bin/ssh1 bin/ssh bin/slogin bin/ssh-keygen1 bin/ssh-keygen bin/ssh-agent1 bin/ssh-agent bin/ssh-add1 bin/ssh-add bin/scp1 bin/scp bin/ssh-askpass1 bin/ssh-askpass bin/make-ssh-known-hosts1 bin/make-ssh-known-hosts lib/ssh/server_config.sample @exec if [ ! -f /etc/sshd_config ]; then cp %D/%F /etc/sshd_config; fi lib/ssh/host_config.sample @exec if [ ! -f /etc/ssh_config ]; then cp %D/%F /etc/ssh_config; fi man/man1/ssh-keygen1.1 man/man1/ssh-keygen.1 man/man1/ssh-agent1.1 man/man1/ssh-agent.1 man/man1/ssh-add1.1 man/man1/ssh-add.1 man/man1/scp1.1 man/man1/scp.1 man/man1/slogin1.1 man/man1/slogin.1 man/man1/ssh1.1 man/man1/ssh.1 man/man1/make-ssh-known-hosts1.1 man/man1/make-ssh-known-hosts.1 man/man8/sshd1.8 man/man8/sshd.8 sbin/sshd1 sbin/sshd @dirrm lib/ssh @exec if [ ! -f /etc/ssh_host_key ]; then echo "Generating a secret host key.." ; %D/bin/ssh-keygen -N "" -f /etc/ssh_host_key; fi @unexec echo "***" @unexec echo "*** ssh configuration files stored in /etc have not been removed." @unexec echo "*** you may wish to remove them manually." @unexec echo "***"