# $OpenBSD: Makefile.inc,v 1.1 2021/03/17 18:54:56 sthen Exp $ COMMENT= easy and universal access to shared and/or personal files V= ${NC_VERSION} DISTNAME= nextcloud-${V} PKGNAME= nextcloud-${V} EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2 CATEGORIES= www HOMEPAGE= https://nextcloud.com/ MAINTAINER= Gonzalo L. R. # AGPLv3 (GNU Affero Public License) # jQuery: MIT / GPLv3 # HTTP: 3 clause BSD # MDB2: BSD-like # User: AGPL # XML/RPC: MIT / PHP # Silk icons: Creative Commons Attribution PERMIT_PACKAGE= Yes MASTER_SITES= https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/ MODULES= lang/php NO_BUILD= Yes NO_TEST= Yes PKG_ARCH= * WRKDIST= ${WRKDIR}/nextcloud PREFIX= ${VARBASE}/www INSTDIR= ${PREFIX}/nextcloud TINSTDIR= ${TRUEPREFIX}/nextcloud VR= ${V:R} MAJOR= ${VR:R} SUBST_VARS= INSTDIR TINSTDIR MODPHP_BIN VR MAJOR DESCR= ${.CURDIR}/../pkg/DESCR UNMESSAGE= ${.CURDIR}/../pkg/UNMESSAGE FILESDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../files RUN_DEPENDS= lang/php/${MODPHP_VERSION},-gd \ lang/php/${MODPHP_VERSION},-zip \ ${MODPHP_PDO_DEPENDS} # http user authentication RUN_DEPENDS += lang/php/${MODPHP_VERSION},-curl # apps extraction RUN_DEPENDS += lang/php/${MODPHP_VERSION},-bz2 # sorting of non-ASCII characters RUN_DEPENDS += lang/php/${MODPHP_VERSION},-intl # distributed caching and Transactional File Locking RUN_DEPENDS += databases/pecl-redis${MODPHP_FLAVOR} # image processing RUN_DEPENDS += graphics/pecl-imagick${MODPHP_FLAVOR} do-install: cp -Rp ${WRKSRC} ${INSTDIR} mv ${INSTDIR}/.htaccess ${INSTDIR}/.htaccess.dist find ${INSTDIR} -name '*.orig' -delete chown -R ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} ${INSTDIR} perl -pi -e '$$. == 1 && s|^.*env php.*$$|\#!${MODPHP_BIN}|;' \ -e 'close ARGV if eof;' ${INSTDIR}/occ chmod +x ${INSTDIR}/occ ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/conf/modules.sample ${SUBST_CMD} -m 0644 -c ${FILESDIR}/apache-nextcloud.conf.dist.in \ ${PREFIX}/conf/modules.sample/apache-nextcloud.conf.dist ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/config.php.dist.in \ ${INSTDIR}/config/config.php.dist rm ${INSTDIR}/config/{CAN_INSTALL,.htaccess} ${SUBST_DATA} ${.CURDIR}/../pkg/README \ ${WRKINST}${LOCALBASE}/share/doc/pkg-readmes/${PKGSTEM}