COMMENT= importer for pass (passwordstore) MODPY_EGG_VERSION= 3.3 REVISION= 2 DISTNAME= pass-import-${MODPY_EGG_VERSION} CATEGORIES= security HOMEPAGE= # GPLv3+ PERMIT_PACKAGE= Yes MODULES= lang/python MODPY_SETUPTOOLS= Yes # no tests in pypi distfile; no formatted manpages in github releases distfile # dropping tests is better than a BDEP on pandoc + pypandoc... MODPY_PI= Yes NO_TEST= Yes BUILD_DEPENDS= security/py-zxcvbn${MODPY_FLAVOR} \ textproc/py-yaml${MODPY_FLAVOR} \ www/py-requests${MODPY_FLAVOR} RUN_DEPENDS= security/password-store \ devel/py-magic${MODPY_FLAVOR} \ security/py-cryptography${MODPY_FLAVOR} \ security/py-pykeepass${MODPY_FLAVOR} \ security/py-zxcvbn${MODPY_FLAVOR} \ textproc/py-defusedxml${MODPY_FLAVOR} \ textproc/py-yaml${MODPY_FLAVOR} \ www/py-requests${MODPY_FLAVOR} # some import modules require additional dependencies; # - gnome-keyring requires installing py3-secretstorage # - aegis uses py-cryptography but requires it to be built against # openssl with scrypt .include