# $OpenBSD: Makefile.inc,v 1.27 2015/11/22 08:18:56 ajacoutot Exp $ # # XXX: Don't forget to adjust meta/msp430 when updating to new LTS # PORTROACH= ignore:1 TARGET= msp430 DISTNAME?= ${TOOL}-${TOOL_V} COMMENT?= ${TOOL} for ${TARGET} .if defined(GNU_TOOL) && ${GNU_TOOL:L:Myes} PKGNAME?= ${TARGET}-${DISTNAME} # Patches distributed by mspgcc to modify the GNU sources. PATCHFILES?= ${TARGET}-${TOOL}-${TOOL_V}-${LTS_V}.patch:0 .endif LTS_V?= 20120406 CATEGORIES+= devel MAINTAINER?= Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse # mspgcc4 was forked from mspgcc several years ago due to dormancy of the # original project. Currently mspgcc is being developed again and unifying # the different msp430 architectures (uniarch). # For a list of changes this uniarch approach brings, please refer to: # http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/mspgcc/index.php?title=Devel:Uniarch HOMEPAGE?= http://mspgcc.sourceforge.net/ # binutils/gcc/gdb: GPLv3 # libc/msp430mcu: BSD3/ISC PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM?= Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP?= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP?= Yes MASTER_SITES?= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=mspgcc/} # The patches on http://distfiles.nl/mspgcc/ are taken from # git://mspgcc.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/mspgcc/ # or from the official release tarballs. MASTER_SITES0= http://distfiles.nl/mspgcc/ # These are the patches intended for the LTS releases. MASTER_SITES1= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=mspgcc/Patches/LTS/${LTS_V}/} .for p in ${LTS_PATCHES} PATCHFILES += $p:1 .endfor PATCH_DIST_STRIP?= -p1 EXTRACT_SUFX?= .tar.bz2 DIST_SUBDIR?= ${TARGET} # XXX at least gmkdir gets picked up if present BUILD_DEPENDS += sysutils/coreutils CONFIGURE_STYLE?= gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --target=msp430 \ --disable-nls \ --disable-shared USE_GMAKE?= Yes LIBTOOL_FLAGS?= --tag=disable-shared SEPARATE_BUILD?= Yes NO_TEST?= Yes