# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2013/02/06 20:47:41 zhuk Exp $ SHARED_ONLY = Yes CATEGORIES = audio x11 COMMENT = Qt4-based heavy featured music player DISTNAME = clementine-1.1.1 HOMEPAGE = http://clementine-player.org/ REVISION = 0 MAINTAINER = Vadim Zhukov MASTER_SITES = http://clementine-player.googlecode.com/files/ # GPLv2/LGPLv2/GFDL PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP = Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM = Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP = Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes WANTLIB = c m pthread stdc++ z WANTLIB += GL GLU GLEW ICE SM X11 Xext WANTLIB += lib/qt4/QtDBus lib/qt4/QtGui lib/qt4/QtNetwork WANTLIB += lib/qt4/QtOpenGL lib/qt4/QtSql lib/qt4/QtWebKit WANTLIB += lib/qt4/QtXml lib/qt4/QtXmlPatterns WANTLIB += gio-2.0 glib-2.0 gmodule-2.0 gobject-2.0 gthread-2.0 WANTLIB += gstapp-0.10 gstbase-0.10 gstcdda-0.10 gstreamer-0.10 WANTLIB += gsttag-0.10 WANTLIB += cdio chromaprint execinfo fftw3 lastfm mtp protobuf-lite qca2 WANTLIB += qjson tag>=5.0 usb-1.0 xml2 # those are dlopen'ed WANTLIB += plist MODULES = devel/cmake devel/gettext x11/qt4 BUILD_DEPENDS = devel/boost \ devel/sparsehash RUN_DEPENDS = devel/desktop-file-utils \ multimedia/gstreamer-0.10/plugins-ugly \ x11/gtk+2,-guic LIB_DEPENDS = audio/chromaprint \ audio/taglib>=1.4 \ audio/libcdio \ devel/libexecinfo \ audio/liblastfm \ devel/libmtp \ devel/libplist \ devel/libusb1 \ devel/protobuf \ devel/qjson \ graphics/ffmpeg \ graphics/glew \ math/fftw3 \ multimedia/gstreamer-0.10/core \ multimedia/gstreamer-0.10/plugins-base \ security/qca2 # Requires audio/libgpod update, disable to avoid picking by accident CONFIGURE_ARGS = -DENABLE_LIBGPOD:Bool=No \ -DENABLE_IMOBILEDEVICE:Bool=No # Crash reporting CONFIGURE_ARGS += -DENABLE_BREAKPAD:Bool=No # Unported stuff CONFIGURE_ARGS += -DENABLE_SOUNDMENU:Bool=No # XXX Builds tend to sometimes omit projectM presets when this option # is missing. To be investigated. CONFIGURE_ARGS += -DBUNDLE_PROJECTM_PRESETS:Bool=Yes post-extract: cp ${FILESDIR}/FindExecinfo.cmake ${WRKSRC}/cmake .include