# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.261 2016/03/18 23:12:21 naddy Exp $ # May not be hard to add more. ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= ${GCC4_ARCHS} COMMENT= movie player supporting many formats V= 20160306 FFMPEG_V= 20160113 DISTNAME= mplayer-${V} CATEGORIES= x11 multimedia MASTER_SITES= http://comstyle.com/source/ EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.xz HOMEPAGE= http://www.mplayerhq.hu/ MAINTAINER= Brad Smith # GPLv2 PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= patents PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP= Yes WANTLIB= EGL GL SDL X11 Xext Xinerama Xss Xv Xxf86dga Xxf86vm ass \ avcodec avformat avutil bluray bz2 c cdda_interface \ cdda_paranoia crypto dv dvdnav dvdread enca fontconfig \ freetype fribidi gif jpeg m mng mp3lame ncurses png postproc \ pthread sndio ssl stdc++ swscale swresample util x264 xvidcore \ z MODULES+= converters/libiconv \ lang/clang MODCLANG_ARCHS= amd64 i386 LIB_DEPENDS= archivers/bzip2 \ audio/cdparanoia \ audio/lame \ converters/enca \ devel/fribidi \ devel/sdl \ devel/libdvdread \ graphics/ffmpeg>=${FFMPEG_V} \ graphics/giflib \ graphics/jpeg \ graphics/libmng \ graphics/png \ multimedia/libass \ multimedia/libbluray>=0.8.0 \ multimedia/libdv \ multimedia/libdvdnav \ multimedia/x264 BUILD_DEPENDS= audio/ladspa \ audio/rtunes \ net/livemedia \ textproc/docbook-xsl # MPlayer uses non-public interfaces to FFmpeg, so we still need # the FFmpeg source in the MPlayer tree at build time. BUILD_DEPENDS+= graphics/ffmpeg:patch .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Mamd64} || ${MACHINE_ARCH:Mi386} BUILD_DEPENDS+= devel/yasm .endif CONFDIR= ${SYSCONFDIR}/mplayer MAKE_ENV= V=1 SUBST_VARS+= PREFIX CONFDIR .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Marm} # uses ARM EABI MPLAYER_ARCH= generic .else MPLAYER_ARCH= ${MACHINE_ARCH} .endif # Add back fast math flag since we override CFLAGS CFLAGS+= -ffast-math # PIE doesn't leave sufficient registers .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Mi386} CFLAGS+= -fomit-frame-pointer .endif USE_GMAKE= Yes CONFIGURE_STYLE= simple # CONFIGURE_ARGS for misc stuff CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--confdir=${CONFDIR} \ --extra-cflags="-I${LOCALBASE}/include" \ --extra-ldflags="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib -ffast-math" \ --extra-libs-mplayer="-lrtunes -lcrypto" \ --mandir=${LOCALBASE}/man \ --target="${MPLAYER_ARCH}-openbsd" # CONFIGURE_ARGS that disable internal stuff CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-alsa \ --disable-arts \ --disable-esd \ --disable-ffmpeg_a \ --disable-gui \ --disable-libcdio \ --disable-libmpeg2-internal \ --disable-ossaudio \ --disable-select \ --disable-sunaudio \ --disable-vidix # CONFIGURE_ARGS that enable internal stuff CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-menu # CONFIGURE_ARGS that enable external stuff CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-openssl-nondistributable \ --with-sdl-config=${LOCALBASE}/bin/sdl-config # CONFIGURE_ARGS that disable external stuff CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-caca \ --disable-faac \ --disable-faad \ --disable-faac-lavc \ --disable-ggi \ --disable-gnutls \ --disable-langinfo \ --disable-liba52 \ --disable-libdca \ --disable-libilbc \ --disable-liblzo \ --disable-libmpeg2 \ --disable-libopencore_amrnb \ --disable-libopencore_amrwb \ --disable-libopenjpeg \ --disable-libopus \ --disable-librtmp \ --disable-libvorbis \ --disable-mad \ --disable-mpg123 \ --disable-nas \ --disable-openal \ --disable-pulse \ --disable-relocatable \ --disable-smb \ --disable-speex \ --disable-theora \ --disable-toolame \ --disable-twolame \ --disable-win32dll .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Marm} WANTLIB+= ogg vorbisidec LIB_DEPENDS+= audio/tremor .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-tremor .endif .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Mamd64} || ${MACHINE_ARCH:Mi386} CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-runtime-cpudetection .endif # binutils 2.15 assembler missing opcode support .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Mpowerpc} CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-altivec \ --enable-runtime-cpudetection .endif .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Marm} # disable common floating point decoders that have integer alternatives CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-decoder=mp2float \ --disable-decoder=mp3adufloat \ --disable-decoder=mp3float \ --disable-decoder=mp3on4float \ --disable-decoder=vorbis .endif CONFIGURE_ENV+= LOCALBASE="${LOCALBASE}" TMPDIR="${WRKBUILD}" FLAVORS= debug aa jack FLAVOR?= .if ${FLAVOR:Mdebug} CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-debug=3 \ --disable-sighandler .endif .if ${FLAVOR:Maa} LIB_DEPENDS+= graphics/aalib WANTLIB+= aa .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-aa .endif .if ${FLAVOR:Mjack} LIB_DEPENDS+= audio/jack WANTLIB+= jack .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-jack .endif NO_TEST= Yes DOCDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/mplayer EXAMPLEDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/mplayer EXAMPLES= input.conf menu.conf codecs.conf post-extract: @cp ${FILESDIR}/ao_rtunes.c ${WRKSRC}/libao2 @cp ${FILESDIR}/ai_sndio.c ${WRKSRC}/stream pre-patch: @ln -s ${WRKDIR}/graphics/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-git-${FFMPEG_V} ${WRKSRC}/ffmpeg post-build: @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${MAKE_PROGRAM} doc post-install: ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${DOCDIR} ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${EXAMPLEDIR} cd ${WRKDIST}/etc; ${INSTALL_DATA} ${EXAMPLES} ${EXAMPLEDIR} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIST}/etc/example.conf ${EXAMPLEDIR}/mplayer.conf ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIST}/DOCS/HTML/en/*.html ${DOCDIR} .include