# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.101 2013/11/14 16:47:00 ajacoutot Exp $ COMMENT = open source web browser engine for Gtk+ V = 2.2.2 DISTNAME = webkitgtk-${V} PKGNAME = webkit-${V} EPOCH = 0 CATEGORIES = www DPB_PROPERTIES =parallel EXTRACT_SUFX = .tar.xz HOMEPAGE = http://webkitgtk.org/ MASTER_SITES = ${HOMEPAGE}/releases/ MAINTAINER = Landry Breuil \ Antoine Jacoutot # LGPLv2 and BSD PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes MODULES = devel/gettext \ lang/python \ lang/ruby \ x11/gnome MODULES += gcc4 MODGCC4_ARCHS = * MODGCC4_LANGS = c++ #MODGCC4_VERSION = 4.8 MAKE_FILE = GNUmakefile PORTHOME = ${WRKDIST} SUBST_VARS = WEBKIT_API_VERSION GTK_API_VERSION VMEM_WARNING = Yes MODPY_RUNDEP = No MODRUBY_RUNDEP = No MODPY_ADJ_FILES = Tools/gtk/generate-feature-defines-files MODGNOME_CPPFLAGS = -I${X11BASE}/include MODGNOME_LDFLAGS = -L${X11BASE}/lib -lX11 MODGNOME_TOOLS = gi # XXX TODO switch to cmake ? CONFIGURE_STYLE = gnu # breaks because of missing webkit2/ headers dir ? #SEPARATE_BUILD = Yes CONFIGURE_ENV = ac_cv_path_FLEX=${LOCALBASE}/bin/gflex \ ac_cv_path_RUBY=${RUBY} #c++0x in 4.6, c++11 in 4.8 - removed in a patch but we need to readd it for wk2 CONFIGURE_ENV += CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -std=c++0x -Wno-c++0x-compat" LIBTOOL_FLAGS = --tag=disable-static CONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable-static \ --enable-spellcheck \ --with-gtk=${GTK_API_VERSION} # XXX: uncomment if you want to debug the javascript engine # this will only build the needed libs and the shell # ALL_TARGET=jsc .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "powerpc" # Turns on -O0 globally, makes jsc work ? CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-optimizations=no # XXX huge hack LDFLAGS is already added a bit before CONFIGURE_ENV += COVERAGE_LDFLAGS="-Wl,--relax" .endif .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Msparc64} # until 1.9 is reliable on sparc64... MODRUBY_REV = 1.8 .endif WANTLIB = ICE SM X11 Xcomposite Xcursor Xdamage Xext \ Xfixes Xi Xinerama Xrandr Xrender Xt atk-1.0 c xcb-render \ EGL X11-xcb Xau Xdmcp glapi xcb-dri2 xcb-glx xcb-shape xcb-xfixes \ expat fontconfig freetype gio-2.0 glib-2.0 gmodule-2.0 \ gobject-2.0 gthread-2.0 jpeg m harfbuzz-icu \ Xxf86vm dbus-1 dbus-glib-1 drm geoclue \ gstaudio-1.0 gstfft-1.0 gdk_pixbuf-2.0 orc-0.4 \ gstreamer-1.0 gstbase-1.0 gstvideo-1.0 gstapp-1.0 gstpbutils-1.0 \ icudata icui18n icuuc sqlite3 xslt enchant soup-2.4 \ pango-1.0 pangocairo-1.0 pangoft2-1.0 pcre pthread GL xcb-shm \ z cairo pixman-1 png pthread-stubs xcb xml2 stdc++ ffi \ harfbuzz graphite2 gcrypt gpg-error gsttag-1.0 secret-1 webp LIB_DEPENDS = multimedia/gstreamer1/core \ multimedia/gstreamer1/plugins-base \ devel/harfbuzz,-icu \ textproc/libxslt \ textproc/enchant \ geo/geoclue \ graphics/libwebp \ devel/glib2>=2.36.0 \ devel/libsoup>=2.42.0 \ x11/gnome/libsecret BUILD_DEPENDS = devel/bison \ devel/flex \ devel/gperf # WebKitPluginProcess links against gtk2 for flash plugin, even with gtk3 ? LIB_DEPENDS += x11/gtk+2,-main WANTLIB += gdk-x11-2.0 gtk-x11-2.0 FLAVORS = gtk3 FLAVOR ?= .if ${FLAVOR:Mgtk3} #XXX gross, but needed to have __sync_add_and_fetch_8 on 32-bits #what about ppc ? hppa ? .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "i386" CFLAGS+=-march=i686 .endif FULLPKGNAME = webkit-gtk3-${V} LIB_DEPENDS += x11/gtk+3,-main WANTLIB += cairo-gobject gdk-3 gtk-3 WANTLIB += atk-bridge-2.0 atspi WEBKIT_API_VERSION = 3.0 GTK_API_VERSION = 3.0 SHARED_LIBS += webkit2gtk-${WEBKIT_API_VERSION} 0.0 # 29.2 .else # only works with gtk+3 CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-webkit2 WEBKIT_API_VERSION = 1.0 GTK_API_VERSION = 2.0 .endif SHARED_LIBS += javascriptcoregtk-${WEBKIT_API_VERSION} 4.0 # 15.5 SHARED_LIBS += webkitgtk-${WEBKIT_API_VERSION} 6.0 # 19.8 pre-configure: ${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/Source/WebCore/plugins/PluginDatabase.cpp ${WRKSRC}/configure .if ${FLAVOR:Mgtk3} post-install: mv ${PREFIX}/bin/GtkLauncher ${PREFIX}/bin/GtkLauncher-3 cp ${WRKSRC}/Programs/.libs/MiniBrowser ${PREFIX}/bin/MiniBrowser .endif .include