# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.96 2012/01/16 12:10:02 ajacoutot Exp $ COMMENT= integrated music management application for GNOME GNOME_PROJECT= rhythmbox GNOME_VERSION= 2.95 SHARED_LIBS += rhythmbox-core 0.0 # .0.0 CATEGORIES= audio HOMEPAGE= http://projects.gnome.org/rhythmbox/ MAINTAINER= Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse , \ Antoine Jacoutot # GPLv2 with exception clause PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP= Yes WANTLIB += GL ICE SM X11 Xau Xcomposite Xcursor Xdamage Xdmcp WANTLIB += Xext Xfixes Xi Xinerama Xrandr Xrender Xxf86vm archive WANTLIB += assuan atk-1.0 bz2 c cairo cairo-gobject dbus-1 drm WANTLIB += expat ffi fontconfig freetype gcrypt gdk-3 gdk_pixbuf-2.0 WANTLIB += gio-2.0 girepository-1.0 glib-2.0 gmime-2.6 gmodule-2.0 WANTLIB += gnome-keyring gobject-2.0 gpg-error gpgme-pthread gpod WANTLIB += gstbase-0.10 gstcontroller-0.10 gstinterfaces-0.10 WANTLIB += gstpbutils-0.10 gstreamer-0.10 gsttag-0.10 gstvideo-0.10 WANTLIB += gthread-2.0 gtk-3 json-glib-1.0 lzma m notify pango-1.0 WANTLIB += pangocairo-1.0 pangoft2-1.0 pcre peas-1.0 peas-gtk-1.0 WANTLIB += pixman-1 plist png pthread pthread-stubs soup-2.4 soup-gnome-2.4 WANTLIB += sqlite3 stdc++ tdb totem-plparser xcb xcb-render xcb-shm WANTLIB += xml2 z MODULES= devel/gettext \ x11/gnome \ lang/python \ devel/dconf BUILD_DEPENDS= audio/libmusicbrainz \ devel/py-gobject3 LIB_DEPENDS= devel/libpeas \ audio/libgpod \ devel/json-glib \ devel/libnotify>=0.7.2 \ x11/gnome/totem-pl-parser \ databases/tdb RUN_DEPENDS= multimedia/gstreamer-0.10/py-gstreamer \ x11/dbus-python \ www/py-mako \ audio/libmusicbrainz \ devel/py-gobject3 # needed for sndio(7) support RUN_DEPENDS+= multimedia/gstreamer-0.10/plugins-good MODGNOME_DESKTOP_FILE= Yes MODGNOME_ICON_CACHE= Yes MODGNOME_TOOLS= goi yelp MODGNOME_LDFLAGS= -L${X11BASE}/lib MODGNOME_CPPFLAGS= -I${X11BASE}/include CONFIGURE_STYLE= gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-database=tree \ --with-gnome-keyring \ --with-ipod \ --with-mdns=avahi \ --with-x \ --enable-python \ --without-brasero \ --without-hal \ --without-gudev \ --without-webkit \ --disable-daap \ --disable-fm-radio \ --disable-lirc # Don't compile the vala (useless) sample plugin. CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-vala # XXX requires hal|udev CONFIGURE_ARGS += --without-mtp # XXX requires new clutter-{x11,gst,gtk} and libmx CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-visualizer # XXX plugins subpackage? CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-browser-plugin CONFIGURE_ENV += MOZILLA_PLUGINDIR=${PREFIX}/lib/mozilla-plugins # WRKBUILD/tests REGRESS_IS_INTERACTIVE= x11 post-install: # needs gnome-keyring python bindings (used to be in py-gnome-desktop) find ${PREFIX} -type d -name magnatune | xargs -r rm -rf # needs ZeitgeistClient find ${PREFIX} -type d -name rbzeitgeist | xargs -r rm -rf .include