# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.11 2020/03/09 12:18:50 solene Exp $ BROKEN-i386 = various always_inline functions require sse2, but would be inlined into function 'Loop' that is compiled without support for sse2 # asmjit in gzdoom-3.7.2 supports only x86 and arm/arm64 # arm/arm64 are only supported on Windows and Linux ONLY_FOR_ARCHS = i386 amd64 COMMENT = OpenGL engine for idTech 1 games like doom,hexen,heretic... V = 4.3.3 GH_ACCOUNT = coelckers GH_PROJECT = gzdoom GH_TAGNAME = g${V} DISTNAME = gzdoom-${V} CATEGORIES= games HOMEPAGE = https://zdoom.org MAINTAINER = Timo Myyra # GPLv3 PERMIT_PACKAGE = Yes WANTLIB += ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} SDL2 bz2 c execinfo jpeg m mpg123 WANTLIB += openal sndfile z COMPILER = base-clang ports-gcc MODULES = devel/cmake CONFIGURE_ARGS += -DNO_GTK=ON CONFIGURE_ARGS += -DDYN_OPENAL=NO -DDYN_MPG123=NO -DDYN_SNDFILE=NO CONFIGURE_ARGS += -DFLUIDSYNTHLIB1="libfluidsynth.so" CONFIGURE_ARGS += -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 LIB_DEPENDS = audio/mpg123 \ audio/openal \ archivers/bzip2 \ devel/libexecinfo \ graphics/jpeg \ devel/sdl2 NO_TEST = Yes .include