# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.90 2010/03/23 18:16:01 espie Exp $ SHARED_ONLY= Yes ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= alpha amd64 arm i386 powerpc sparc sparc64 COMMENT= redesign of Mozilla's mail component VER= DISTNAME= mozilla PKGNAME= mozilla-thunderbird-${VER}p2 SO_VERSION= 14.0 # NOTE: Must bump minor version if any shlib's are removed from the # components dir to avoid pkg_add -r issues. Whenever PKGNAME gets # bumped and/or SO_VERSION changes, remember to update enigmail's # and sunbird SO_VERSION and LIB_DEPENDS to match. .for _lib in accessibility appcomps auth autoconfig caps chrome commandlines \ composer docshell editor embedcomponents fileview gfx_gtk gfxps \ gfxpsshar gkgfx gklayout gtkembedmoz gtkxtbin htmlpars i18n imglib2 \ import jar50 jsd ldap50 mail mailcomps mork mozfind mozjs mozldap \ msgsmime myspell necko necko2 nsappshell pipboot \ pipnss pippki pref prldap50 rdf remoteservice \ spellchecker sqlite3 storagecomps system-pref toolkitcomps \ transformiix txmgr uconv universalchardet wallet walletviewers \ webbrwsr websrvcs widget_gtk2 xmlextras xpcom xpcom_compat \ xpcom_compat_c xpcom_core xpconnect xpinstall xpistub SHARED_LIBS+= ${_lib} ${SO_VERSION} .endfor CATEGORIES= mail news HOMEPAGE= http://www.mozilla.org/projects/thunderbird/ # MPL PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP= Yes WANTLIB += X11 Xau Xcomposite Xcursor Xdamage Xdmcp Xext Xfixes WANTLIB += Xft Xi Xinerama Xrandr Xrender Xt atk-1.0 c cairo expat WANTLIB += fontconfig freetype gio-2.0 glib-2.0 glitz gmodule-2.0 WANTLIB += gobject-2.0 gthread-2.0 jpeg m pango-1.0 pangocairo-1.0 WANTLIB += pangoft2-1.0 pangox-1.0 pixman-1 png pthread pthread-stubs WANTLIB += xcb stdc++ z MASTER_SITES= http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/${VER}/source/ DISTFILES= thunderbird-${VER}-source.tar.bz2 MODULES= devel/gettext RUN_DEPENDS= :desktop-file-utils-*:devel/desktop-file-utils BUILD_DEPENDS= :libIDL-*:devel/libIDL \ :zip->=2.3:archivers/zip LIB_DEPENDS= gdk-x11-2.0,gdk_pixbuf-2.0,gtk-x11-2.0::x11/gtk+2 \ nspr4.>=21,plc4.>=21,plds4.>=21:nspr->=4.8:devel/nspr \ nss3.>=23,smime3.>=23,softokn3.>=23,ssl3.>=23:nss->=3.12.3:security/nss VMEM_WARNING= Yes USE_X11= Yes USE_GMAKE= Yes # Regression tests are too hard to adapt to run here NO_REGRESS= Yes MODGNU_CONFIG_GUESS_DIRS= ${WRKSRC}/build/autoconf \ ${WRKSRC}/directory/c-sdk/config/autoconf AUTOCONF_VERSION= 2.13 CONFIGURE_STYLE= autoconf no-autoheader CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-system-jpeg=${LOCALBASE} \ --with-system-png=${LOCALBASE} \ --with-system-zlib=/usr/lib \ --with-system-nspr \ --with-system-nss \ --with-pthreads \ --enable-xft \ --disable-optimize \ --enable-default-toolkit=gtk2 \ --disable-debug \ --disable-tests \ --disable-pedantic \ --disable-installer \ --disable-updater \ --disable-gnomeui \ --disable-gnomevfs \ --enable-xinerama \ --enable-svg \ --enable-svg-renderer=cairo \ --enable-system-cairo \ --enable-canvas \ --enable-official-branding \ --enable-application=mail MAKE_ENV= MOZ_CO_PROJECT=mail \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${WRKSRC}/dist/bin" \ BUILD_OFFICIAL=1 \ MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1 \ SO_VERSION="${SO_VERSION}" CONFIGURE_ENV= ${MAKE_ENV} \ PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${LOCALBASE}/lib/pkgconfig:${X11BASE}/lib/pkgconfig" \ MOZ_ENABLE_COREXFONTS=1 \ topsrcdir=${WRKSRC} MOB= ${WRKSRC}/dist/bin MOZ= ${PREFIX}/mozilla-thunderbird DATADIRS= chrome components defaults dictionaries extensions \ greprefs icons init.d isp res post-extract: @cp -f ${FILESDIR}/nsSound.cpp ${WRKSRC}/widget/src/gtk2/ pre-configure: @cd ${WRKSRC}/directory/c-sdk && ${SETENV} ${AUTOCONF_ENV} ${AUTOCONF} @perl -pi -e 's|_LOCALBASE_|${LOCALBASE}|g; s|_X11BASE_|${X11BASE}|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/js/src/xpconnect/shell/Makefile.in \ ${WRKSRC}/mail/app/mozilla.in @perl -pi -e 's|_SO_VERSION_|${SO_VERSION}|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/xpcom/components/nsNativeComponentLoader.cpp do-install: @cd ${MOB} && \ find ${DATADIRS} -type d \ -exec ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${MOZ}/{} \; && \ find ${DATADIRS} ! -type d \ -exec ${INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 {} ${MOZ}/{} \; ${INSTALL_DATA} ${MOB}/*.so.${SO_VERSION} \ ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE ${MOZ} ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${MOB}/thunderbird \ ${MOB}/thunderbird-config ${PREFIX}/bin/ ln -f ${PREFIX}/bin/thunderbird ${PREFIX}/bin/mozilla-thunderbird ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${MOB}/run-mozilla.sh ${MOZ} ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${MOB}/regxpcom \ ${MOB}/thunderbird-bin \ ${MOB}/mozilla-xremote-client ${MOZ} ln -f ${MOZ}/thunderbird-bin ${MOZ}/mozilla-thunderbird-bin @sed -e 's,!!PREFIX!!,${TRUEPREFIX},g' \ -e 's,!!LOCALBASE!!,${LOCALBASE},g' \ < ${FILESDIR}/README.OpenBSD > ${MOZ}/README.OpenBSD ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/applications/ @sed -e 's,!!PREFIX!!,${TRUEPREFIX},g' \ < ${FILESDIR}/thunderbird.desktop > \ ${PREFIX}/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop .include