# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.25 2016/03/20 19:56:49 naddy Exp $ COMMENT= module to obtain financial quotes from exchanges MODULES= cpan PKG_ARCH= * DISTNAME = Finance-Quote-1.38 CATEGORIES= misc HOMEPAGE= http://finance-quote.sourceforge.net BUILD_DEPENDS = ${RUN_DEPENDS} RUN_DEPENDS= converters/p5-JSON \ devel/p5-DateTime \ www/p5-LWP-Protocol-https \ www/p5-HTML-TableExtract \ www/p5-HTML-Tree \ www/p5-libwww \ www/p5-LWP-Protocol-https MODCPAN_EXAMPLES = Yes MODCPAN_EXAMPLES_DIST = Examples # GPL PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes # pod tests too many failures leave disabled #MAKE_ENV += TEST_POD=Yes #TEST_FLAGS = TEST_AUTHOR=Tester # uncomment for online checks, too many failures because of site changes, lot of downloads. #TEST_FLAGS += ONLINE_TEST=true .include