# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2007/09/15 21:40:01 simon Exp $ ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 COMMENT= color terminal emulator Linux binary PKGNAME= zh-rxvt-big5-2.7.8p2 CATEGORIES= chinese MAINTAINER= Kevin Lo PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP= Yes MASTER_SITES= http://download.fedoralegacy.org/redhat/8.0/os/i386/ MASTER_SITES0= http://download.fedoralegacy.org/redhat/8.0/updates/i386/ MASTER_SITES1= http://download.fedoralegacy.org/redhat/7.3/updates/i386/ DISTFILES= ${RPMS} EXTRACT_ONLY= DIST_SUBDIR= rpm BUILD_DEPENDS= :rpm->=3.0.6p1:misc/rpm RUN_DEPENDS= ::emulators/fedora/base \ ::chinese/taipeifonts NO_BUILD= Yes NO_REGRESS= Yes PREFIX= ${LOCALBASE}/emul/fedora RPMDIR= ${FULLDISTDIR} RPMS= utempter-0.5.2-10.i386.rpm \ shadow-utils-20000902-12.8.i386.rpm:0 \ rxvt-2.7.8-4.i386.rpm:1 REMOVE_DIRS= /usr/doc /usr/man /usr/share/doc do-install: @${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX} .for rpm in ${RPMS:S/:0//:S/:1//} @cd ${PREFIX}; ${LOCALBASE}/bin/rpm2cpio ${RPMDIR}/${rpm} | cpio -id .endfor # Get rid of some unnecessary files and directories. .for D in ${REMOVE_DIRS} @rm -rf ${PREFIX}/${D} .endfor post-install: # remove setuid root bits @find ${PREFIX} -perm -4000 |xargs -r chmod u-s # fix ownerships @find ${PREFIX} \( -user 37 -o -user 5041 -o -group 22 -o -group 37 \) -print|xargs -r chown -h root.wheel .include