# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2017/02/23 16:01:09 jsing Exp $ COMMENT = Go supplementary cryptography libraries DISTNAME = go-crypto-20170201 GH_ACCOUNT = golang GH_PROJECT = crypto GH_COMMIT = dc137beb6cce2043eb6b5f223ab8bf51c32459f4 CATEGORIES = security devel HOMEPAGE = https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/crypto MAINTAINER = Dmitrij D. Czarkoff # BSD PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes WANTLIB = c pthread MODULES = lang/go MODGO_TYPE = lib # The acme and acme\autocert packages are not currently enabled, since # there is now a lovely circular dependency with the go-net package... _MAIN = golang.org/x/crypto _SUBPKGS = bcrypt \ blake2b \ blake2s \ blowfish \ bn256 \ cast5 \ chacha20poly1305 \ chacha20poly1305/internal/chacha20 \ curve25519 \ ed25519 \ ed25519/internal/edwards25519 \ hkdf \ md4 \ nacl/box \ nacl/secretbox \ ocsp \ openpgp \ openpgp/armor \ openpgp/clearsign \ openpgp/elgamal \ openpgp/errors \ openpgp/packet \ openpgp/s2k \ otr \ pbkdf2 \ pkcs12 \ pkcs12/internal/rc2 \ poly1305 \ ripemd160 \ salsa20 \ salsa20/salsa \ scrypt \ sha3 \ ssh \ ssh/agent \ ssh/terminal \ ssh/test \ tea \ twofish \ xtea \ xts ALL_TARGET = ${_SUBPKGS:%=${_MAIN}/%} WRKSRC = ${MODGO_WORKSPACE}/src/${_MAIN} .include