNLIBS:QL}; do \ if $$needed; then continue; fi; \ exec 2>/dev/null; \ ${_libresolve_fragment}; \ case "$$check" in \ *.a|Failed) \ continue;; \ *) \ needed=true;; \ esac; \ done; \ exec 2>&3; \ if $$needed; then echo "-P $$subdir:$$pkg:$$default"; fi; \ } . endfor @libs=`for i in ${_LIB4${SUBPACKAGE}:QL}; do echo "$$i"| { \ ${_parse_spec}; \ if ! eval $$toset ${MAKE} print-plist-libs; \ then \ echo 1>&2 "Problem with dependency ${_i}"; \ exit 1; \ fi; }; \ done;`; \ listlibs="echo $$libs; echo ${LOCALBASE}/lib/lib* /usr/lib/lib* ${X11BASE}/lib/lib*"; \ for d in ${_DEPRUNLIBS:QL}; do \ case "$$d" in \ /*) listlibs="$$listlibs $${d%/*}/lib*";; \ */*) listlibs="$$listlibs ${LOCALBASE}/$${d%/*}/lib*";; \ esac; \ done; \ if found=`eval $$listlibs 2>/dev/null| \ LOCALBASE=${LOCALBASE} X11BASE=${X11BASE} \ ${_PERLSCRIPT}/resolve-lib ${_noshared} ${_DEPRUNLIBS:QL}`; then \ for k in $$found; do \ case $$k in *.a) ;; \ *) echo "-W $$k";; \ esac; \ done; \ else \ echo 1>&2 "Can't resolve libspec"; \ exit 1; \ fi .endif _list-port-libs: .if defined(_PORT_LIBS_CACHE) && defined(_DEPENDS_CACHE) && \ defined(_DEPENDS_FILE) @if ! fgrep -q -e "r|${FULLPKGPATH}|" -e "a|${FULLPKGPATH}" $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; then \ ${MAKE} run-dir-depends >>${_DEPENDS_CACHE}; \ fi @${_PERLSCRIPT}/extract-dependencies ${FULLPKGPATH} <${_DEPENDS_CACHE}|while read subdir; do \ fulldir=${_PORT_LIBS_CACHE}/$$subdir; \ if test -f $$fulldir; then \ cat $$fulldir; \ else \ mkdir -p $${fulldir%/*}; \ ${_flavor_fragment}; \ eval $$toset ${MAKE} print-plist-libs | tee $$fulldir; \ fi; \ done .else @${MAKE} run-dir-depends|${_sort_dependencies}|while read subdir; do \ ${_flavor_fragment}; \ eval $$toset ${MAKE} print-plist-libs ; \ done .endif @echo /usr/lib/lib* ${X11BASE}/lib/lib* _print-package-signature-run: .for _i in ${RUN_DEPENDS${SUBPACKAGE}} @echo '${_i}' |{ \ ${_parse_spec}; \ ${_compute_default}; \ echo "$$default"; \ } .endfor _print-package-signature-lib: @echo $$LIST_LIBS| LOCALBASE=${LOCALBASE} X11BASE=${X11BASE} ${_PERLSCRIPT}/resolve-lib ${_DEPRUNLIBS:QL} .for _i in ${LIB_DEPENDS${SUBPACKAGE}} @echo '${_i}' |{ \ ${_parse_spec}; \ ${_compute_default}; \ echo "$$default"; \ } .endfor # recursively build a list of dirs for package running, ready for tsort _recurse-run-dir-depends: .for _dir in ${_RUN_DEP} @echo "$$self ${_dir}"; \ if ! fgrep -q -e "r|${_dir}|" -e "a|${_dir}|" $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; then \ echo "r|${_dir}|" >> $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; \ subdir=${_dir}; ${_flavor_fragment}; \ toset="$$toset self=\"${_dir}\""; \ if ! eval $$toset ${MAKE} _recurse-run-dir-depends; then \ echo 1>&2 "*** Problem checking deps in \"$$dir\"."; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ fi .endfor run-dir-depends: .if !empty(_RUN_DEP) @${_depfile_fragment}; \ if ! fgrep -q -e "r|${FULLPKGPATH}|" -e "a|${FULLPKGPATH}" $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; then \ echo "r|${FULLPKGPATH}|" >>$${_DEPENDS_FILE}; \ self=${FULLPKGPATH} ${MAKE} _recurse-run-dir-depends; \ fi .else @echo "${FULLPKGPATH} ${FULLPKGPATH}" .endif # recursively build a list of dirs for package regression, ready for tsort _recurse-regress-dir-depends: .for _dir in ${_REGRESS_DEP} @echo "$$self ${_dir}"; \ if ! fgrep -q -e "R|${_dir}|" $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; then \ echo "R|${_dir}|" >> $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; \ subdir=${_dir}; ${_flavor_fragment}; \ toset="$$toset self=\"${_dir}\""; \ if ! eval $$toset ${MAKE} _recurse-run-dir-depends; then \ echo 1>&2 "*** Problem checking deps in \"$$dir\"."; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ fi .endfor regress-dir-depends: .if !empty(_REGRESS_DEP) @${_depfile_fragment}; \ if ! fgrep -q -e "R|${FULLPKGPATH}|" $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; then \ echo "R|${FULLPKGPATH}|" >>$${_DEPENDS_FILE}; \ self=${FULLPKGPATH} ${MAKE} _recurse-regress-dir-depends; \ fi .else @echo "${FULLPKGPATH} ${FULLPKGPATH}" .endif # recursively build a list of dirs for package building, ready for tsort # second and further stages need _RUN_DEP. _recurse-all-dir-depends: .for _dir in ${_BUILD_DEP} ${_RUN_DEP} @echo "$$self ${_dir}"; \ if ! fgrep -q "a|${_dir}|" $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; then \ echo "a|${_dir}|" >> $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; \ subdir=${_dir}; ${_flavor_fragment}; \ toset="$$toset self=\"${_dir}\""; \ if ! eval $$toset ${MAKE} _recurse-all-dir-depends; then \ echo 1>&2 "*** Problem checking deps in \"$$dir\"."; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ fi .endfor # first stage does not need _RUN_DEP _build-dir-depends: .for _dir in ${_BUILD_DEP} @echo "$$self ${_dir}"; \ if ! fgrep -q -e "b|${_dir}|" -e "a|${_dir}|" $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; then \ echo "b|${_dir}|" >> $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; \ subdir=${_dir}; ${_flavor_fragment}; \ toset="$$toset self=\"${_dir}\""; \ if ! eval $$toset ${MAKE} _recurse-all-dir-depends; then \ echo 1>&2 "*** Problem checking deps in \"$$dir\"."; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ fi .endfor build-dir-depends: .if !empty(_BUILD_DEP) @${_depfile_fragment}; \ if ! fgrep -q -e "b|${FULLPKGPATH}|" -e "a|${_dir}|" $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; then \ echo "b|${FULLPKGPATH}|" >>$${_DEPENDS_FILE}; \ self=${FULLPKGPATH} ${MAKE} _build-dir-depends; \ fi .else @echo "${FULLPKGPATH} ${FULLPKGPATH}" .endif all-dir-depends: .if !empty(_BUILD_DEP) || !empty(_RUN_DEP) @${_depfile_fragment}; \ if ! fgrep -q "|${FULLPKGPATH}|" $${_DEPENDS_FILE}; then \ echo "|${FULLPKGPATH}|" >>$${_DEPENDS_FILE}; \ self=${FULLPKGPATH} ${MAKE} _recurse-all-dir-depends; \ fi .else @echo "${FULLPKGPATH} ${FULLPKGPATH}" .endif link-categories: .for _CAT in ${CATEGORIES} @linkname=${PORTSDIR}/${_CAT}/`basename ${.CURDIR}`; \ if [ ! -e $$linkname ]; then \ echo "$$linkname -> ${.CURDIR}"; \ mkdir -p ${PORTSDIR}/${_CAT}; \ ln -s ${.CURDIR} $$linkname; \ fi .endfor unlink-categories: .for _CAT in ${CATEGORIES} @linkname=${PORTSDIR}/${_CAT}/`basename ${.CURDIR}`; \ if [ -L $$linkname ]; then \ echo "rm $$linkname"; \ rm $$linkname; \ if rmdir ${PORTSDIR}/${_CAT} 2>/dev/null; then \ echo "rmdir ${PORTSDIR}/${_CAT}"; \ fi; \ fi .endfor homepage-links: .if defined(HOMEPAGE) @echo '
  • ${PKGNAME}' .else @echo '
  • ${PKGNAME}' .endif ##################################################### # convenience targets, not really needed ##################################################### checkpatch: @${_MAKE} PATCH_CHECK_ONLY=Yes patch clean-depends: @${_MAKE} clean=depends distclean: @${_MAKE} clean=dist delete-package: @${_MAKE} clean=package reinstall: @${_MAKE} clean='install force' @cd ${.CURDIR} && DEPENDS_TARGET=${DEPENDS_TARGET} exec ${MAKE} install repackage: @${_MAKE} clean=packages @${_MAKE} package rebuild: @rm -f ${_BUILD_COOKIE} @${_MAKE} build uninstall deinstall: @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Deinstalling for ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}}" @${SUDO} ${_PKG_DELETE} ${FULLPKGNAME${SUBPACKAGE}} .if defined(ERRORS) .BEGIN: . for _m in ${ERRORS} @echo 1>&2 ${_m} "(in ${PKGPATH})" . endfor . if !empty(ERRORS:M"Fatal\:*") || !empty(ERRORS:M'Fatal\:*') @exit 1 . endif .endif peek-ftp: @echo "DISTFILES=${DISTFILES}" @mkdir -p ${FULLDISTDIR}; cd ${FULLDISTDIR}; echo "cd ${FULLDISTDIR}"; \ for i in ${MASTER_SITES:Mftp*}; do \ echo "Connecting to $$i"; ${FETCH_CMD} $$i ; break; \ done show-required-by: @cd ${PORTSDIR} && make all-dir-depends | ${_PERLSCRIPT}/extract-dependencies -r ${_ALLPKGPATHS} show: .for _s in ${show} @echo ${${_s}:Q} .endfor show-size: @-du -ks ${WRKDIR} show-fake-size: @-du -ks ${WRKINST} verbose-show: .for _s in ${verbose-show} . if defined(${_s}) @echo ${_s}=${${_s}:Q} . endif .endfor dump-vars: .if ${MULTI_PACKAGES} == "-" . for _v in ${_ALL_VARIABLES} ${_ALL_VARIABLES_INDEXED} . if defined(${_v}-) @echo ${FULLPKGPATH}.${_v}=${${_v}-:Q} . elif defined(${_v}) @echo ${FULLPKGPATH}.${_v}=${${_v}:Q} . endif . endfor . for _v in ${_ALL_VARIABLES_PER_ARCH} . for _a in ${ALL_ARCHS} . if defined(${_v}-${_a}) @echo ${FULLPKGPATH}.${_v}-${_a}=${${_v}-${_a}:Q} . endif . endfor . endfor .else . for _S in ${MULTI_PACKAGES} . for _v in ${_ALL_VARIABLES} . if defined(${_v}) @echo ${FULLPKGPATH${_S}}.${_v}=${${_v}:Q} . endif . endfor . for _v in ${_ALL_VARIABLES_PER_ARCH} . for _a in ${ALL_ARCHS} . if defined(${_v}-${_a}) @echo ${FULLPKGPATH${_S}}.${_v}-${_a}=${${_v}-${_a}:Q} . endif . endfor . endfor . for _v in ${_ALL_VARIABLES_INDEXED} . if defined(${_v}${_S}) @echo ${FULLPKGPATH${_S}}.${_v}=${${_v}${_S}:Q} . endif . endfor . endfor .endif _all_phony = ${_recursive_depends_targets} \ ${_recursive_targets} ${_dangerous_recursive_targets} \ _build-dir-depends _fetch-makefile _fetch-onefile \ _internal-all _internal-build _internal-build-depends \ _internal-buildlib-depends _internal-buildwantlib-depends \ _internal-checksum _internal-clean _internal-configure _internal-depends \ _internal-distpatch _internal-extract _internal-fake _internal-fetch \ _internal-fetch-all \ _internal-install-all _internal-lib-depends _internal-manpages-check \ _internal-package _internal-package-only _internal-plist _internal-prepare \ _internal-regress _internal-regress-depends _internal-run-depends \ _internal-runwantlib-depends _internal-subpackage _internal-subupdate \ _internal-update _internal-update _internal-update-plist \ _internal_install _internal_runlib-depends _license-check \ _list-port-libs _print-package-args _print-package-signature-lib \ _print-package-signature-run _print-packagename _recurse-all-dir-depends \ _recurse-regress-dir-depends _recurse-run-dir-depends _refetch addsum \ build-depends build-depends-list checkpatch clean clean-depends \ delete-package depends distpatch do-build do-configure do-distpatch \ do-extract do-fetch do-install do-package do-regress fetch-all \ install-all lib-depends lib-depends-list \ peek-ftp port-lib-depends-check post-build post-configure \ post-distpatch post-extract post-fetch post-install post-package \ post-patch post-regress pre-build pre-configure pre-extract pre-fake \ pre-fetch pre-install pre-package pre-patch pre-regress prepare \ print-build-depends print-run-depends readme readmes rebuild \ regress-depends run-depends run-depends-list show-required-by \ subpackage uninstall mirror-maker-fetch _print-pkgspec \ lock unlock _print-plist-with-extra-depends .if defined(_DEBUG_TARGETS) . for _t in ${_all_phony} . if !target(${_t}) ERRORS += "Fatal: phony target ${_t} does not exist" . endif . endfor .endif .PHONY: ${_all_phony}