# $OpenBSD: Parser.pm,v 1.1 2010/12/05 16:37:50 espie Exp $ # Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Steven Mestdagh # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; use feature qw(say switch state); package Parser; use File::Basename; use Cwd qw(abs_path); use Util; use Library; my $calls = 0; sub internal_resolve_la { my ($self, $level, $result, $rdeplibs, $rlibdirs, $args) = @_; Trace::debug {"resolve level: $level\n"}; my $seen_pthread = 0; foreach my $a (@$args) { if ($a eq '-pthread') { $seen_pthread++; next; } push(@$result, $a); next if $a !~ m/\.la$/; require LaFile; my $lainfo = LaFile->parse($a); if (!exists $lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'}) { $lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'} = []; $lainfo->{'cached_result'} = []; $lainfo->{'cached_libdirs'} = []; $lainfo->{'cached_pthread'} = $self->internal_resolve_la($level+1, $lainfo->{'cached_result'}, $lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'}, $lainfo->{'cached_libdirs'}, $lainfo->deplib_list); push(@{$lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'}}, @{$lainfo->deplib_list}); if ($lainfo->{'libdir'} ne '') { push(@{$lainfo->{'cached_libdirs'}}, $lainfo->{'libdir'}); } if (@{$lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'}} > 50) { $lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'} = reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'}); } if (@{$lainfo->{'cached_libdirs'}} > 50) { $lainfo->{'cached_libdirs'} = reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($lainfo->{'cached_libdirs'}); } if (@{$lainfo->{'cached_result'}} > 50) { $lainfo->{'cached_result'} = reverse_zap_duplicates_ref($lainfo->{'cached_result'}); } } $seen_pthread += $lainfo->{'cached_pthread'}; push(@$result, @{$lainfo->{'cached_result'}}); push(@$rdeplibs, @{$lainfo->{'cached_deplibs'}}); push(@$rlibdirs, @{$lainfo->{'cached_libdirs'}}); } $calls++; return $seen_pthread; } END { Trace::print { "Calls to resolve_la: $calls\n" } if $calls; } # resolve .la files until a level with empty dependency_libs is reached. sub resolve_la { my ($self, $deplibs, $libdirs) = @_; $self->{result} = []; if ($self->internal_resolve_la(0, $self->{result}, $deplibs, $libdirs, $self->{args})) { unshift(@{$self->{result}}, '-pthread'); unshift(@$deplibs, '-pthread'); } return $self->{result}; } # parse link flags and arguments # eliminate all -L and -l flags in the argument string and add the # corresponding directories and library names to the dirs/libs hashes. # fill deplibs, to be taken up as dependencies in the resulting .la file... # set up a hash for library files which haven't been found yet. # deplibs are formed by collecting the original -L/-l flags, plus # any .la files passed on the command line, EXCEPT when the .la file # does not point to a shared library. # pass 1 # -Lfoo, -lfoo, foo.a, foo.la # recursively find .la files corresponding to -l flags; if there is no .la # file, just inspect the library file itself for any dependencies. sub parse_linkargs1 { state $seen_pthread = 0; my ($self, $deplibs, $Rresolved, $libsearchdirs, $dirs, $libs, $args, $level) = @_; Trace::debug {"parse_linkargs1, level: $level\n"}; Trace::debug {" args: @$args\n"}; my $result = $self->{result}; # first read all directories where we can search libraries foreach my $a (@$args) { if ($a =~ m/^-L(.*)/) { if (!exists $dirs->{$1}) { $dirs->{$1} = 1; Trace::debug {" adding $a to deplibs\n"} if ($level == 0); push @$deplibs, $a; } } } foreach my $a (@$args) { Trace::debug {" processing $a\n"}; if (!$a || $a eq '' || $a =~ m/^\s+$/) { # skip empty arguments } elsif ($a eq '-pthread' && !$seen_pthread) { # XXX special treatment since it's not a -l flag push @$deplibs, $a; $seen_pthread = 1; push(@$result, $a); } elsif ($a =~ m/^-L(.*)/) { # already read earlier, do nothing } elsif ($a =~ m/^-R(.*)/) { # -R options originating from .la resolution # those from @ARGV are in @Ropts push @$Rresolved, $1; } elsif ($a =~ m/^-l(\S+)/) { my @largs = (); my $key = $1; if (!exists $libs->{$key}) { $libs->{$key} = Library->new($key); require LaFile; my $lafile = LaFile->find($key, $dirs); if ($lafile) { $libs->{$key}->{lafile} = $lafile; my $absla = abs_path($lafile); Trace::debug {" adding $absla to deplibs\n"} if ($level == 0); push @$deplibs, $absla; push @$result, $lafile; next; } else { $libs->{$key}->find($dirs, 1, 0, 'notyet', $libsearchdirs); my @deps = $libs->{$key}->inspect; foreach my $d (@deps) { my $k = basename $d; $k =~ s/^(\S+)\.so.*$/$1/; $k =~ s/^lib//; push(@largs, "-l$k"); } } } Trace::debug {" adding $a to deplibs\n"} if ($level == 0); push @$deplibs, $a; push(@$result, $a); my $dummy = []; # no need to add deplibs recursively $self->parse_linkargs1($dummy, $Rresolved, $libsearchdirs, $dirs, $libs, \@largs, $level+1) if @largs; } elsif ($a =~ m/(\S+\/)*(\S+)\.a$/) { (my $key = $2) =~ s/^lib//; if (!exists $libs->{$key}) { $libs->{$key} = Library->new($key); } $dirs->{abs_dir($a)} = 1; $libs->{$key}->{fullpath} = $a; push(@$result, $a); } elsif ($a =~ m/(\S+\/)*(\S+)\.la$/) { (my $key = $2) =~ s/^lib//; $dirs->{abs_dir($a)} = 1; my $fulla = abs_path($a); require LaFile; my $lainfo = LaFile->parse($fulla); my $dlname = $lainfo->{'dlname'}; my $oldlib = $lainfo->{'old_library'}; my $libdir = $lainfo->{'libdir'}; if ($dlname ne '') { if (!exists $libs->{$key}) { $libs->{$key} = Library->new($key); $libs->{$key}->{lafile} = $fulla; } } push(@$result, $a); push(@$deplibs, $fulla) if ($libdir ne ''); } elsif ($a =~ m/(\S+\/)*(\S+)\.so(\.\d+){2}/) { (my $key = $2) =~ s/^lib//; $dirs->{abs_dir($a)} = 1; if (!exists $libs->{$key}) { $libs->{$key} = Library->new($key); } # not really normal argument # -lfoo should be used instead, so convert it push(@$result, "-l$key"); } else { push(@$result, $a); } } } # pass 2 # -Lfoo, -lfoo, foo.a # no recursion in pass 2 # fill orderedlibs array, which is the sequence of shared libraries # after resolving all .la # (this list may contain duplicates) # fill staticlibs array, which is the sequence of static and convenience # libraries # XXX the variable $parser->{seen_la_shared} will register whether or not # a .la file is found which refers to a shared library and which is not # yet installed # this is used to decide where to link executables and create wrappers sub parse_linkargs2 { state $seen_pthread = 0; my ($self, $Rresolved, $libsearchdirs, $orderedlibs, $staticlibs, $dirs, $libs) = @_; Trace::debug {"parse_linkargs2\n"}; Trace::debug {" args: @{$self->{args}}\n"}; $self->{result} = []; my $result = $self->{result}; foreach my $a (@{$self->{args}}) { Trace::debug {" processing $a\n"}; if (!$a || $a eq '' || $a =~ m/^\s+$/) { # skip empty arguments } elsif ($a eq '-lc') { # don't link explicitly with libc (just remove -lc) } elsif ($a eq '-pthread' && !$seen_pthread) { # XXX special treatment since it's not a -l flag $seen_pthread = 1; push(@$result, $a); } elsif ($a =~ m/^-L(.*)/) { if (!exists $dirs->{$1}) { $dirs->{$1} = 1; } } elsif ($a =~ m/^-R(.*)/) { # -R options originating from .la resolution # those from @ARGV are in @Ropts push @$Rresolved, $1; } elsif ($a =~ m/^-l(.*)/) { my @largs = (); my $key = $1; if (!exists $libs->{$key}) { $libs->{$key} = Library->new($key); } push @$orderedlibs, $key; } elsif ($a =~ m/(\S+\/)*(\S+)\.a$/) { (my $key = $2) =~ s/^lib//; if (!exists $libs->{$key}) { $libs->{$key} = Library->new($key); } $libs->{$key}->{fullpath} = $a; push(@$staticlibs, $a); } elsif ($a =~ m/(\S+\/)*(\S+)\.la$/) { (my $key = $2) =~ s/^lib//; my $d = abs_dir($a); $dirs->{$d} = 1; my $fulla = abs_path($a); require LaFile; my $lainfo = LaFile->parse($fulla); my $dlname = $lainfo->stringize('dlname'); my $oldlib = $lainfo->stringize('old_library'); my $installed = $lainfo->stringize('installed'); if ($dlname ne '' && $installed eq 'no') { Trace::debug {"seen uninstalled la shared in $a\n"}; $self->{seen_la_shared} = 1; } if ($dlname eq '' && -f "$d/$ltdir/$oldlib") { push @$staticlibs, "$d/$ltdir/$oldlib"; } else { if (!exists $libs->{$key}) { $libs->{$key} = Library->new($key); $libs->{$key}->{lafile} = $fulla; } push @$orderedlibs, $key; } } elsif ($a =~ m/^-Wl,(\S+)/) { # libtool accepts a list of -Wl options separated # by commas, and possibly with a trailing comma # which is not accepted by the linker my @Wlflags = split(/,/, $1); foreach my $f (@Wlflags) { push(@$result, "-Wl,$f"); } } else { push(@$result, $a); } } Trace::debug {"end parse_linkargs2\n"}; return $self->{result}; } sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; bless { args => $args }, $class; } 1;