# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2008/12/17 18:47:57 jasper Exp $ COMMENT= GNOME on-screen keyboard GNOME_PROJECT= gok GNOME_VERSION= 2.24.0 PKGNAME= ${DISTNAME}p0 HOMEPAGE= http://live.gnome.org/Gok # LGPLv2 PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP= Yes WANTLIB= ICE ORBit-2 ORBitCosNaming-2 SM X11 XRes Xau Xcomposite \ Xcursor Xdamage Xdmcp Xevie Xext Xfixes Xi Xinerama \ Xrandr Xrender Xtst art_lgpl_2 atk-1.0 audiofile bonobo-2 \ bonobo-activation bonoboui-2 c cairo crypto dbus-1 \ dbus-glib-1 esd expat fontconfig freetype gailutil \ gconf-2 gdk-x11-2.0 gdk_pixbuf-2.0 gio-2.0 glade-2.0 \ glib-2.0 glitz gmodule-2.0 gnome-2 gnome-keyring gnomecanvas-2 \ gnomevfs-2 gobject-2.0 gthread-2.0 gtk-x11-2.0 m pango-1.0 \ pangocairo-1.0 pangoft2-1.0 pcre pixman-1 png popt \ pthread ssl startup-notification-1 util xml2 z MODULES= devel/gettext \ x11/gnome BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${RUN_DEPENDS} RUN_DEPENDS+= ::textproc/rarian LIB_DEPENDS= wnck-1::devel/libwnck \ cspi,loginhelper,spi::x11/gnome/at-spi \ gnomeui-2::x11/gnome/libgnomeui \ gnomespeech::x11/gnome/speech MODGNOME_HELP_FILES= Yes USE_X11= Yes DESKTOP_FILES= Yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+= ${CONFIGURE_SHARED} \ --with-gconf-schema-file-dir=${LOCALBASE}/share/schemas/gok \ --disable-schemas-install \ --disable-scrollkeeper \ --enable-xevie CONFIGURE_ENV= CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include -I${X11BASE}/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib -L${X11BASE}/lib" \ XEVIE_LIBS="-lXext -lXevie" # The regression tests require a running instance of X. # You will also need to set the XAUTHORITY environment variable to point # to the appropriate .Xauthority file. REGRESS_IS_INTERACTIVE= Yes REGRESS_FLAGS+= DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} XAUTHORITY=${XAUTHORITY} post-patch: @ln -s /usr/bin/true ${WRKDIR}/bin/scrollkeeper-update post-build: cd ${WRKSRC} && \ for i in $$(ls *.kbd.in) ; do LANG=C ${LOCALBASE}/bin/intltool-merge -x -u ./ $$i `basename $$i .in` ; done .include