# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2019/07/12 21:02:12 sthen Exp $ COMMENT= earth as seen from the direction of the sun DISTNAME= xworld-2.0 REVISION= 4 CATEGORIES= astro x11 MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_FREEBSD_LOCAL:=naddy/} # BSD PERMIT_PACKAGE= Yes WANTLIB= X11 c m CONFIGURE_STYLE= simple CONFIGURE_ENV= CAT=cat \ STRIP=strip \ INCLUDES="-I${X11BASE}/include" \ LDLIBS="-lm -L${X11BASE}/lib -lX11" \ MORELIBS="" INSTALL_STRIP= # don't strip out image data on install NO_TEST= Yes do-install: ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKBUILD}/xworld ${PREFIX}/bin .include