# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.21 2020/04/18 23:53:25 kn Exp $ PORTROACH = limit:^0\.11\.1 # The CELT codec has been merged into the IETF Opus codec and is now obsolete # invalid use of `restrict' NOT_FOR_ARCHS= ${GCC3_ARCHS} COMMENT = experimental ultra-low delay audio codec DISTNAME = celt-0.11.1 REVISION = 0 EPOCH = 1 CATEGORIES = audio HOMEPAGE = http://www.celt-codec.org/ SHARED_LIBS += celt0 2.0 # 2.0 # BSD PERMIT_PACKAGE = Yes MASTER_SITES = https://downloads.xiph.org/releases/celt/ WANTLIB = c m ogg>=5 sndio LIB_DEPENDS = audio/libogg CONFIGURE_STYLE = gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS = --enable-assertions \ --enable-custom-modes \ --with-ogg=${LOCALBASE} CONFIGURE_ENV = CPPFLAGS="-DUSE_SNDIO" SEPARATE_BUILD = Yes .include