# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.69 2014/03/09 19:46:32 pascal Exp $ COMMENT= anonymity service using onion routing DISTNAME= tor- CATEGORIES= net HOMEPAGE= https://www.torproject.org/ MAINTAINER= Pascal Stumpf # BSD PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes WANTLIB += c crypto event m pthread ssl z MASTER_SITES= https://www.torproject.org/dist/ CONFIGURE_STYLE=gnu # PIE is already taken care of on a per-arch basis, and we have stack protection # anyway on FRAME_GROWS_DOWN archs. CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-ssl-dir=/usr \ --disable-gcc-hardening DB_DIR= /var/tor SUBST_VARS+= DB_DIR FAKE_FLAGS= sysconfdir=${PREFIX}/share/examples .include