# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.11 2016/03/28 21:37:25 sthen Exp $ COMMENT= transparent and scalable SSL/TLS interception DISTNAME= sslsplit-0.5.0 EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2 CATEGORIES= security HOMEPAGE= https://www.roe.ch/SSLsplit MAINTAINER= Stuart Henderson # SSLsplit: BSD, khash.h (header-based library): MIT PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes WANTLIB += c crypto event_core event_extra event_openssl event_pthreads WANTLIB += pthread ssl MASTER_SITES= https://mirror.roe.ch/rel/sslsplit/ LIB_DEPENDS= devel/libevent2 # following is expected unless MALLOC_FLAGS includes 'j': # "cert.t.c:65:F:cert_refcount_inc:cert_refcount_inc_01:0: refcount mismatch" # the test deliberately does a use-after-free TEST_DEPENDS= devel/check MAKE_FLAGS= MANDIR=man PREFIX=${TRUEPREFIX} USE_GMAKE= Yes MAKE_FILE= GNUmakefile .include