# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.124 2020/09/17 08:16:03 sthen Exp $ COMMENT= Berkeley Internet Name Daemon: DNS server and tools # Odd numbers devel, even numbers stable, ESV branched occasionally. # 9.16.x is ESV. V= 9.16.7 PORTROACH= limitw:1,even EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.xz EPOCH= 0 DISTNAME= bind-$V PKGNAME= isc-bind-${V:S/-P/pl/} # in shared_libs.log but not installed: isc-nosymtbl, t_api SHARED_LIBS += isc 7.0 SHARED_LIBS += isccc 3.0 SHARED_LIBS += dns 9.4 SHARED_LIBS += isccfg 4.1 SHARED_LIBS += bind9 1.0 SHARED_LIBS += irs 3.0 SHARED_LIBS += ns 0.0 CATEGORIES= net HOMEPAGE= https://www.isc.org/bind/ MAINTAINER= Stuart Henderson # MPL 2.0 PERMIT_PACKAGE= Yes WANTLIB += c crypto iconv idn2 json-c lzma m pthread unistring uv xml2 z MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_ISC:=bind9/$V/} MODULES= lang/python MODPY_VERSION= ${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_3} # used for dnssec-checkds/dnssec-coverage, but don't want to force the run dep. MODPY_RUNDEP= No BUILD_DEPENDS= devel/py-ply${MODPY_FLAVOR} LIB_DEPENDS= converters/libiconv \ devel/json-c \ devel/libidn2 \ devel/libuv \ textproc/libxml DEBUG_PACKAGES= ${BUILD_PACKAGES} CONFIGURE_STYLE= autoconf AUTOCONF_VERSION= 2.69 LIBTOOL_FLAGS= --tag=disable-static CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-full-report \ --with-libtool \ --with-libidn2 \ --without-lmdb \ --without-readline \ --without-cmocka \ --with-python=${MODPY_BIN} COMPILER= base-clang ports-gcc COMPILER_LANGS= c .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Mhppa} WANTLIB += atomic LIB_DEPENDS += ${MODGCC4_CPPLIBDEP} MAKE_FLAGS += LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -latomic" .endif .include # we don't link with libgcc, use the c++abi unwinder instead .if ${PROPERTIES:Mclang} MAKE_FLAGS += UNWINDERLIB=-lc++abi WANTLIB += c++abi .endif FAKE_FLAGS= sysconfdir=${PREFIX}/share/examples/bind9 FLAVORS= geoip FLAVOR?= .if ${FLAVOR:Mgeoip} LIB_DEPENDS+= net/libmaxminddb WANTLIB+= maxminddb .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-geoip .endif # not strictly speaking interactive, but it configures temporary addresses on # lo0 as root, so let's try and avoid running it unintentionally TEST_IS_INTERACTIVE= Yes TEST_DEPENDS= sysutils/coreutils pre-test: @echo '*** tests still need more work in the port - server processes not starting' cd ${WRKSRC}/bin/tests/system && ${SUDO} ./ifconfig.sh up ln -fs ${LOCALBASE}/bin/gseq ${WRKDIR}/bin/seq post-test: cd ${WRKSRC}/bin/tests/system && ${SUDO} ./ifconfig.sh down post-install: .for i in dig nslookup host ln -fs $i ${PREFIX}/bin/e$i; ln -fs $i.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1/e$i.1 .endfor ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/[a-z]* ${PREFIX}/share/examples/bind9/ .include