# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2014/12/31 08:42:26 landry Exp $ COMMENT= library and tools to program YubiKeys BROKEN-hppa= ykpers-json.c:42: error: redefinition of typedef 'json_bool' DISTNAME= ykpers-1.16.2 SHARED_LIBS += ykpers-1 0.4 # 17.0 CATEGORIES= sysutils security HOMEPAGE= http://yubico.github.io/yubikey-personalization/ MAINTAINER= Stuart Henderson # BSD PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes WANTLIB += c json-c pthread usb-1.0 yubikey MASTER_SITES= http://yubico.github.io/yubikey-personalization/releases/ LIB_DEPENDS= devel/json-c \ devel/libusb1>=1.0.9p1 \ devel/libyubikey \ SEPARATE_BUILD= Yes CONFIGURE_STYLE= gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS= ${CONFIGURE_SHARED} .include