$OpenBSD: patch-GNUmakefile_in,v 1.2 2007/06/06 20:36:23 kili Exp $ # No rsync, just use pax(1). # This isn't of any use yet, but hopefully it will be in the future when # we're able to build the documentation by ourselves. --- GNUmakefile.in.orig Sun Dec 24 17:45:50 2006 +++ GNUmakefile.in Wed Dec 27 17:30:35 2006 @@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ doc: install-WWW: -$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(webdir) - rsync -rl $(outdir)/offline-root/ $(DESTDIR)$(webdir) + pax -rw -s @^$(outdir)/offline-root@@ \ + $(outdir)/offline-root $(DESTDIR)$(webdir) $(MAKE) -C Documentation/user local-install-WWW $(MAKE) -C Documentation/user install-info