$OpenBSD: LICENSE,v 1.44 1999/12/12 22:10:48 jakob Exp $

This file matches the type of license (see below) to each application
in the OpenBSD ports tree.  Those ports with restrictive licenses will
not be placed on any OpenBSD CD-ROM.

	As a safety measure a distribution MUST be listed in this
	file and MUST be marked as Distribution allowed = Y for it
	to be in the distfiles directory of either the FTP server
	or the OpenBSD CD-ROM.  (Some of `Distribution allowed = N'
	file may be found in the licensed directory of the ftp server).

License types:

BSD:	BSD (or a BSD like) license.
	Can be distributed.  Documentation that mentions package may
	need to include owners copyright.
COMM:	Commercial software.
	For fee software.
COPY:	Copyright that allows or denys distribution
	Read copyright before use, there may be usage restrictions
	even if distribution is allowed.
CRYPTO:	Third party crypto not allowed.
ELM:	Can not charge _extra_ for distribution
	May distribute when the price of the distribution does would
	not change if the port were removed from the distribution.
GPL:	Licensed under one of the various GNU licenses.
INC:	Package is included in OpenBSD, distribution not needed.
LIC:	Requires license for redistribution.
	Note: a license may only be required for a `commercial' distribution
	which is how I'm treating the OpenBSD CD-ROMs.
NONE:	No license/copyright found in source code or related documentation.
NOFEE:	Can not charge for distribution
	The software may be `free', but the copyright states `may not charge
	for distribution' or words to that effect.
PAT:	Patent or Patent Pending
PD:	Explicitly stated to be in the Public Domain.
PERL:	PERL (or PERL like) license.
REST:	Restrictive license
SHARE:	Shareware.
X:	X Consortium (or X consortium like, e.g. XFree86) license.
	a full and unrestricted irrevocable, world-wide, paid up,
	royalty-free, nonexclusive right and license to deal in this
TOG:	The Open Group license.  Not to be confused with X or XFree86.
	Software distributed under the TOG license is NOT free.


+- Distribution allowed (Y or N)
v	port name			distfile name			License

N	archivers/arc			arc521e.pl8.tar.Z		NOFEE
N	archivers/bzip			bzip-0.21.tar.gz		NOFEE
Y	archivers/bzip2			bzip2-0.9.5d.tar.gz		BSD
Y	archivers/freeze		freeze-2.5.tar.gz		NONE
Y	archivers/gshar+gunshar		sharutils-4.2.tar.gz		GPL
Y	archivers/gtar			tar-1.13.tar.gz			GPL
Y	archivers/ha			ha0999.tgz			GPL
Y	archivers/lha			lha-114f.tar.gz			NONE
Y	archivers/lzo			lzo-1.04.tar.gz			GPL
N	archivers/nulib			nulib325.tar.Z			NOFEE
Y	archivers/p5-Compress-Zlib	Compress-Zlib-1.01.tar.gz	PERL
N	archivers/rar			rarbsd				NOFEE
Y	archivers/unace			unacepub.zip			NONE
Y	archivers/unarj			unarj-2.43.tgz			COPY
N	archivers/unrar			unrar-2.50.tar.gz		COPY
Y	archivers/unzip			unzip540.tar.gz			COPY
Y	archivers/zip			zip22.tar.gz			COPY
Y	archivers/zoo			zoo-2.10pl1.tar.gz		COPY
Y	astro/dgpsip			dgpsip-1.28.tar.gz		GPL
N	astro/sattrack			sattrack-3.1.6.tar.gz		COPY
N	astro/xearth			xearth-1.0.tar.gz		NOFEE
N	astro/xephem			xephem-3.2.2.tar.gz		NOFEE
N	astro/xphoon			xphoon.tar.Z			NOFEE
Y	audio/amp			amp-0.7.6.tar.gz		COPY
Y	audio/bladeenc		bladeenc-085-src-unstable.tar.gz	GPL
Y	audio/esound			esound-0.2.15.tar.gz		GPL
Y	audio/gom			gom-0.29.99.tar.gz		GPL
Y	audio/gqmpeg			gqmpeg-0.6.3.src.tar.gz		GPL
Y	audio/gsm			gsm-1.0.10.tar.gz		BSD
Y	audio/mp3encode			dist10.tar.gz			BSD
Y	audio/mp3info			mp3info-0.2.16.tar.gz		GPL
Y	audio/mpegaudio			mpegaudio.tar.Z			COPY
Y	audio/mpg123			mpg123-0.59q.tar.gz		COPY
Y	audio/nspmod			nspmod-0.1.tar.gz		GPL
Y	audio/rplay			rplay-3.3.0.tar.gz		GPL
Y	audio/rsynth			rsynth-2.0.tar.gz		NONE
Y	audio/sox			sox-12.15.tar.gz		COPY
Y	audio/timidity			goemon.tgz			NONE
Y	audio/timidity			timidity-0.2i.tar.gz		GPL
Y	audio/tosha			tosha-0.6.tar.gz		BSD
Y	audio/tracker			tracker-5.3.tgz			COPY
N	audio/waveplay			waveplay-19990123.tar.gz	NONE
Y	audio/workman			WorkMan-1.3a.tar.gz		GPL
Y	audio/xcd			xcd-1.6.tar.gz			COPY
Y	audio/xcdplayer			xcdplayer-2.2.tar.Z		BSD
Y	audio/xmcd			xmcd-2.3.tar.gz			GPL
Y	audio/xmix			xmix-2.1.tar.gz			GPL
Y	audio/xmix			xmix-2.1.mixers.patch		GPL
Y	audio/xmmix			xmmix-1.2.tar.gz		GPL
Y	audio/xmp			xmp-1.1.5.tar.gz		GPL
Y	audio/xmpeg3			xmp3_1.0.0.tgz			GPL
Y	benchmarks/bonnie		Bonnie.tar.Z			BSD
Y	benchmarks/bytebench		bytebench-3.1.tar.Z		NONE
Y	benchmarks/iozone		iozone3_9.tar			COPY
Y	benchmarks/lmbench		lmbench.tar.Z			GPL
N	benchmarks/netperf		netperf-2.1pl3.tar.gz		NOFEE
Y	benchmarks/netpipe		netpipe-2.3.tar.gz		GPL
Y	benchmarks/tcpblast		-none-				NONE
N	benchmarks/xengine		xengine/part01.z		NOFEE
N	benchmarks/xengine		xengine/patch1.z		NOFEE
Y	cad/spice			sp3f4.kit.tar.Z			COPY
Y	cad/spice			sp3f4.patch.tar.Z		COPY
Y	chinese/c2t			c2t.tar.gz			NONE
Y	chinese/c2t			TONEPY.tit			NONE
N	chinese/lunar			lunar-2.1.tar.gz		NOFEE
Y	comms/bpl+			bpl+.tar.gz			COPY
Y	comms/conserver			conserver-5.21-Beta.shar.gz	BSD
Y	comms/efax			efax-0.9.tar.gz			GPL
Y	comms/hylafax			hylafax-v4.0pl2-tar.gz		BSD
Y	comms/hylafax			gcc-2.8.x.patch			NONE
N	comms/kermit			cku192src.tar.gz		NOFEE
Y	comms/lrzsz			lrzsz-0.12.20.tar.gz		GPL
N	comms/malsync			malsync_1_6.source.tar.gz	COPY
N	comms/malsync			mal-0_7_tar.gz			COPY
N	comms/mgetty+sendfax		mgetty1.1.21-Jul24.tar.gz	COPY
Y	comms/minicom			minicom-1.82.1.src.tar.gz	GPL
Y	comms/pilot-link		pilot-link.0.9.3.tar.gz		GPL
Y	comms/qpage			qpage-3.2.tar.Z			COPY
N	comms/rzsz			rzsz.zip			SHARE
Y	comms/seyon			Seyon-2.14b-tar.Z		BSD
Y	comms/tkhylafax			tkhylafax-3.0b2.tar.gz		BSD
Y	comms/xcept			xcept-2.1.2.tar.gz		BSD
Y	comms/zmtx-zmrx			zmtx-zmrx.shar.gz		COPY
Y	converters/base64		base64.tar.gz			PD
Y	converters/btoa			btoa-5.2.tar.gz			COPY
Y	converters/btoa			btoa-5.2-patch1.gz		COPY
Y	converters/ish			ish-1.11.tar.gz			PD
N	converters/mimepp		mimepp-1.0.tar.gz		REST
Y	converters/mpack		mpack-1.5-src.tar.Z		BSD
Y	converters/p5-Convert-UU	Convert-UU-0.40.tar.gz		PERL
Y	converters/p5-MIME-Base64	MIME-Base64-2.11.tar.gz		PERL
Y	converters/recode		recode-3.4.tar.gz		GPL
N	converters/trans		trans120.tar.gz			LIC
Y	databases/db			db-2.7.5.tar.gz			BSD
Y	databases/gdbm			gdbm-1.8.0.tar.gz		GPL
Y	databases/mysql			mysql-3.22.22.tar.gz		COPY
Y	databases/p5-DBD-Pg		DBD-Pg-0.69.tar.gz		GPL/PERL
Y	databases/p5-DBI		DBI-1.13.tar.gz			GPL/PERL
Y	databases/pgaccess		pgaccess-0.88.tar.gz		BSD
Y	databases/postgresql		postgresql-6.3.2.tar.gz		BSD
Y	devel/ElectricFence		ElectricFence-2.0.5.tar.gz	GPL
Y	devel/ORBit			ORBit-0.4.96.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/autoconf			autoconf-2.13.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/automake			automake-1.4.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/bison			bison-1.27.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/boehm-gc			gc4.12.tar.gz			BSD
Y	devel/ddd			ddd-3.1.6.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/dejagnu			dejagnu-1.3.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/gettext			gettext-0.10.35.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/gindent			indent-2.2.2.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/glib			glib-1.2.6.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/gmake			make-3.78.1.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/gperf			gperf-2.7-19981006.pat		NONE
Y	devel/gperf			gperf-2.7.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/gsl			gsl-0.3b.tar.gz			GPL
Y	devel/id-utils			id-utils-3.2d.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/lclint			lclint/guide.tar.gz		NONE
Y	devel/lclint			lclint/lclint-2.4b.src.tar.gz	GPL
Y	devel/libaudiofile		audiofile-0.1.9.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/libicq			libicq-0.33.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/libproplist		libPropList-0.9.1.tar.gz	GPL
Y	devel/libslang			slang-1.3.9.tar.gz		GPL/PERL
Y	devel/libtool			libtool-1.3.3.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/m4			m4-1.4.tar.gz			GPL
Y	devel/mm			mm-1.0.12.tar.gz		COPY
N	devel/nasm			nasm-0.97.tar.gz		COPY
Y	devel/prc-tools			prc-tools.0.5.0.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/prc-tools			binutils-2.7.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/prc-tools			gdb-4.16.tar.gz			GPL
Y	devel/prc-tools			gcc-		GPL
Y	devel/shtool			shtool-1.4.6.tar.gz		GPL
Y	devel/swig			swig1.1.tar.gz			BSD
Y	devel/tkcvs			tkcvs-6.0.tar.gz		NONE
Y	devel/xmake			xmake-1.01.tgz			NONE
N	editors/axe			aXe-6.1.2.tar.Z			NOFEE
Y	editors/beav			beav_140-7.tar.gz		GPL
Y	editors/emacs			emacs-20.3.tar.gz		GPL
Y	editors/hexedit			hexedit-1.1.0.src.tgz		GPL
Y	editors/jed			jed-B0.99-9.tar.gz		GPL
Y	editors/joe			joe2.8.tar.Z			GPL
N	editors/jove			jove-4.16.tar.gz		NOFEE
N	editors/nedit			nedit.app-defaults		NOFEE
N	editors/nedit			nedit_source.tar.gz		NOFEE
Y	editors/textedit		textedit.tar.gz			COPY
Y	editors/uemacs			ue400dev.zip			NOFEE
Y	editors/vim			vim/vim-5.5-src.tar.gz		COPY
Y	editors/vim			vim/vim-5.5-rt.tar.gz		COPY
Y	editors/vim			vim/5.5.001			COPY
Y	editors/vim			vim/5.5.002			COPY
Y	editors/vim			vim/5.5.003			COPY
Y	editors/vim			vim/5.5.004			COPY
Y	editors/vim			vim/5.5.005			COPY
Y	editors/vim			vim/5.5.006			COPY
Y	editors/vim			vim/5.5.008			COPY
Y	editors/vim			vim/5.5.009			COPY
N	editors/wordperfect		GUILG00.GZ			LIC
Y	editors/xemacs			xemacs-20.4.tar.gz		GPL
Y	editors/xemacs			xemacs-20.4-mule.tar.gz		GPL
Y	editors/xwpe			xwpe-1.5.17a.tgz		GPL
N	emulators/bochs			bochs-990219a.tar.gz		COMM
N	emulators/linux_lib		linux_lib-2.6.1.tar.gz		GPL
N	emulators/simh			sim_2.3c.tar.gz			NOFEE
Y	emulators/wine			Wine-990225.tar.gz		BSD
Y	emulators/x48			x48-0.4.0.tar.gz		GPL
Y	emulators/xcopilot		xcopilot-0.6.6.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/abuse			abuse-2.0.tar.gz		PD
Y	games/abuse			abuse_data.tar.gz		PD
N	games/adom			adom-099g14-elf.tar.gz		LIC
N	games/agm			agm-1.3.1.tar.gz		NOFEE
Y	games/an			an-0.93.tar.gz			GPL
Y	games/bnetd			bnetd-0.4.1.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/cgoban			cgoban-1.9.8.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/connect4			connect4			NONE
Y	games/dopewars			dopewars-1.4.5.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/freeciv			freeciv-1.8.1.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/gnuchess			gnuchess-4.0.pl80.tar.gz	GPL
Y	games/gnugo			gnugo-2.4.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/gnushogi			gnushogi-1.2p03.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/nethack			nethack-3.2.2.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/netris			netris-0.5.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/slash			nethack-3.2.2.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/slash			Slash-Unix.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/spider			spider.tar.gz			BSD
Y	games/starlanes			starlanes-1.2.2.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/xasteroids		xasteroids.sh.Z			COPY
Y	games/xbat			xev111.tar.gz			COPY
Y	games/xbattle			xbattle-5.4.1.tar.gz		COPY
Y	games/xbill			xbill-2.0.tgz			GPL
Y	games/xbl			xbl-1.0j.tar.Z			GPL
Y	games/xblast			xblast-2.6.beta.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/xboard			xboard-4.0.2.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/xboing			xboing2.4.tar.gz		X
Y	games/xchomp			xchomp-pl1.tar.gz		NONE
Y	games/xcubes			xcubes-5.4.4.tar.gz		BSD
Y	games/xdeblock			xdeblock.tgz			NONE
Y	games/xdino			xdino-5.4.4.tar.gz		BSD
Y	games/xevil			xevil1.5.tar.Z			GPL
Y	games/xgolgo			xeyes-g.tar.gz			BSD
N	games/xinvaders			xinvaders/part01.Z		NOFEE
N	games/xinvaders			xinvaders/part02.Z		NOFEE
N	games/xinvaders			xinvaders/part03.Z		NOFEE
Y	games/xjewel			xjewel-1.6.tar.z		COPY
Y	games/xjig			xjig-2.4.tgz			BSD
Y	games/xkobo			xkobo-1.11.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/xlife			xlife.tar.Z			BSD
N	games/xmahjongg			xmahjongg.tar.gz		NOFEE
Y	games/xmine			xmine-1.0.3-Xaw.tar.gz		BSD
N	games/xminehunter		xminehunter-0.4.tar.gz		COPY
N	games/xminesweep		xminesweep3.0.tar.Z		COPY
Y	games/xmj			xmj.tar.gz			BSD
N	games/xmris			xmris.4.04.tgz			NOFEE
Y	games/xneko			xneko.tar			BSD
Y	games/xonix			xonix-1.4.tar.gz		BSD
Y	games/xpat2			xpat2-1.04-src.tar.gz		GPL
Y	games/xripple			xripple.tar.gz			COPY
Y	games/xroach			xroach.tar			COPY
N	games/xscrabble			xscrabble.tar.gz		NOFEE
Y	games/xskat			xskat-3.2.tar.gz		COPY
Y	games/xsol			xsol-new.tar.gz			BSD
Y	games/xsoldier			xsoldier-0.96.tar.gz		GPL
N	games/xteddy			xteddy-1.0.tar.gz		NOFEE
Y	graphics/ImageMagick		ImageMagick-4.2.8.tar.gz	BSD
Y	graphics/Mesa			MesaLib-3.0.tar.gz		GPL
Y	graphics/Mesa			MesaDemos-3.0.tar.gz		GPL
Y	graphics/aalib			aalib-1.2.tar.gz		GPL
Y	graphics/compface		compface.tar.gz			COPY
Y	graphics/fnlib			fnlib-0.4.tar.gz		GPL
Y	graphics/fxtv			fxtv-0.48.tgz			BSD
N	graphics/gd			gd-1.6.3.tar.gz			NOFEE
-	graphics/ggi			libggi-2.0b1.tar.gz
Y	graphics/gif2png		gif2png-1.2.1.tar.gz		BSD
Y	graphics/giflib			giflib-4.1.0.tar.gz		BSD
Y	graphics/giflib			giflib-4.1.0-19990224.patch.gz	BSD
Y	graphics/giflib			giflib-4.1.0-19990305.patch.gz	BSD
Y	graphics/giflib			giflib-4.1.0-19990322.patch.gz	BSD
Y	graphics/giflib			giflib-4.1.0-19990415.patch.gz	BSD
Y	graphics/giflib			giflib-4.1.0-19990523.patch.gz	BSD
Y	graphics/giftrans		giftrans.tar.gz			COPY
-	graphics/gii			libgii-0.1.tar.gz
Y	graphics/gimp			gimp-1.1.10.tar.gz		GPL
Y	graphics/gqview			gqview-0.7.0.src.tar.gz		GPL
Y	graphics/imlib			imlib-1.9.7.tar.gz		GPL
Y	graphics/jbigkit		jbigkit-1.0.tar.gz		GPL
Y	graphics/jpeg			jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz		BSD
Y	graphics/mpeg-lib		mpeg_lib-1.2.1.tar.gz		BSD
Y	graphics/mpeg_play		mpeg_play-2.4-src.tar.gz	BSD
N	graphics/netpbm			netpbm-1mar1994.tar.gz		COPY
N	graphics/netpbm			pcxtoppm.tar.gz			COPY
N	graphics/netpbm			rletopnm.tar.gz			COPY
N	graphics/netpbm			pnmtopng-2.37.3.tar.gz		COPY
Y	graphics/png			libpng-1.0.3.tar.gz		BSD
N	graphics/tgif			tgif-4.1.25.tar.gz		NOFEE
Y	graphics/tiff			tiff-v3.5.2.tar.gz		BSD
Y	graphics/tiff34			tiff-v3.4beta037.tar.gz		BSD
N	graphics/xanim			xanim/xanim2801.tar.gz		NOFEE
N	graphics/xanim			xanim/xa1.0_cyuv_netbsd386.o.Z	NOFEE
N	graphics/xanim			xanim/xa1.0_cyuv_netbsd68k.o.Z	NOFEE
N	graphics/xanim			xanim/xa1.0_cyuv_sparcAOUT.o.Z	NOFEE
N	graphics/xanim			xanim/xa2.0_cvid_netbsd386.o.Z	NOFEE
N	graphics/xanim			xanim/xa2.0_cvid_netbsd68k.o.Z	NOFEE
N	graphics/xanim			xanim/xa2.0_cvid_sparcCOFF.o.Z	NOFEE
N	graphics/xanim			xanim/xa2.0_iv32_netbsd386.o.Z	NOFEE
N	graphics/xanim			xanim/xa2.0_iv32_netbsd68k.o.Z	NOFEE
N	graphics/xanim			xanim/xa2.0_iv32_sparcCOFF.o.Z	NOFEE
Y	graphics/xbmbrowser		xbmbrowser5.1.tar.gz		COPY
Y	graphics/xfig			xfig.3.2.2.tar.gz		X
Y	graphics/xpaint			xpaint-2.5.5.tar.gz		BSD
N	graphics/xv		xv-3.10a/xv-3.10a.tar.gz		NOFEE
N	graphics/xv		xv-3.10a/xv-3.10a-png-1.2d.tar.gz	NOFEE
N	graphics/xv		xv-3.10a/xv-3.10a.JPEG-patch		NOFEE
N	graphics/xv		xv-3.10a/xv-3.10a.TIFF-patch		NOFEE
N	graphics/xv		xv-3.10a/grabpatch			NOFEE
N	graphics/xv		xv-3.10a/vispatch			NOFEE
N	graphics/xv		xv-3.10a/mp-tiff-patch			NOFEE
N	graphics/xv		xv-3.10a/deepcolor.patch		NOFEE
N	graphics/xv		xv-3.10a/gifpatch			NOFEE
N	graphics/xv		xv-3.10a/pdf.patch			NOFEE
N	graphics/xv		xv-3.10a/xvpng-fix2.patch		NOFEE
Y	japanese/Wnn			Wnn4.2.tar.gz			BSD
Y	japanese/Wnn			Wnn4.2.patch.tar.gz		BSD
Y	japanese/jvim			jvim2.0r+onew2.2.10.tar.gz	COPY
Y	japanese/jvim-wnn4		jvim2.0r+onew2.2.10.tar.gz	COPY
Y	japanese/kterm			kterm-6.2.0.tar.gz		X
Y	japanese/kterm			kterm-6.2.0.NFS-xauth.patch	X
Y	japanese/less			less-332.tar.gz			BSD
Y	japanese/less			less-332-iso242.patch.gz	BSD
Y	japanese/less			less-332-iso242-243.patch.gz	BSD
Y	japanese/less			less-332-iso243-244.patch.gz	BSD
Y	japanese/less			less-332-iso244-245.patch.gz	BSD
Y	japanese/less			less-332-iso245-247.patch.gz	BSD
Y	japanese/less			less-332-iso247-248.patch.gz	BSD
Y	japanese/nkf			nkf-1.62.tar.gz			BSD
Y	japanese/onew-wnn4		jvim2.0r+onew2.2.10.tar.gz	COPY
Y	lang/Gofer			gofer230a.tar.gz		BSD
N	lang/STk			STk-3.1.tar.gz			NOFEE
Y	lang/camlp4			camlp4.tar.gz			COPY
Y	lang/egcs/snapshot		egcs/egcs-19990907.tar.gz	GPL
Y	lang/egcs/snapshot		egcs/egcs-chill-19990907.tar.gz	GPL
Y	lang/egcs/snapshot		egcs/egcs-core-19990907.tar.gz	GPL
Y	lang/egcs/snapshot		egcs/egcs-g++-19990907.tar.gz	GPL
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Y	lang/egcs/snapshot		egcs/egcs-java-19990907.tar.gz	GPL
Y	lang/egcs/snapshot		egcs/egcs-objc-19990907.tar.gz	GPL
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Y	lang/egcs/stable		egcs/gcc-core-2.95.1.tar.bz2	GPL
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Y	lang/egcs/stable		egcs/gcc-g77-2.95.1.tar.bz2	GPL
Y	lang/egcs/stable		egcs/gcc-java-2.95.1.tar.bz2	GPL
Y	lang/egcs/stable		egcs/gcc-objc-2.95.1.tar.bz2	GPL
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Y	lang/libgcj			libgcj-2.95.tar.gz		GPL
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Y	mail/bulk_mailer		bulk_mailer-1.5.tar		NONE
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Y	mail/mh				MH.6.8.4.Z			PD
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Y	mail/mutt			mutt-0.95.7i.tar.gz		GPL
Y	mail/nmh			nmh-1.0.tar.gz			BSD
Y	mail/p5-Mail-POP3Client		POP3Client-1_15.tar.gz		PERL
Y	mail/pgpsendmail		PGPsendmail-v1.4.5.tar.gz	GPL
Y	mail/pine			pine4.20.tar.gz			BSD
Y	mail/popclient			popclient-3.0b6.tar.gz		COPY
Y	mail/poppassd			pwserve-4			NONE
Y	mail/postfix			postfix-19990906-pl09.tar.gz	COPY
Y	mail/procmail			procmail-3.13.1.tar.gz		GPL
Y	mail/vrfy			vrfy_990522.tar.Z		BSD
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Y	mail/xfaces			xfaces-sounds.tar.gz		NONE
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Y	mail/xlbiff			xlbiff-3.0.tar.Z		COPY
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Y	mbone/relate			relate-2.0.tar.gz		BSD
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Y	mbone/wbd			wbd-1.0ucl4.tar.gz		BSD
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N	misc/mmv			mmv/part02.Z			NOFEE
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Y	net/micq			micq-0.4.2.tgz			NONE
Y	net/mirror			mirror-2.9.tar.gz		COPY
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Y	net/mtr				mtr-0.41.tar.gz			GPL
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Y	net/ntop			ntop-1.1-src.tar.gz		GPL
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Y	net/proftpd			proftpd-1.2.0pre9.tar.gz	GPL
Y	net/queso			queso-980922.tar.gz		GPL
Y	net/rsync			rsync-2.3.1.tar.gz		GPL
Y	net/samba			samba-2.0.5a.tar.gz		GPL
Y	net/sharity-light		Sharity-Light.1.2.tar.gz	GPL
Y	net/slirp			slirp-1.0c.tar.gz		BSD
Y	net/sniffit			sniffit.0.3.5.tar.gz		COPY
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Y	net/tcpshow			tcpshow.1			COPY
Y	net/tcpshow			tcpshow.c			COPY
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Y	net/tinyfugue			tf-40s1.tar.gz			GPL
Y	net/tircproxy			tircproxy-0.4.3.tar.gz		GPL
Y	net/trafshow			trafshow-3.1.tgz		BSD
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Y	net/vnc				vnc-3.3.2_doc.tgz		GPL
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Y	net/xip				xip-1.3.2.tar.gz		GPL
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Y	plan9/sam			sam.shar.gz			COPY
Y	plan9/rc			rc-1.6.tar.gz			BSD
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Y	security/bounix			bo121unix.tar.gz		NONE
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Y	security/gnupg			gnupg-1.0.0.tar.gz		GPL
Y	security/john			john-1.6.tar.gz			NONE
Y	security/libident		libident-0.22.tar.gz		PD
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Y	security/nessus	nessus-0.98.3/nessus-plugins-0.98.3.tar.gz	GPL
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N	security/pgp5			pgp50i-unix-src.tar.gz		CRYPTO
N	security/pgplib			PGPlib-1.1.tar.gz		CRYPTO
Y	security/portscanner		PortScanner-1.0.tar.gz		COPY
N	security/rsaref			rsaref20.1996.tar.Z		CRYPTO
Y	security/smurflog		smurflog-2.1.tar.gz		NONE
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Y	shells/bash2			bash-2.03.tar.gz		GPL
Y	shells/bash2			bash-doc-2.03.tar.gz		GPL
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Y	shells/tcsh			tcsh-6.09.tar.gz		BSD
Y	shells/zsh			zsh-3.0.6.tar.gz		BSD
Y	shells/zsh-devel		zsh-3.1.6.tar.gz		BSD
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Y	sysutils/contool		contool-3.3a.tar.gz		BSD
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Y	sysutils/mkhybrid		mkhybrid-1.12b5.1.tar.gz	GPL
Y	sysutils/mtools			mtools-3.9.6.tar.gz		GPL
Y	sysutils/mtools			mtools-3.9.6-19991012.diff.gz	GPL
Y	sysutils/rtty			rtty-3.2.tar.gz			BSD
Y	sysutils/sdd			sdd-1.22.tar.gz			GPL
Y	sysutils/setquota		setquota-0.1.tar.gz		BSD
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Y	sysutils/star			star-1.2.tar.gz			GPL
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Y	sysutils/tcplist		tcplist-2.2.shar		BSD
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Y	sysutils/xosview		xosview-1.7.2.tar.gz		GPL/BSD
Y	sysutils/zap			zap-1.1.tar.gz			BSD
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Y	x11/asclock			asclock.tgz			COPY
Y	x11/aterm			aterm-0.3.6.tar.gz		GPL
Y	x11/bclock			bclock-1.0.tar.gz		X
Y	x11/blackbox			blackbox-	GPL
Y	x11/blast			blast-1.0-ss-9.03.tar.gz	GPL
Y	x11/bricons			bricons-athena-3.0.tar.gz	NONE
Y	x11/ctwm			ctwm-3.5.tar.gz			X
N	x11/emiclock			EmiClock-1.0.2.tar.gz		COPY
Y	x11/enlightenment		enlightenment-0.15.5.tar.gz	BSD
Y	x11/explorer			explorer-0.72.tar.gz		GPL
Y	x11/freefonts			freefonts-0.10.tar.gz		COPY
Y	x11/getbdf			getbdf.tar.Z			NONE
Y	x11/gtk+			gtk+-1.2.6.tar.gz		GPL
Y	x11/gtkglarea			gtkglarea-1.2.1.tar.gz		GPL
Y	x11/kdebase			kdebase-1.1.1.tar.bz2		GPL
Y	x11/kdelibs			kdelibs-1.1.1.tar.bz2		GPL
Y	x11/lesstif			lesstif-0.89.0.tar.gz		GPL
Y	x11/lupe			lupe007.tar.gz			PD
Y	x11/mouseclock			mouseclock-1.0.tar.gz		GPL
N	x11/olvwm			olvwm4.Patch01.Z		PAT
N	x11/olvwm			olvwm4.tar.Z			PAT
Y	x11/piewm			piewm.tar.Z			COPY
Y	x11/qt				qt-1.44.tar.gz			COPY
Y	x11/rclock			rxvt-2.20.tar.gz		COPY
Y	x11/rxvt			rxvt-2.6.1.tar.gz		COPY
Y	x11/sliderule			sliderule.tar.gz		X
Y	x11/swisswatch			swisswatch-0.06.tar.Z		X
Y	x11/tk80			tk8.0.5.tar.gz			BSD
Y	x11/viewfax			viewfax-2.3.tar.gz		GPL
Y	x11/windowmaker			WindowMaker-0.61.1.tar.gz	GPL
Y	x11/windowmaker			WindowMaker-extra-0.1.tar.gz	GPL
Y	x11/wmx				wmx-5.tar.gz			BSD
Y	x11/wterm			wterm-6.2.6.tar.gz		GPL
Y	x11/x2x				x2x-1.27.tar.gz			BSD
Y	x11/xaniroc			xaniroc.src.tar.Z		NONE
Y	x11/xantfarm			xantfarm23oct91.tar.gz		BSD
Y	x11/xcb				xcb-2.3.tar.gz			BSD
Y	x11/xco				xco.tar.gz			BSD
Y	x11/xcoloredit			xcoloredit.tar.Z		BSD
Y	x11/xcolors			xcolors.tar.gz			BSD
Y	x11/xdaliclock			xdaliclock-2.11.tar.gz		BSD
Y	x11/xdtm			xdtm-2.5.5.tar.gz		COPY
Y	x11/xfed			xfed.tar.gz			BSD
Y	x11/xfedor			xfedor.tar.gz			BSD
Y	x11/xfishtank			xfishtank-2.2.tar.gz		COPY
Y	x11/xfm				xfm-1.3.2.tar.gz		COPY
N	x11/xforms		xforms/openBSD-i386/bxform-088.tgz	COPY
N	x11/xforms		xforms/openBSD-m68k/bxform-088.tgz	COPY
N	x11/xforms		xforms/openBSD-sparc/bxform-088.tgz	COPY
Y	x11/xfstt			Xfstt-0.9.10.tgz		GPL
Y	x11/xgrab			xgrabsc.2_41.tar.Z		BSD
Y	x11/xloadimage			xloadimage.3.03.tar.Z		BSD
Y	x11/xlogout			xlogout-1.1.tar.Z		BSD
Y	x11/xmascot			xmascot2.5p2.tar.gz		COPY
Y	x11/xmbdfed			xmbdfed-2.7.tar.gz		COPY
Y	x11/xmold			xmold.tar.gz			NONE
Y	x11/xpostit			xpostit3.3.1.tar.Z		BSD
Y	x11/xpostitPlus			XPostitPlus-2.3.tar.gz		BSD
Y	x11/xprompt			xprompt-1.4.tar.gz		BSD
Y	x11/xsnow			xsnow-1.40.tar.Z		COPY
Y	x11/xtacy			Xtacy113.tar.gz			GPL
Y	x11/xtattr			xtattr-1.0.tar.gz		NONE
Y	x11/xtestpicture		xtestpicture-1.1.tar.gz		BSD
Y	x11/xtoolwait			xtoolwait-1.1.tar.gz		GPL
Y	x11/xtraceroute			xtraceroute-0.8.14.tar.gz	GPL
Y	x11/xtraceroute			ndg_files.tar.gz		NONE
N	x11/xview-clients		-none-				COPY
N	x11/xview-config		xview3.2p1-X11R6.tar.gz		COPY
N	x11/xview-lib			-none-				COPY
Y	x11/xzoom			xzoom-0.3.tgz			COPY