# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2013/07/01 10:39:17 sthen Exp $ COMMENT = open source MPI-2 implementation BROKEN-hppa = error: Could not determine global symbol label prefix BROKEN-powerpc = checking if Fortran 77 compiler works... no V= 1.4.1 DISTNAME = openmpi-$V REVISION = 2 SHARED_LIBS = mca_common_sm 1.0 \ mpi 0.1 \ mpi_cxx 0.0 \ mpi_f77 0.0 \ open-pal 0.0 \ open-rte 0.0 CATEGORIES = devel HOMEPAGE = http://www.open-mpi.org/ MODULES = fortran MODFORTRAN_COMPILER = gfortran BUILD_DEPENDS += ${MODFORTRAN_BUILD_DEPENDS} # BSD PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes WANTLIB += c m pthread stdc++ util z MASTER_SITES = ${HOMEPAGE}/software/ompi/v${V:C/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\1/}/downloads/ USE_GROFF = Yes # XXX: uses a locally modified libtool. USE_LIBTOOL = No FAKE_FLAGS = sysconfdir=${PREFIX}/share/examples/openmpi/ CONFIGURE_STYLE = gnu # openmpi's otfinfo conflicts with the one from texlive post-install: mv ${PREFIX}/bin/otfinfo ${PREFIX}/bin/otfinfompi .include