# ring-v0.16.20 does not support those archs NOT_FOR_ARCHS = powerpc64 riscv64 sparc64 COMMENT = RPKI "relying party" software GH_ACCOUNT = NLnetLabs GH_PROJECT = routinator GH_TAGNAME = v0.12.1 REVISION = 1 ROUTINATOR_UI_URL = https://github.com/NLnetLabs/routinator-ui/releases/download/ ROUTINATOR_UI_VERSION = 0.3.4 MASTER_SITES0 = ${ROUTINATOR_UI_URL}/v${ROUTINATOR_UI_VERSION}/ DISTFILES += routinator-ui-${ROUTINATOR_UI_VERSION}{routinator-ui-build}.tar.gz:0 # The routinator-ui crate expects its Vue.js parts to be in ../dist EXTRACT_CASES += routinator-ui-*.tar.gz) \ mkdir -p ${MODCARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/dist; \ ${GZIP_CMD} -d <${FULLDISTDIR}/$$archive | \ ${TAR} -C ${MODCARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/dist -xf - -- ${EXTRACT_FILES};; CATEGORIES = net # code: BSD # ARIN TAL: ridiculous license. at runtime the file is not easily available # without agreeing to it, which seems to comply with what ARIN want, but it's # in the clear in the distfile (see requirements in "machine readable # format distribution" PERMIT_PACKAGE = Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES = includes bundled ARIN TAL which requires agreement with https://www.arin.net/resources/manage/rpki/rpa.pdf WANTLIB += c c++abi m pthread MODULES = devel/cargo CONFIGURE_STYLE = cargo BUILD_DEPENDS = security/rust-ring RUN_DEPENDS = net/rsync SEPARATE_BUILD = Yes FIX_EXTRACT_PERMISSIONS = Yes .include "crates.inc" post-install: ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/examples/routinator ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/routinator.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1/ ${SUBST_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/etc/routinator.conf.system-service \ ${PREFIX}/share/examples/routinator/routinator.conf.system-service ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/etc/routinator.conf.example \ ${PREFIX}/share/examples/routinator/routinator.conf.example rm -rf ${PREFIX}/share/routinator/tals .include