The XawM Widget set is based on the widely-distributed Xaw3d widget set. XawM makes a few changes required to give Athena the "modern" look-and-feel. It borrows a few features from neXtaw and other widgets sets as required to obtain a modern look and feel, although the actual source code is entirely based on Xaw3d. When XawM is installed, and symlinked as libXaw, most applications that formerly used Xaw will seamlessly adopt the new look-and-feel. A few applications which use widgets which were subclassed from Xaw widgets, such as gv(1), will not work and need to be linked to the original Xaw or Xaw3d library. Instructions for doing this are included in the release notes for XawM. NOTE: This is Ed Falk's XawM (M for Modern), hacked for use with Siag Office and adapted for autoconf and libtool. This release is called 1.5u; 1.5 because it is based on Xaw3d 1.5, and u because Ulric messed with it.