# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.26 2004/05/31 15:34:01 jakob Exp $ COMMENT= "mailing list manager with web interface" DISTNAME= mailman-2.1.5 CATEGORIES= mail www HOMEPAGE= http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/ MAINTAINER= Jakob Schlyter # GPL PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP= Yes MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=mailman/} EXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz PYTHON_VER= 2.2 SUBST_VARS= PYTHON_VER BUILD_DEPENDS= ${RUN_DEPENDS} RUN_DEPENDS= :python-${PYTHON_VER}*:lang/python/${PYTHON_VER} NO_REGRESS= Yes MMDOC= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/mailman MMHOME= ${PREFIX}/lib/mailman MMSPOOL= /var/spool/mailman FAKE_FLAGS= DIRSETGID=":" # gnu still breaks the pathes as prefix is actually mailman's home CONFIGURE_STYLE= simple # do not use --without-permcheck as this requires the mailman user and group # to exist, otherwise there will be problems running mailman CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --prefix='${MMHOME}' \ --with-mailhost=localhost.my.domain \ --with-python=${LOCALBASE}/bin/python${PYTHON_VER} \ --with-urlhost=localhost.my.domain \ --with-var-prefix='${MMSPOOL}' \ --without-permcheck FLAVORS= postfix FLAVOR?= .if ${FLAVOR:L:Mpostfix} CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-mail-gid=nobody .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-mail-gid=daemon .endif post-install: @${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${MMDOC} @for file in FAQ NEWS README* UPGRADING; do \ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIST}/$$file ${MMDOC}; \ done @${INSTALL_DATA} files/README.OpenBSD ${MMDOC} .include