# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.14 2014/10/30 21:44:30 edd Exp $ COMMENT= open-source electronics prototyping platform V= 1.0.2 PKGNAME= arduino-${V} # Arduino uses the ARDUINO macro to control the renaming scheme they did # on 1.0.x, from WProgram.h to Arduino.h, this is defined in files/Makefile. # If updating the port, check whether this needs to be adjusted. DISTNAME= arduino-${V}-src EPOCH= 0 REVISION = 5 CATEGORIES= devel HOMEPAGE= http://www.arduino.cc/ # arduino core + libraries: LGPLv2.1 # frontend application: GPLv2 (not shipped yet) PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes MASTER_SITES= https://arduino.googlecode.com/files/ RUN_DEPENDS= devel/avr/binutils \ devel/avr/gcc \ devel/avr/libc \ devel/avrdude BUILD_DEPENDS= archivers/unzip NO_BUILD= Yes NO_TEST= Yes PKG_ARCH= * WRKDIST= ${WRKDIR}/arduino-${V} do-install: @${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/{,doc,examples}/arduino @${SUBST_CMD} -c ${FILESDIR}/arduinoboot \ ${PREFIX}/bin/arduinoboot @${SUBST_CMD} -c ${FILESDIR}/arduinoproject \ ${PREFIX}/bin/arduinoproject @chown ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} ${PREFIX}/bin/* @chmod ${BINMODE} ${PREFIX}/bin/* @${SUBST_CMD} -c ${FILESDIR}/Makefile \ ${PREFIX}/share/examples/arduino/Makefile @${SUBST_CMD} -c ${FILESDIR}/template.ino \ ${PREFIX}/share/examples/arduino/template.ino @chmod a+r ${PREFIX}/share/examples/arduino/* @cp -r ${WRKSRC}/build/shared/examples/* \ ${PREFIX}/share/examples/arduino @cp -r ${WRKSRC}/hardware/arduino/* \ ${PREFIX}/share/arduino @cp -r ${WRKSRC}/libraries \ ${PREFIX}/share/arduino @cp -r ${WRKSRC}/{license,readme,todo}.txt \ ${PREFIX}/share/doc/arduino @unzip -qnd ${PREFIX}/share/doc/arduino \ ${WRKSRC}/build/shared/reference.zip @chown -R ${SHAREOWN}:${SHAREGRP} ${PREFIX}/share @find ${PREFIX} -type f -name \*.orig -exec rm '{}' \; .include