# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.21 2018/10/24 14:28:07 sthen Exp $ BROKEN-mips64 = ICE on Interval_nt.h:98 COMMENT = Computational Geometry Algorithms Library # when updating this port, don't just change the version number here. # MASTER_SITES needs to be adapted for every new tarball. # See https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/?group_id=52 for files index. DISTNAME = CGAL-4.6.3 MASTER_SITES = https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/file/35139/ PKGNAME = ${DISTNAME:L} REVISION = 3 EPOCH = 0 SHARED_LIBS = CGAL 1.0 \ CGAL_Core 1.0 \ CGAL_ImageIO 1.0 \ CGAL_Qt4 1.0 CATEGORIES = math HOMEPAGE = http://www.cgal.org/ # mix of LGPLv2.1 and QPL; see http://www.cgal.org/license.html PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes WANTLIB += GL GLU boost_system-mt boost_thread-mt gmp m mpfr pthread WANTLIB += boost_atomic-mt boost_chrono-mt boost_date_time-mt WANTLIB += ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} z lib/qt4/QtGui lib/qt4/QtOpenGL lib/qt4/QtSvg COMPILER = base-clang ports-gcc base-gcc EXTRACT_SUFX = .tar.xz MODULES = devel/cmake \ x11/qt4 BIULD_DEPENDS = math/eigen3 LIB_DEPENDS = devel/boost \ devel/gmp \ devel/mpfr CXXFLAGS += -I${X11BASE}/include CONFIGURE_ARGS += -DCGAL_INSTALL_MAN_DIR="man/man1" \ -DCGAL_INSTALL_DOC_DIR="share/doc/cgal" CONFIGURE_ENV = LDFLAGS="-L${X11BASE}/lib" NO_TEST = Yes post-extract: rm ${WRKSRC}/cmake/modules/FindBLAS.cmake \ ${WRKSRC}/cmake/modules/FindLAPACK.cmake \ ${WRKSRC}/cmake/modules/FindOpenGL.cmake \ ${WRKSRC}/scripts/cgal_make_macosx_app .include