# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.34 2016/11/01 22:02:59 krw Exp $ COMMENT = program matching and transformation engine # if updating, check for any additional use of diff/grep which # may need to be switched to gdiff/ggrep DISTNAME = coccinelle-1.0.4 EXTRACT_SUFX = .tgz REVISION = 1 CATEGORIES = devel HOMEPAGE = http://coccinelle.lip6.fr/ # GPLv2 only PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes WANTLIB += c curses m pthread util pcre ${MODPY_WANTLIB} MASTER_SITES = ${HOMEPAGE}distrib/ MODULES = lang/ocaml \ lang/python BUILD_DEPENDS = ${RUN_DEPENDS} \ lang/ocaml-camlp4 \ print/texlive/base \ print/texlive/texmf,-full \ textproc/hevea \ textproc/latexmk RUN_DEPENDS = devel/ocaml-parmap \ devel/ocaml-pcre \ sysutils/findlib \ sysutils/ggrep \ textproc/gdiff # asks questions at the end if it does better than expected TEST_IS_INTERACTIVE = Yes CONFIGURE_STYLE = gnu CONFIGURE_ENV = MAKE_PROGRAM=${MAKE_PROGRAM} # The PKG_CHECK_MODULES autoconf macro doesn't have a way to use .private CONFIGURE_ENV += PYTHON_LIBS="`pkg-config --static --libs python`" \ ac_cv_path_PATCH="patch -z.ccorig" CONFIGURE_ARGS = --with-python=${MODPY_BIN} CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-menhirLib # version in ports is too new USE_GMAKE = Yes PORTHOME = ${WRKDIR} TEST_TARGET = test TEST_DEPENDS = ${FULLPKGPATH} TEST_ENV = COCCINELLE_HOME=${TRUEPREFIX}/lib/coccinelle .include .if ${PROPERTIES:Mocaml_native_dynlink} # "world" builds both: opt AND byte ALL_TARGET = world .else # "all-release" builds either opt OR byte ALL_TARGET = all-release .endif pre-configure: perl -pi -e s,/usr/local,${TRUEPREFIX},g ${WRKSRC}/scripts/spatch* post-install: ${MODPY_BIN} ${MODPY_LIBDIR}/compileall.py \ ${PREFIX}/share/coccinelle/python/coccilib mv ${PREFIX}/lib/coccinelle/dllpycaml_stubs.so \ ${PREFIX}/lib/ocaml/stublibs/ ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/coccinelle cd ${WRKSRC}/docs/manual; \ ${MAKE_PROGRAM} WEBDOCS=${PREFIX}/share/doc/coccinelle install .include