# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2007/12/18 09:37:16 ajacoutot Exp $ COMMENT= set the root window to the moon in its current phase DISTNAME= xphoon PKGNAME= xphoon-91.9.18p2 CATEGORIES= astro x11 HOMEPAGE= http://xphoon.sourceforge.net/ MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_R5CONTRIB} EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.Z # BSD like PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Cannot sell PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM= Cannot sell PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP= Yes WANTLIB= X11 Xau Xdmcp Xext c m CONFIGURE_STYLE= imake USE_X11= Yes NO_REGRESS= Yes .include