.\" $OpenBSD: update-plist.1,v 1.15 2018/06/02 09:52:22 espie Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2018 Marc Espie .\" .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any .\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above .\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. .\" .\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES .\" WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF .\" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR .\" ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES .\" WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN .\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF .\" OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. .\" .Dd $Mdocdate: June 2 2018 $ .Dt UPDATE-PLIST 1 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm update-plist .Nd create or update packing-list(s) for a given port. .Sh SYNOPSIS .Ev PORTSDIR Ns = Ns Ar path .Op Ev FAKE_TREE_OWNER Ns = Ns Ar user Ev PORTS_TREE_OWNER Ns = Ns Ar user Nm doas .Nm .Op Fl Fmnqrvx .Op Fl C Ar dir .Op Fl E Ar ext .Op Fl e Ar ext .Op Fl i Ar var .Op Fl j Ar jobs .Op Fl S Ar var .Op Fl s Ar var .Op Fl X Ar path .Op Fl w Ar suffix .Fl - .Ar pkg_create_args ... .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm is a helper script for the target .Ar update-plist in .Xr bsd.port.mk 5 . .Pp Along with options and environment variables, .Nm uses the exact same options and arguments that would be passed to .Xr pkg_create 1 . Since .Xr pkg_create 1 normally takes one single actual .Ar pkgname , there is no ambiguity in .Ev MULTI_PACKAGES situations. .Pp The first set of arguments correspond to the .Sq default package . .Pp If .Ev PORTS_PRIVSEP is in effect, .Nm is run as root, but will switch back to .Ev FAKE_TREE_OWNER for scanning the installation directory and to .Ev PORTS_TREE_OWNER for writing packing-lists. .Pp .Nm may need to know the .Ev PORTSDIR location in order to scan dependencies to trim common directories. .Pp The options are as follows: .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Fl C Ar dir Use a cache directory .Ar dir for scanning dependencies. Beware that this directory should then be cleaned manually if the dependencies's packing-lists change. But this will speed up packing-list regeneration for ports with lots of dependencies significantly. .It Fl E Ar ext Write new files with .Ar ext extension instead of the default .Pa .new . .It Fl e Ar ext Preserve old files as .Ar ext extension instead of the default .Pa .orig . .It Fl F Do not try to run .Xr pkg_locate 1 . .It Fl i Ar var Ignore variable .Ar var for new substitutions. Only existing substitutions will be considered for the new lists. .It Fl j Ar jobs Use .Ar jobs concurrent .Xr pkg_locate 1 pipes. Default is .Sq hw.ncpu . .It Fl n Do not move the final packing-lists in position. Instead, leave the .Pa .new files for comparison. .It Fl q Quiet mode. Do not display status progress messages. Note that this is not the opposite of verbose mode. .It Fl r Run the .Pa fake directory scan as root. .It Fl S Ar var Consider variable for substitution only at the end of paths, e.g., for suffixes like .Pa .pyc or .Pa .pyo . .It Fl s Ar var Consider variable for substitution only at start of paths, e.g., for directories like .Pa /etc/rc.d or .Pa /usr/local . .It Fl v Verbose mode. Explain about directories stripped from dependencies. Note that this is not the opposite of quiet mode. .It Fl w Ar suffix Warn about suffixes such as .Ar .orig that (usually) should not end into packing-lists. .It Fl X Ar path Exclude file at absolute .Ar path from the information recorded in the packing-list. .El .Pp .Nm assumes all multi-packages live under the same installation directory .Po .Xr pkg_create 1 Ns 's .Fl B option .Pc , and it will scan all paths under that directory and dispatch them into corresponding subpackages, using the following heuristics: .Bl -bullet .It files that were in existing packing-list(s) will be kept in the same packing-list. .It new files and directories will be put in the packing-list that owns the corresponding directory. .It baring that, new files will be put into the first packing-list whose PREFIX fits. .El .Pp As far as possible, everything that looks like actual files will be sorted in alphabetical order, after variable substitutions. .Pp .Nm will warn for a lot of conditions, such as pre-formatted manpages, or files ending in pre-patch suffixes. Adding a .Cm @comment Ar intentional will silence the warning. For instance: .Bd -literal -offset indent @man man/ja_JP.EUC/cat1/kakasi.0 @comment intentional: mandoc does't handle this locale .Ed .Pp .Nm will also scan dependencies, in order to strip common directories. .Pp If the .Ar pkglocatedb package is installed, .Nm will make use of it and report unregistered conflicts. This can be disabled with .Fl F as it is time-consuming. .Pp Most .Ev SUBST_VARS variables will be back-substituted into the regenerated packing-lists, starting from the longest variable values. .Nm tries to keep existing substitutions. It does not add new substitutions on .Ev BASE_PKGPATH and .Ev BUILD_PKGPATH , it does only substitute .Ev FULLPKGNAME in .Pa share/doc/pkg-readmes and it currently does not add new substitutions for .Ev ARCH nor .Ev MACHINE_ARCH . .Pp Specific items such as shared libraries or binaries will gain annotations and special handling, for instance .Ev LIBlibname_VERSION . .Pp Existing packing-lists are scanned for non-file entries, such as .Cm newuser , .Cm mode , or .Cm exec markers. Those will be inserted into the updated packing-lists at the most likely position. .Pp .Nm will first write files as .Pa .new , then it will display which files are new and which files have changed. If old packing-lists already exist, it will move old packing lists into .Pa .orig unless these already exist, then move the new files into position. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr pkg_add 1 , .Xr pkg_create 1 , .Xr bsd.port.mk 5 .Sh BUGS AND LIMITATIONS .Nm might be the most complicated piece of the ports infrastructure. There will always be cases that require manual intervention. . Since .Ar fake is now run as non-root, .Nm can't figure out users and groups for new files, so these should be considered carefully.