# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2017/01/01 20:58:23 uaa Exp $ COMMENT = Open On-Chip Debugging DISTNAME = openocd-0.9.0 CATEGORIES = devel HOMEPAGE = http://openocd.sourceforge.net/ MAINTAINER = Sylvestre Gallon # GPLv2 PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes WANTLIB += c ftdi jim m pthread usb usb-1.0 MASTER_SITES = ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=openocd/} EXTRACT_SUFX = .tar.bz2 CONFIGURE_STYLE = gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS = --disable-werror \ --disable-wextra \ --enable-armjtagew \ --enable-at91rm9200 \ --enable-ep93xx \ --enable-ftdi \ --enable-jlink \ --enable-presto_libftdi \ --enable-rlink \ --enable-usbprog \ --enable-vsllink \ --enable-ulink \ --enable-stlink \ --enable-ti-icdi \ --enable-usb-blaster-2 \ --enable-osbdm \ --enable-opendous \ --enable-aice \ --enable-buspirate \ --disable-internal-jimtcl CONFIGURE_ENV = CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include -I${LOCALBASE}/include/jim" \ LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib -pthread" LIB_DEPENDS = devel/libftdi>=0.20 \ lang/jimtcl>=0.75 USE_GMAKE = Yes # Fails to link main.o and libopenocd.a properly resulting in undefined reference in the gdb_server.o USE_LIBTOOL = gnu NO_TEST = Yes .include