# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2009/05/15 06:57:18 sthen Exp $ SHARED_ONLY= Yes COMMENT-main = fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server COMMENT-geoip = GeoIP module for Cherokee web server COMMENT-ldap = LDAP module for Cherokee web server COMMENT-mysql = MySQL module for Cherokee web server COMMENT-streaming = Streaming module for Cherokee web server VERSION = 0.99.15 DIR = 0.99 DISTNAME = cherokee-${VERSION} PKGNAME-main = ${DISTNAME} PKGNAME-ldap = cherokee-ldap-${VERSION} PKGNAME-mysql = cherokee-mysql-${VERSION} PKGNAME-geoip = cherokee-geoip-${VERSION} PKGNAME-streaming = cherokee-streaming-${VERSION} SHARED_LIBS = cherokee-base 0.0 \ cherokee-client 0.0 \ cherokee-config 0.0 \ cherokee-server 0.0 CATEGORIES = www HOMEPAGE = http://www.cherokee-project.com/ MAINTAINER = Fernando Quintero # GPLv2 PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP = Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM =Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP = Yes MASTER_SITES = ${HOMEPAGE}download/${DIR}/${VERSION}/ \ http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cherokee/${DIR}/${VERSION}/ \ http://www.ring.gr.jp/archives/net/cherokee/${DIR}/${VERSION}/ \ http://cherokee.osuosl.org/${DIR}/${VERSION}/ MULTI_PACKAGES =-main -ldap -mysql -geoip -streaming MODULES = lang/python BUILD_DEPENDS = ::textproc/py-docutils \ ::www/php5/core,-fastcgi LIB_DEPENDS-main = pcre::devel/pcre WANTLIB-main = c crypto pthread ssl RUN_DEPENDS-main = ::www/spawn-fcgi LIB_DEPENDS-geoip = GeoIP.>=6::net/GeoIP WANTLIB-geoip = crypto RUN_DEPENDS-geoip = ::${BASE_PKGPATH} LIB_DEPENDS-ldap = lber.>=9,ldap::databases/openldap WANTLIB-ldap = asn1 com_err crypto gssapi krb5 sasl2 ssl RUN_DEPENDS-ldap = ::${BASE_PKGPATH} LIB_DEPENDS-mysql = mysqlclient.>=19::databases/mysql WANTLIB-mysql = crypto m ssl z RUN_DEPENDS-mysql = ::${BASE_PKGPATH} LIB_DEPENDS-streaming = avutil.>=6,avcodec.>=13,avformat.>=12::graphics/ffmpeg \ bz2::archivers/bzip2 WANTLIB-streaming = crypto RUN_DEPENDS-streaming = ::${BASE_PKGPATH} FLAVORS = debug FLAVOR ?= USE_LIBTOOL = Yes LIBTOOL_FLAGS = --tag=disable-static FAKE_FLAGS = cherokeeconfdir="${PREFIX}/share/examples/cherokee/etc" \ cherokeewwwdir="${PREFIX}/share/examples/cherokee/www" \ cherokeewwwimagesdir="${PREFIX}/share/examples/cherokee/www/images" CONFIGURE_STYLE = gnu CONFIGURE_ENV = CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib" \ PHPCGI="${LOCALBASE}/bin/php-fastcgi" CONFIGURE_ARGS = ${CONFIGURE_SHARED} \ --disable-static \ --sysconfdir=${SYSCONFDIR} \ --localstatedir=/var \ --enable-tls=openssl \ --with-wwwroot=/var/cherokee \ --disable-nls \ --disable-pam \ --with-geoip \ --with-ldap \ --with-mysql \ --with-ffmpeg .if ${FLAVOR:L:Mdebug} CFLAGS += -O0 -g3 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-trace .endif SUBST_PY = admin/server.py qa/fcgi.py qa/run-tests.py \ contrib/06to07.py contrib/tracelor.py \ contrib/07to08.py contrib/05to06.py pre-configure: .for i in ${SUBST_PY} @perl -pi -e 's,/usr/bin/env python,${MODPY_BIN},s' ${WRKSRC}/${i} .endfor .include