#!${LOCALBASE}/bin/lua -- $OpenBSD: yt.lua,v 1.22 2009/06/13 02:01:19 martynas Exp $ -- Fetch videos from YouTube.com/Videos.Google.com, and convert to MPEG. -- Written by Pedro Martelletto and Martynas Venckus. Public domain. -- Example: lua yt.lua http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5uoo1Kl_uA getopt = require("getopt") http = require("socket.http") -- Set this to a command capable of talking HTTP and following 3XX requests. fetch = "ftp -o " -- Default arguments for the fetch command. arguments = "" -- Set this to a command capable of converting from FLV to MPEG. convert = "ffmpeg -y -i -b 1000k -f mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec libfaac -ab 128k 1>/dev/null 2>&1" -- Set this to the base location where to fetch YouTube videos from. base_url = "http://www.youtube.com/get_video" -- Usage and supported options. prog = { name = arg[0], usage = "[-C] [-n] [-o=output] url ...", } options = Options { Option {{"C"}, "continue previous transfer"}, Option {{"n"}, "do not convert video"}, Option {{"o"}, "change output filename", "Req", "filename"}, } -- Process arguments. Show usage. urls, opts, errors = getopt.getOpt(arg, options) if #errors > 0 or urls.n < 1 then getopt.dieWithUsage() end -- Build arguments for the fetch command. if opts.C then arguments = arguments .. "-C" end -- Fetch one or more URL. for i = 1, table.getn(urls) do url = urls[i] -- Convert embedded links to the correct form. url = string.gsub(url, "/v/", "/watch?v=") -- Fetch the page holding the embedded video. io.stderr:write(string.format("Getting %s ...\n", url)) body = assert(http.request(url)) -- Look for the video title. pattern = "(.-)" title = assert(string.match(body, pattern)) -- Fetch high quality if available. if (string.match(body, "yt.VideoQualityConstants.HIGH") ~= nil) and ((string.match(body, "/watch_fullscreen%?.*fmt_map=[^&]*%%2C6[^%d]")~=nil) or (string.match(body,"/watch_fullscreen%?.*fmt_map=6[^%d]")~=nil)) then fmt = "&fmt=6" else fmt = "" end -- Build a name for the files the video will be stored in. if opts.o then file = opts.o else file = string.gsub(title, "[^%w-]", "_") file = string.lower(file) end -- Build flv and mp4 file names. if file == "-" then opts.n = 0 flv = file else flv = file .. ".flv" end mp4 = file .. ".mp4" -- Escape the file names. e_flv = string.format("%q", flv) e_mp4 = string.format("%q", mp4) -- Look for the video ID. pattern = "/watch_fullscreen%?.*video_id=([^&\"]*)" video_id = string.match(body, pattern) -- Check for error such as "This video is not available in your country." error_pattern = "
" error = string.match(body, error_pattern) if error then io.stderr:write(error .. "\n") return end if video_id then --- Look for the additional video ID. pattern = "/watch_fullscreen%?.*&t=([^&\"]*)" t = assert(string.match(body, pattern)) url = string.format("%q", base_url .. "?video_id=" .. video_id .. "&t=" .. t .. fmt) else -- We assume it's Google Video URL. pattern = "'/googleplayer.swf%?videoUrl(.-)'" url = assert(string.match(body, pattern)) url = string.gsub (url, "\\x", "%%") url = string.gsub (url, "%%(%x%x)", function(h) return string.char(tonumber(h,16)) end) url = string.gsub (url, "^=", "") url = string.format("%q", url) end -- Fetch the video. cmd = string.gsub(fetch, "<(%w+)>", { arguments = arguments, url = url, file = e_flv }) assert(os.execute(cmd) == 0, "Failed") -- Convert it to MPEG. if opts.n then io.stderr:write("Done. Video saved in " .. flv .. ".\n") else cmd = string.gsub(convert, "<(%w+)>", { flv = e_flv, mp4 = e_mp4 }) io.stderr:write("Converting ...\n") assert(os.execute(cmd) == 0, "Failed") os.remove(flv) io.stderr:write("Done. Video saved in " .. mp4 .. ".\n") end end