# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.52 2013/12/25 08:49:47 ajacoutot Exp $ ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= ${GCC4_ARCHS} COMMENT= free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries VERSION= 1.53.0 DISTNAME= boost_${VERSION:S/./_/g} PKGNAME= boost-${VERSION} REVISION= 5 CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=boost/} EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2 SO_VERSION= 5.0 BOOST_LIBS= boost_atomic-mt \ boost_chrono boost_chrono-mt \ boost_date_time boost_date_time-mt \ boost_filesystem boost_filesystem-mt \ boost_graph boost_graph-mt \ boost_iostreams boost_iostreams-mt \ boost_locale-mt \ boost_math_c99 boost_math_c99-mt \ boost_math_c99f boost_math_c99f-mt \ boost_math_c99l boost_math_c99l-mt \ boost_math_tr1 boost_math_tr1-mt \ boost_math_tr1f boost_math_tr1f-mt \ boost_math_tr1l boost_math_tr1l-mt \ boost_prg_exec_monitor boost_prg_exec_monitor-mt \ boost_program_options boost_program_options-mt \ boost_python boost_python-mt \ boost_python3 boost_python3-mt \ boost_random boost_random-mt \ boost_regex boost_regex-mt \ boost_serialization boost_serialization-mt \ boost_signals boost_signals-mt \ boost_system boost_system-mt \ boost_thread-mt \ boost_timer boost_timer-mt \ boost_unit_test_framework boost_unit_test_framework-mt \ boost_wave boost_wave-mt \ boost_wserialization boost_wserialization-mt .for _lib in ${BOOST_LIBS} SHARED_LIBS+= ${_lib} ${SO_VERSION} .endfor HOMEPAGE= http://www.boost.org/ MAINTAINER= Brad Smith # MIT-like PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes WANTLIB= c m pthread stdc++ util z MODULES= converters/libiconv \ lang/python MODPY_RUNDEP= No BUILD_DEPENDS+= lang/python/${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_3} MAKE_ENV= GCC="${CC}" GXX="${CXX}" BJAM_CONFIG= -sICONV_PATH=${LOCALBASE} \ -sNO_BZIP2=1 \ -d+2 -q \ -j ${MAKE_JOBS} \ cflags='${CFLAGS}' cxxflags='${CXXFLAGS}' \ python=${MODPY_VERSION} \ variant=release link=static,shared threading=single,multi \ --layout=tagged # context uses MD bits and is missing support for Alpha, # PA-RISC, SPARC and SuperH. The author does not care # care about adding support for Alpha and PA-RISC. BOOTSTRAP= --with-python=${MODPY_BIN} \ --with-python-root=${LOCALBASE} \ --with-python-version=${MODPY_VERSION} \ --without-icu \ --without-libraries=context # python.port.mk makes assumptions about an empty CONFIGURE_STYLE CONFIGURE_STYLE= none CONFIGURE_ENV= BJAM_CONFIG="${BJAM_CONFIG}" DPB_PROPERTIES= parallel NO_TEST= Yes SUBST_VARS+= SO_VERSION do-configure: echo "using python : ${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_3} : ${LOCALBASE}/bin/python${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_3} : ${LOCALBASE}/include/python${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_3}$$(python${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_3}-config --abiflags) ;" >> ${WRKSRC}/tools/build/v2/user-config.jam @${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/Jamroot @cd ${WRKSRC}/libs/config && \ ${SETENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} /bin/sh ./configure && \ cp user.hpp ${WRKSRC}/boost/config @cd ${WRKSRC} && chmod -R a+x ./ && \ /bin/sh ./bootstrap.sh ${BOOTSTRAP} do-build: @cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ./bjam ${BJAM_CONFIG} do-install: ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/tools/build/v2/engine/bin.*/bjam \ ${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/stage/lib/lib!(*.so) ${PREFIX}/lib @cd ${WRKSRC} && \ find boost -type d -exec ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/include/{} \; @cd ${WRKSRC} && \ find boost ! -name \*.orig -type f -exec ${INSTALL_DATA} {} ${PREFIX}/include/{} \; .include