$OpenBSD: patch-iwebstream_H,v 1.1 2010/05/24 22:12:41 espie Exp $
--- iwebstream.H.orig	Tue May 25 00:10:46 2010
+++ iwebstream.H	Tue May 25 00:10:57 2010
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ class iwebstream { (public)
     return !operator==(x);};
   //find the next occurance of s, set position to point to it
-  bool iwebstream::find(const string & s);
+  bool find(const string & s);
   //find the next occurance of s, set position to point past it
-  bool iwebstream::findAndPass(const string & s);
+  bool findAndPass(const string & s);
   //return whatever is between the next begin & end. If begin is not found,
   // return ""