#! /usr/bin/perl # $OpenBSD: Var.pm,v 1.4 2010/04/17 13:06:49 espie Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Marc Espie # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; # use a Template Method approach to store the variable values. # rule: we store each value in the main table, after converting YesNo # variables to undef/1. Then, in addition, we process specific variables # to store them in secondary tables (because of one/many associations). package AnyVar; sub columntype() { 'OptTextColumn' } sub table() { undef } sub keyword_table() { undef } sub new { my ($class, $var, $value, $arch) = @_; print STDERR "$var-$arch\n" if defined $arch; bless [$var, $value], $class; } sub var { return shift->[0]; } sub value { return shift->[1]; } sub words { my $self = shift; my $v = $self->value; $v =~ s/^\s+//; $v =~ s/\s+$//; return split(/\s+/, $v); } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; $ins->add_to_port($self->var, $self->value); } sub add_value { my ($self, $ins, $value) = @_; $ins->add_to_port($self->var, $value); } sub column { my ($self, $name) = @_; return $self->columntype->new($name)->set_vartype($self); } sub keyword { my ($self, $ins, $value) = @_; return $ins->find_keyword_id($value, $self->keyword_table); } sub create_keyword_table { my ($self, $inserter) = @_; if (defined $self->keyword_table) { $inserter->create_keyword_table($self->keyword_table); } } sub create_table { my ($self, $inserter) = @_; $self->create_keyword_table($inserter); } sub insert { my $self = shift; my $ins = shift; $ins->insert($self->table, @_); } sub normal_insert { my $self = shift; my $ins = shift; $ins->insert($self->table, $ins->ref, @_); } package KeyVar; our @ISA = qw(AnyVar); sub columntype() { 'ValueColumn' } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; $self->add_value($ins, $self->keyword($ins, $self->value)); } package ArchKeyVar; our @ISA = qw(KeyVar); sub keyword_table() { 'Arch' } package OptKeyVar; our @ISA = qw(KeyVar); sub columntype() { 'OptValueColumn' } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; if ($self->value ne '') { $self->SUPER::add($ins); } } package ArchDependentVar; our @ISA = qw(AnyVar); sub keyword_table() { 'Arch' } sub new { my ($class, $var, $value, $arch) = @_; bless [$var, $value, $arch], $class; } sub arch { return shift->[2]; } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; my $arch = $self->arch; if (defined $arch) { $arch = $self->keyword($ins, $arch); } else { $self->SUPER::add($ins); } $self->normal_insert($ins, $arch, $self->value); } sub create_table { my ($self, $inserter) = @_; $self->create_keyword_table($inserter); $inserter->make_table($self, 'UNIQUE(FULLPKGPATH, ARCH, VALUE)', OptValueColumn->new("ARCH"), TextColumn->new("VALUE")); $inserter->prepare_normal_inserter($self->table, "ARCH", "VALUE"); } package BrokenVar; our @ISA = qw(ArchDependentVar); sub table() { 'Broken' } package YesNoVar; our @ISA = qw(AnyVar); sub columntype() { 'OptIntegerColumn' } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; $self->add_value($ins, $self->value =~ m/^Yes/i ? 1 : undef); } # variable is always defined, but we don't need to store empty values. package DefinedVar; our @ISA = qw(AnyVar); sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; return if $self->value eq ''; $self->SUPER::add($ins); } # all the dependencies are converted into list. Stuff like LIB_DEPENDS will # end up being treated as WANTLIB as well. package DependsVar; our @ISA = qw(AnyVar); sub table() { 'Depends' } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; $self->SUPER::add($ins); for my $depends ($self->words) { my ($libs, $pkgspec, $pkgpath2, $rest) = split(/\:/, $depends); if (!defined $pkgpath2) { print STDERR "Wrong depends $depends\n"; return; } $self->normal_insert($ins, $depends, $ins->find_pathkey($pkgpath2), $ins->convert_depends($self->depends_type), $pkgspec, $rest); if ($libs ne '') { for my $lib (split(/\,/, $libs)) { $self->add_lib($ins, $lib); } } } } sub create_table { my ($self, $inserter) = @_; $inserter->make_table($self, undef, TextColumn->new("FULLDEPENDS"), OptTextColumn->new("PKGSPEC"), OptTextColumn->new("REST"), PathColumn->new("DEPENDSPATH"), TextColumn->new("TYPE")); $inserter->prepare_normal_inserter($self->table, "FULLDEPENDS", "DEPENDSPATH", "TYPE", "PKGSPEC", "REST"); } sub add_lib { } package LibDependsVar; our @ISA = qw(DependsVar); sub depends_type() { 'Library' } sub add_lib { my ($self, $ins, $lib) = @_; WantlibVar->add_value($ins, $lib); } package RunDependsVar; our @ISA = qw(DependsVar); sub depends_type() { 'Run' } package BuildDependsVar; our @ISA = qw(DependsVar); sub depends_type() { 'Build' } package RegressDependsVar; our @ISA = qw(DependsVar); sub depends_type() { 'Regress' } # Stuff that gets stored in another table package SecondaryVar; our @ISA = qw(KeyVar); sub keyword_table() { undef } sub add_value { my ($self, $ins, $value) = @_; $self->normal_insert($ins, $value); } sub add_keyword { my ($self, $ins, $value) = @_; $self->add_value($ins, $self->keyword($ins, $value)); } sub create_table { my ($self, $inserter) = @_; $self->create_keyword_table($inserter); $inserter->make_table($self, "UNIQUE(FULLPKGPATH, VALUE)", ValueColumn->new); $inserter->prepare_normal_inserter($self->table, "VALUE"); } package MasterSitesVar; our @ISA = qw(OptKeyVar); sub table() { 'MasterSites' } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; my $n; if ($self->var =~ m/^MASTER_SITES(\d)$/) { $n = $1; } $self->normal_insert($ins, $n, $self->value); } sub create_table { my ($self, $inserter) = @_; $self->create_keyword_table($inserter); $inserter->make_table($self, "UNIQUE(FULLPKGPATH, N, VALUE)", OptIntegerColumn->new("N"), ValueColumn->new); $inserter->prepare_normal_inserter($self->table, "N", "VALUE"); } # Generic handling for any blank-separated list package ListVar; our @ISA = qw(SecondaryVar); sub columntype() { 'OptTextColumn' } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; $self->AnyVar::add($ins); for my $d ($self->words) { $self->add_value($ins, $d) if $d ne ''; } } package ListKeyVar; our @ISA = qw(SecondaryVar); sub keyword_table() { 'Keywords' } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; $self->AnyVar::add($ins); for my $d ($self->words) { $self->add_keyword($ins, $d) if $d ne ''; } } package QuotedListVar; our @ISA = qw(ListVar); sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; $self->AnyVar::add($ins); my @l = ($self->words); while (my $v = shift @l) { while ($v =~ m/^[^']*\'[^']*$/ || $v =~m/^[^"]*\"[^"]*$/) { $v.=' '.shift @l; } if ($v =~ m/^\"(.*)\"$/) { $v = $1; } if ($v =~ m/^\'(.*)\'$/) { $v = $1; } $self->add_value($ins, $v) if $v ne ''; } } package DefinedListKeyVar; our @ISA = qw(ListKeyVar); sub columntype() { 'OptValueColumn' } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; return if $self->value eq ''; $self->SUPER::add($ins); } package FlavorsVar; our @ISA = qw(DefinedListKeyVar); sub table() { 'Flavors' } package PseudoFlavorsVar; our @ISA = qw(DefinedListKeyVar); sub table() { 'PseudoFlavors' } package ArchListVar; our @ISA = qw(DefinedListKeyVar); sub keyword_table() { 'Arch' } package OnlyForArchListVar; our @ISA = qw(ArchListVar); sub table() { 'OnlyForArch' } package NotForArchListVar; our @ISA = qw(ArchListVar); sub table() { 'NotForArch' } package CategoriesVar; our @ISA = qw(ListKeyVar); sub table() { 'Categories' } sub keyword_table() { 'CategoryKeys' } package MultiVar; our @ISA = qw(ListVar); sub table() { 'Multi' } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; return if $self->value eq '-'; $self->SUPER::add($ins); } package ModulesVar; our @ISA = qw(DefinedListKeyVar); sub table() { 'Modules' } sub keyword_table() { 'ModuleKeys' } package ConfigureVar; our @ISA = qw(DefinedListKeyVar); sub table() { 'Configure' } sub keyword_table() { 'ConfigureKeys' } package ConfigureArgsVar; our @ISA = qw(QuotedListVar); sub table() { 'ConfigureArgs' } package WantlibVar; our @ISA = qw(ListVar); sub table() { 'Wantlib' } sub keyword_table() { 'Library' } sub _add { my ($self, $ins, $value, $extra) = @_; $self->normal_insert($ins, $self->keyword($ins, $value), $extra); } sub add_value { my ($self, $ins, $value) = @_; if ($value =~ m/^(.*)(\.\>?\=\d+\.\d+)$/) { $self->_add($ins, $1, $2); } elsif ($value =~ m/^(.*)(\.\>?\=\d+)$/) { $self->_add($ins, $1, $2); } else { $self->_add($ins, $value, undef); } } sub create_table { my ($self, $inserter) = @_; $self->create_keyword_table($inserter); $inserter->make_table($self, "UNIQUE(FULLPKGPATH, VALUE)", ValueColumn->new, OptTextColumn->new("EXTRA")); $inserter->prepare_normal_inserter($self->table, "VALUE", "EXTRA"); } package OnlyForArchVar; our @ISA = qw(DefinedListKeyVar); sub table() { 'OnlyForArch' } sub keyword_table() { 'Arches' } package FileVar; our @ISA = qw(SecondaryVar); sub table() { 'Descr' } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; $self->AnyVar::add($ins); open my $file, '<', $self->value or return; local $/ = undef; $self->add_value($ins, <$file>); } package SharedLibsVar; our @ISA = qw(KeyVar); sub table() { 'Shared_Libs' } sub keyword_table() { 'Library' } sub add { my ($self, $ins) = @_; $self->AnyVar::add($ins); my %t = $self->words; while (my ($k, $v) = each %t) { $self->normal_insert($ins, $self->keyword($ins, $k), $v); } } sub create_table { my ($self, $inserter) = @_; $self->create_keyword_table($inserter); $inserter->make_table($self, "UNIQUE (FULLPKGPATH, LIBNAME)", ValueColumn->new("LIBNAME"), TextColumn->new("VERSION")); $inserter->prepare_normal_inserter($self->table, "LIBNAME", "VERSION"); } package EmailVar; our @ISA = qw(KeyVar); sub keyword_table() { 'Email' } package YesKeyVar; our @ISA = qw(KeyVar); sub keyword_table() { 'Keywords2' } package AutoVersionVar; our @ISA = qw(OptKeyVar); sub keyword_table() { 'AutoVersion' } 1;