============================================================== Example config files for Courier-IMAP have been installed in ${PREFIX}/share/examples/courier-imap. Copy all of the files to ${COURIERCONF} and edit them to your site's needs. Pay particular attention to the details in imapd.cnf, and read ssl(8) if necessary. You MUST set the CN in imapd.cnf to the hostname by which your IMAP server is accessed, or else clients will complain. When this is done, you can use the 'mkimapdcert' script to automatically generate a server certificate, which is installed into /etc/ssl/private/imapd.pem To control the daemon use ${PREFIX}/libexec/imapd.rc and ${PREFIX}/libexec/imapd-ssl.rc, and to run the authdaemon, place the following in /etc/rc.local: mkdir -p ${COURIERSTATE} ${PREFIX}/libexec/authlib/authdaemond start ==============================================================