#!/usr/bin/perl # $OpenBSD: check-conflicts,v 1.4 2013/10/12 10:17:13 espie Exp $ # Copyright (c) 2000-2005 # Marc Espie. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Neither the name of OpenBSD nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ITS AUTHOR AND THE OpenBSD project ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # check all packages in the current directory, and report conflicts which # are not apparent in @pkgcfl. use strict; use File::Spec; use File::Path; use OpenBSD::PackageInfo; use OpenBSD::PackingList; use OpenBSD::AddCreateDelete; use OpenBSD::PkgCfl; package OpenBSD::PackingElement; sub register { } sub known_page { } sub add_extra_manpage { } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase; my $pkg_list = {}; my $seen = {}; sub register { my ($self, $all_conflict, $all_deps, $pkgname) = @_; my $file = File::Spec->canonpath($self->fullname); # build one single list for each pkgnames combination if (exists $all_conflict->{$file}) { $pkg_list->{$all_conflict->{$file}}->{$pkgname} ||= [@{$all_conflict->{$file}}, $pkgname ]; $all_conflict->{$file} = $pkg_list->{$all_conflict->{$file}}->{$pkgname}; } elsif (exists $seen->{$file}) { $pkg_list->{$seen->{$file}}->{$pkgname} ||= [ @{$seen->{$file}}, $pkgname ]; $all_conflict->{$file} = $pkg_list->{$seen->{$file}}->{$pkgname}; delete $seen->{$file}; } else { $pkg_list->{$pkgname} ||= [$pkgname]; $seen->{$file} = $pkg_list->{$pkgname}; } } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Depend; sub register { my ($self, $all_conflict, $all_deps, $pkgname) = @_; if (defined $self->{def}) { push @{$all_deps->{$pkgname}}, $self->{def}; } } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Manpage; sub is_dest { my $self = shift; return $self->name =~ m/man\/cat[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\.0$/o; } sub dest_to_source { my $self = shift; my $v = $self->name; $v =~ s/(man\/)cat([^\/]+)(\/[^\/]+)\.0$/$1man$2$3.$2/; return $v; } sub known_page { my ($self, $h) = @_; $h->{File::Spec->canonpath($self->fullname)} = 1; } sub add_extra_manpage { my ($self, $known, $plist) = @_; if ($self->is_source) { my $dest = $self->source_to_dest; my $fullname = $self->cwd."/".$dest; my $file = File::Spec->canonpath($fullname); if (!$known->{$file}) { OpenBSD::PackingElement::Manpage->add($plist, $dest); $known->{$file} = 1; } } if ($self->is_dest) { my $src = $self->dest_to_source; my $fullname = $self->cwd."/".$src; my $file = File::Spec->canonpath($fullname); if (!$known->{$file}) { OpenBSD::PackingElement::Manpage->add($plist, $src); $known->{$file} = 1; } } } package main; my $cache = {}; my $cache2 = {}; my $cache3 = {}; my $cache4 = {}; sub add_more_man { my $plist = shift; my $knownman = {}; $plist->known_page($knownman); $plist->add_extra_manpage($knownman, $plist); } sub direct_conflict { my ($conflicts, $pkg, $pkg2) = @_; return $cache3->{$pkg}{$pkg2} //= $conflicts->{$pkg}->conflicts_with($pkg2); } sub has_a_conflict { my ($conflicts, $deps, $pkg, $pkg2) = @_; return $cache4->{$pkg}{$pkg2} //= find_a_conflict($conflicts, $deps, $pkg, $pkg2); } sub find_a_conflict { my ($conflicts, $deps, $pkg, $pkg2) = @_; return 0 if $pkg eq $pkg2; if (defined $conflicts->{$pkg} && direct_conflict($conflicts, $pkg, $pkg2)) { return 1; } if (defined $deps->{$pkg}) { for my $dep (@{$deps->{$pkg}}) { if (has_a_conflict($conflicts, $deps, $dep, $pkg2)) { return 1; } } } if (defined $deps->{$pkg2}) { for my $dep (@{$deps->{$pkg2}}) { if (has_a_conflict($conflicts, $deps, $pkg, $dep)) { return 1; } } } return 0; } sub compute_true_conflicts { my ($l, $conflicts, $deps) = @_; # create a list of unconflicting packages. my $l2 = []; for my $pkg (@$l) { my $keepit = 0; for my $pkg2 (@$l) { next if $pkg eq $pkg2; if (!(has_a_conflict($conflicts, $deps, $pkg, $pkg2) || has_a_conflict($conflicts, $deps, $pkg2, $pkg))) { $keepit = 1; last; } } if ($keepit) { push(@$l2, $pkg); } } return $l2; } sub compute_problems { my ($ui, $h, $conflicts, $deps) = @_; my $c = {}; my $c2 = {}; my $total = scalar(keys %$h); my $i =0; while (my ($key, $l) = each %$h) { $ui->progress->show(++$i, $total); if (!defined $c->{$l}) { my %s = map {($_, 1)} @$l; $c->{$l} = [sort keys %s]; $c2->{$l} = join(',', @{$c->{$l}}); } my $hv = $c2->{$l}; $l = $c->{$l}; next if @$l == 1; if (!defined $cache->{$hv}) { $cache->{$hv} = compute_true_conflicts($l, $conflicts, $deps); } my $result = $cache->{$hv}; if (@$result != 0) { my $newkey = join(',', @$result); if (@$result == 1) { $newkey.="-> was ".join(',', @$l); } push(@{$cache2->{$newkey}}, $key); } } } my $filehash={}; my %dirhash=(); my $conflicts={}; my $dephash={}; our ($opt_d, $opt_e, $opt_p, $opt_v); sub handle_plist { my ($ui, $filename, $plist) = @_; if (!defined $plist) { $ui->errsay("Error reading #1", $filename); return; } $ui->say("#1 -> #2", $filename, $plist->pkgname) if $ui->verbose; $plist->forget; $conflicts->{$plist->pkgname} = OpenBSD::PkgCfl->make_conflict_list($plist); if ($opt_e) { add_more_man($plist); } $plist->register($filehash, $dephash, $plist->pkgname); } sub handle_file { my ($ui, $filename) = @_; my $plist = OpenBSD::PackingList->fromfile($filename); handle_plist($ui, $filename, $plist); } sub handle_portspath { my ($ui, $path) = @_; foreach (split(/:/, $path)) { handle_portsdir($ui, $_); } } sub handle_portsdir { my ($ui, $dir) = @_; my $make = $ENV{MAKE} || 'make'; open(my $input, "cd $dir && $make print-plist-all |"); my $done = 0; while (!$done) { my $plist = OpenBSD::PackingList->read($input, sub { my ($fh, $cont) = @_; local $_; while (<$fh>) { return if m/^\=\=\=\> /o; next unless m/^\@(?:cwd|name|info|man|file|lib|shell|bin|conflict|comment\s+subdir\=)\b/o || !m/^\@/o; &$cont($_); } $done = 1; }); if (defined $plist && $plist->pkgname()) { handle_plist($ui, $dir, $plist); $ui->progress->working(10); } } } my $ui = OpenBSD::AddCreateDelete::State->new('check-conflicts'); $ui->handle_options('d:ep:', '[-ve] [-d plist_dir] [-p ports_dir] [pkgname ...]'); $ui->progress->set_header("Scanning"); $opt_d = $ui->opt('d'); $opt_p = $ui->opt('p'); $opt_e = $ui->opt('e'); if ($opt_d) { opendir(my $dir, $opt_d); my @l = readdir $dir; closedir($dir); $ui->progress->for_list("Scanning", \@l, sub { my $pkgname = shift; return if $pkgname eq '.' or $pkgname eq '..'; handle_file($ui, "$opt_d/$pkgname"); }); } elsif ($opt_p) { handle_portspath($ui, $opt_p); } elsif (@ARGV==0) { @ARGV=(<*.tgz>); } $ui->progress->for_list("Scanning", \@ARGV, sub { my $pkgname = shift; my $true_package = $ui->repo->find($pkgname); return unless $true_package; my $dir = $true_package->info; $true_package->close; handle_file($ui, $dir.CONTENTS); rmtree($dir); }); $ui->progress->next; $ui->progress->set_header("File problems"); compute_problems($ui, $filehash, $conflicts, $dephash); for my $cfl (sort keys %$cache2) { $ui->say("#1", $cfl); for my $f (sort @{$cache2->{$cfl}}) { $ui->say("\t#1", $f); } }