COMMENT = editable interval tree data structure for Python 2 and 3 MODPY_EGG_VERSION = 3.1.0 DISTNAME = intervaltree-${MODPY_EGG_VERSION} PKGNAME = py-${DISTNAME} REVISION = 1 CATEGORIES = devel HOMEPAGE = # Apache v2 PERMIT_PACKAGE = Yes MODULES = lang/python MODPY_SETUPTOOLS = Yes MODPY_PI = Yes RUN_DEPENDS = devel/py-sortedcontainers${MODPY_FLAVOR} # py2 used by security/py-vivisect FLAVORS = python3 FLAVOR ?= # "test" directory is missing from the tarball, exists only in repository # could run the regress tests by copying the directory in WRKSRC NO_TEST = Yes .include