# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.21 2013/02/06 14:23:06 ajacoutot Exp $ SHARED_ONLY = Yes COMMENT = OpenGL window and compositing manager V = 0.8.2 DISTNAME = compiz-${V} REVISION= 15 SHARED_LIBS = decoration 0.0 CATEGORIES = x11 HOMEPAGE = http://www.compiz.org/ # MIT, GPL and LGPL PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP = Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM =Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP = Yes WANTLIB += GL GLU ICE SM X11 X11-xcb XRes Xau Xcomposite WANTLIB += Xcursor Xdamage Xdmcp Xext Xfixes Xi Xinerama Xrandr WANTLIB += Xrender Xxf86vm atk-1.0 c cairo dbus-1 dbus-glib-1 WANTLIB += drm expat ffi fontconfig freetype gdk-x11-2.0 gdk_pixbuf-2.0 WANTLIB += gio-2.0 glib-2.0 gmodule-2.0 gobject-2.0 gthread-2.0 WANTLIB += gtk-x11-2.0 m pango-1.0 pangocairo-1.0 pangoft2-1.0 WANTLIB += pcre pixman-1 png pthread pthread-stubs startup-notification-1 WANTLIB += wnck-1 xcb xcb-aux xcb-render xcb-shm xml2 xslt z WANTLIB += harfbuzz icudata icule icuuc stdc++ MASTER_SITES = http://releases.compiz.org/${V}/ MODULES = devel/gconf2 \ devel/gettext \ textproc/intltool MODGCONF2_SCHEMAS_DIR = compiz LIB_DEPENDS = devel/startup-notification \ devel/libwnck \ textproc/libxml \ textproc/libxslt \ x11/gtk+2 USE_GMAKE = Yes USE_LIBTOOL = Yes LIBTOOL_FLAGS= --tag=disable-static CONFIGURE_STYLE = gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS = ${CONFIGURE_SHARED} \ --disable-static \ --disable-inotify \ --disable-fuse \ --disable-librsvg \ --disable-metacity \ --disable-gnome \ --disable-gnome-keybindings \ --disable-kde \ --disable-kde4 \ --disable-kconfig CONFIGURE_ENV = CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib" .include