# OpenBSD makefile for: postfix # Version required: beta-19990122 # Date created: 1998-Dec-10 # Whom: dugsong@OpenBSD.ORG # # Relevant URLs: http://www.postfix.org/ # http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/formula/securemailer/ # # $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 1999/03/10 03:25:27 marc Exp $ DISTNAME= postfix-beta-19990122 CATEGORIES= mail #BROKEN= "newer version available" MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.merit.edu/postfix/ \ ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/unix/mail/postfix/ \ ftp://ftp.tau.ac.il/pub/unix/mail/postfix/ \ ftp://ftp.cs.uu.nl/mirror/postfix/postfix-release/ MAINTAINER= dugsong@monkey.org IS_INTERACTIVE= yes NO_CONFIGURE= yes ALL_TARGET= default pre-install: @${SH} ${PKGDIR}/INSTALL with PRE-INSTALL post-install: @${SH} ${PKGDIR}/INSTALL with POST-INSTALL MAN1= mailq.1 newaliases.1 postalias.1 postcat.1 postconf.1 postdrop.1 \ postfix.1 postkick.1 postlock.1 postlog.1 postmap.1 sendmail.1 MAN5= access.5 aliases.5 canonical.5 relocated.5 transport.5 virtual.5 MAN8= bounce.8 cleanup.8 defer.8 local.8 master.8 pickup.8 pipe.8 qmgr.8 \ showq.8 smtp.8 smtpd.8 trivial-rewrite.8 .include