In order to update /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf, run ${PREFIX}/libexec/amanda/patch-system --enable-index --enable-tape You should check both of these files, verifying proper installation. Once verified issue the command: kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` You also need to create /operator/.amandahosts, which will contain the FQDN of the tape server and the user allowed to access this machine. The contents should look like this: operator The permissions of /operator/.amandahosts must be restricted: chmod u=rw /operator/.amandahosts chown operator:operator /operator/.amandahosts Sample configuration files have been installed in ${PREFIX}/share/examples/amanda. gpg flavor only: Setup AMANDA as usual and make sure compression is enabled for the dumptype declarations you plan to use. Generate the master keys for your backups. Keep those keys and a copy of them in a very SAFE and RELIABLE place: gpg --gen-key ... follow instructions Export your resulting public key (gpg --list-keys shows them) for installation on the backup clients: gpg --armor --export $MASTER-PUBKEY-ID > /tmp/master-pub.key You need an additional secret GPG key for the backup user on the client. There is one drawback in this configuration, the key must be setup without a password. After key generation import the master public key from above: gpg --import /tmp/master-pub.key The imported key needs to be signed otherwise gnupg will not run properly in batch mode: gpg --sign-key $MASTER-PUBKEY-ID Add the following variables to ${SYSCONFDIR}/amanda/amanda.gpg.conf: gpg_home="/operator/.gnupg" # keyring location gpg_id="$MASTER-PUBKEY-ID" # pub key id of master key If you want to restore your backups import the secret master key and unset the password. After restoration of your data delete this key again!