In order to update /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf, run ${PREFIX}/libexec/amanda/patch-system --disable-index --disable-tape You should check both of these files, verifying proper installation. Once verified issue the command: kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` You also need to create /operator/.amandahosts, which will contain the FQDN of the tape server and the user allowed to access this machine. The contents should look like this: operator The permissions of /operator/.amandahosts must be restricted: chmod u=rw /operator/.amandahosts chown operator:operator /operator/.amandahosts Sample configuration files have been installed in ${PREFIX}/share/examples/amanda. gpg flavor only: You need an additional secret GPG key for the backup user on the client. There is one drawback in this configuration, the key must be setup without a password. After key generation import the master public key: gpg --import /tmp/master-pub.key The imported key needs to be signed otherwise gnupg will not run properly in batch mode: gpg --sign-key $MASTER-PUBKEY-ID Add the following variables to ${SYSCONFDIR}/amanda/amanda.gpg.conf: gpg_home="/operator/.gnupg" # keyring location gpg_id="$MASTER-PUBKEY-ID" # pub key id of master key