# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2011/11/13 16:07:09 pirofti Exp $ # Memory hog, stuck for days on the same file during build. NOT_FOR_ARCHS = sh COMMENT = Rakudo Perl 6 compiler PORTNAME = rakudo VERSION = 2011.07 DISTNAME = ${PORTNAME}-star-${VERSION} PKGNAME = ${PORTNAME}-${VERSION} PARROT_VERSION = 3.6.0 SUBST_VARS += PARROT_VERSION CATEGORIES = lang perl6 HOMEPAGE = http://rakudo.org/ MAINTAINER = Pascal Stumpf # Artistic 2 PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP = Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM =Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP = Yes WANTLIB = c icudata icui18n icuuc m ncurses parrot pthread WANTLIB += readline stdc++ util VMEM_WARNING = Yes MASTER_SITES = http://cloud.github.com/downloads/rakudo/star/ LIB_DEPENDS = lang/parrot>=${PARROT_VERSION} \ textproc/icu4c FAKE_FLAGS = PERL6LIB="${WRKINST}${PREFIX}/lib/parrot/${PARROT_VERSION}/languages/perl6/lib" CONFIGURE_STYLE = simple CONFIGURE_SCRIPT = /usr/bin/perl Configure.pl CONFIGURE_ARGS += --prefix=${PREFIX} \ --parrot-config="${LOCALBASE}/bin/parrot_config" REGRESS_TARGET = rakudo-test rakudo-spectest post-install: cd ${WRKSRC}/docs && ${INSTALL_DATA} UsingPerl6-draft.pdf \ cheatsheet.txt ${PREFIX}/share/doc/rakudo cd ${WRKSRC}/docs/announce && ${INSTALL_DATA} * \ ${PREFIX}/share/doc/rakudo/announce pre-regress: #no need to check out git repository perl -pi -e 's/spectest_checkout spectest_update// if /^testable/' \ ${WRKSRC}/rakudo/Makefile .include