# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.63 2013/11/25 14:40:15 dcoppa Exp $ NOT_FOR_ARCHS= hppa COMMENT = ML language based on complete class-based objective system # XXX Don't even think of updating ocaml alone. # Do check that the ports that depend on it still work, or repair them. # Don't forget to bump version in ocaml.port.mk, too! VERSION=4.01.0 DISTNAME = ocaml-${VERSION} PKGNAME = ocaml-${VERSION} # OCaml has no binary compatibility between releases. PKGSPEC = ocaml-=${VERSION} CATEGORIES= lang # Remove last version component ocaml-X.XX.X -> ocaml-X.XX BASENAME = ${DISTNAME:C/\.[^.]*$//} MASTER_SITES= http://caml.inria.fr/pub/distrib/${BASENAME}/ DOCFILES= ${BASENAME}-refman-html.tar.gz DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}.tar.gz ${DOCFILES} HOMEPAGE= http://www.ocaml.org/ MAINTAINER= Anil Madhavapeddy # QPL/LGPL PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes MODULES+= lang/tcl x11/tk CONFIGURE_STYLE= simple CONFIGURE_ARGS+=-tkdefs '-I${MODTCL_INCDIR} -I${MODTK_INCDIR}' CONFIGURE_ARGS+=-tklibs -L${LOCALBASE}/lib CONFIGURE_ARGS+=-prefix ${PREFIX} CONFIGURE_ARGS+=-cc '${CC} ${CFLAGS}' CONFIGURE_ARGS+=-x11include ${X11BASE}/include -x11lib ${X11BASE}/lib CONFIGURE_ENV+=OPENBSD_LOCALBASE="${LOCALBASE}" # ocaml's configure script is too smart for its own good FAKE_FLAGS= PREFIX=${WRKINST}${PREFIX} USE_GMAKE= Yes BUILD_DEPENDS += ${MODTK_BUILD_DEPENDS} \ devel/gdb RUN_DEPENDS += ${MODTK_RUN_DEPENDS} LIB_DEPENDS += ${MODTK_LIB_DEPENDS} WANTLIB = X11 c curses iberty m pthread z ${MODTK_WANTLIB} .include .if ${PROPERTIES:Mocaml_native} ALL_TARGET= world bootstrap opt opt.opt PKG_ARGS += -Dnative=1 .if ${PROPERTIES:Mocaml_native_dynlink} PKG_ARGS += -Ddynlink=1 .else PKG_ARGS += -Ddynlink=0 .endif .else ALL_TARGET= world bootstrap PKG_ARGS += -Dnative=0 .endif # XXX regress tests only work on archs with native-code compiler TEST_DEPENDS+= ${BUILD_PKGPATH} post-extract: @cp ${WRKSRC}/asmrun/power-elf.S ${WRKSRC}/asmrun/power-bsd.S post-install: .if ${PROPERTIES:Mocaml_native} @ln -sf ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ocamlbuild.native ${PREFIX}/bin/ocamlbuild .else @ln -sf ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ocamlbuild.byte ${PREFIX}/bin/ocamlbuild .endif @${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/ocaml/html/libref @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/htmlman/*.{html,gif} \ ${PREFIX}/share/doc/ocaml/html @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/htmlman/libref/* \ ${PREFIX}/share/doc/ocaml/html/libref @strip ${PREFIX}/bin/ocamlrun ${PREFIX}/bin/ocamlyacc @${INSTALL_DATA} \ ${WRKSRC}/{LICENSE,Changes} \ ${PREFIX}/share/doc/ocaml # PFRAG.native was generated from PLIST with: # egrep '(ocamlopt|\.cmx|\.cmxa|\.cmxs|\.opt|opt\.1|opt.cmi|\.native|\.o)$' # XXX one test in the suite (testsocket.ml) requires an active # connection to internet do-test: @cd ${WRKSRC}/testsuite && ulimit -Sn 256 && ${MAKE_PROGRAM} all .include